

Influence of Traditional Chinese Painting on Modern Art of the Blue and White Porcelain

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 秦锡麟;

【作者基本信息】 景德镇陶瓷学院 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 青花是我国陶瓷艺术宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。它的产生、发展与繁荣,无时无刻不渗透着我们浓郁的东方艺术气息。同时,也为中国的艺术文化印下了辉煌的足迹。自元、明、清直至现代,青花艺术经久不衰,受到全世界的赞赏。现代青花艺术是传统青花艺术延伸、发展、蜕变的结果。而传统青花艺术在不同朝代更替和历史积淀的基础上,运用长期积累的艺术实践经验和极其熟练的技巧,以简练的笔墨描绘物像,形成了不重形似,而求神似的传统中国画风。至今,在艺术学科相互交叉、渗透的影响下,现代青花艺术在创作中仍然保留了传统中国画的精髓,它把传统中国画艺术的精髓和青花本身所具有的素雅融为一体,使人从中感受到一种与众不同的现代青花艺术之美。本文围绕传统中国画对现代青花所产生的影响为中心点,文章侧重从审美理念、构图布局、色彩搭配、笔墨技法等方面着手,深入地分析两者之间的关系及其影响。在论文的每一章节中,笔者通过大量的图象实例来进行比较和归纳,更进一步地把两者之间存在着影响性进行了认真的梳理。从而全面论述出传统中国画对现代青花的影响。

【Abstract】 Blue and white porcelain is a dazzling pearl of art, in the course of whose production, development and prosperity, it shows strong oriental art. from Yuan、Ming、Qing Dynasty, blue and white that has come through several hundred years receives the wordwide appreciation and admiration.Modern art is the result from extension, development and changing of the traditional blue and white art. On the basis of historical accumulation, because traditional blue and white porcelain owns long-term accumulation of the art experience and extremely skilled skills, it can provide some concise descripition of expression, which shows some tracks of traditional Chinese painting. So far, in the creation of modern blue and white porcelain, the essences of traditional Chinese paintings are retained. It combines the essence of traditonal Chinese painting with simple but elegant of itself, which brings a unique style of modern blue and white art works.In the paper, centre on effection of tradtional Chinese painting on modern blue and white porcelain, from the perspective of aesthetic idea、composition layout、color arrangement and painting skills, relationship between tradtional Chinese painting and modern blue and white are in-depth analysis, including effection of tradtional Chinese painting on modern blue and white. In the every chapter of paper, through comparation and summarize of a lot of images, the relation of them is further discussed and a comprehensive exposition of impact of traditiona Chinese painting on modern blue and white porcelain is shown.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【下载频次】129

