

Academic Performance for Students from Low-Income Families: Assessment and Management Strategy

【作者】 陆晓莉

【导师】 吴荣先;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小学是基础素质教育阶段,是义务教育的起始阶段,研究小学贫困家庭学生的学习现状,符合马克思关于人的全面发展学说的理论,体现个体成长的需要,有助于促进贫困家庭子女的健康发展,有助于改变弱势群体受教育的不公平现象。此次研究是以南京市浦口区一小学为主要研究对象,测量工具包括自制的学生学习现状调查表、父母教养方式调查表,另外还对教师和贫困家庭学生进行了访谈,在科学分析的基础上,与非贫困家庭学生进行了对比,从家庭、学校和社会三个方面找出了导致贫困家庭学生学习习惯不好,学习动机不强、学习成绩普遍较差的主要原因其中既有父母文化程度、父母的教养方式、对孩子学习的重视程度等原因,又有学校的校园环境、教育理念、教师特征等原因,还与社会的大环境有很大关系。针对小学生的心理和生理特点,提出了家庭要创造良好的家庭学习环境、采用正确的教养方式、培养孩子良好的学习习惯,学校要帮助贫困家庭学生远离心理危机、帮助学习不理想的贫困家庭学生解决学习上的困难、因材施教,保护贫困家庭学生的求知欲、树立起榜样的作用,社会应完善贫困家庭最低生活保障制度、构建并加强贫困家庭子女义务教育的救助、开设非营利性质的课外兴趣班、加强对优秀贫困家庭学生的宣传等管理对策。

【Abstract】 Elementary school, the early stage of compulsory free education, is critical in establishing students’ basic learning skills. Studying the academic performance of students from low-income families is of significance to the growth of individual potentials and can help improve the learning environment for children at disadvantage. In this report, we conduct a survey in an elementary school at Pukou county, using customized criteria to measure the students’ academic performance, a self-designed form for evaluating parenting styles, along with the face-to-face interviews with school teachers and students. We show that low-income students, on average, lack of study motivation and show poorer academic performance in comparing with students from medium or high-income families. Possible reasons behind such performance gaps include the education levels of the parents, differences in parenting style, and study efforts from parents. The performance gap may also result from the learning environment in schools, differences in teaching philosophy of teachers and the changing society we all live in. Our results point to different strategies to improve the academic performance for low-income students, including the set-up of a good learning environment both in schools and at home, improvement in the quality of parenting and increased efforts from parents. Narrowing the academic performance gaps also require schools to help improve the self-confidence of students, conduct individualized teaching, and nurture the curiosity of learning. Our government should continue the establishment of the minimal living standard, providing financial support for the low-income families. We should encourage the formation of study groups outside of the regular school hours through the non-profit organizations, and provide additional support for low-income students showing potentials for high academic achievements.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

