

Research on TA Brand Production Strategy of Establishment and Implement of Seheart Co., LTD

【作者】 张文强

【导师】 马钦海; 俞竹超;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 企业面临的外部经济环境瞬息万变,生产战略管理实践日益受到企业管理者的高度重视。如何有效地利用企业资源,制定与企业外部环境相适应的生产战略,已成为企业生存和发展的头等大事。然而,生产战略的制定并不是企业成功的标志,而仅代表一个良好的开端,有效地实施企业所制定的生产战略才是企业成功的关键。Management Game课程模拟了一个典型的多国市场竞争环境,各公司的运作及管理涉及到营销、生产、财务、研发等诸多方面。参与者通过“经营”一家在模拟的国际化的市场环境中动态竞争的跨国公司,学习如何在不确定的环境中和限定的时间压力下通过相互协作制定并实施公司战略规划。本文是基于参与模拟经营的羲和国际表业公司的TA品牌生产战略实践而写成的。羲和国际表业公司是MG环境中的虚拟公司之一,总部设在美国的跨国公司,在美国、中国和瑞士设有生产和研发基地,以高、中档腕表为主要产品,产品销往全球三大洲的六个国家。基于对羲和表业公司2008~2010年度三年的TA品牌生产运营战略管理实践,本文详细阐述了经营过程中的TA品牌生产战略的制定与执行,主要内容包括TA品牌生产战略环境分析、TA品牌生产战略的制定和调整、以及TA品牌生产战略的实施和评价等。

【Abstract】 The external economic environment that enterprises face is changing quickly, and production strategic management practice is paid close attention to by enterprise’s administrator day by day. How to utilize enterprise resources effectively, it is strategic to make the production affairs in conformity with enterprise’s external environment condition, has already become the significant task that enterprises have survived and developed. But, the production strategy formulation certainly is not the symbol that the enterprise succeeds, but only represents a good beginning. To effectively implement the production strategy that the enterprise formulates is only the key that the enterprise succeeds.Management Game simulates a typical multinational competition environment. Each company in this simulative environment manages the marketing, production, finance, R&D, etc. Students "manage" a multinational incorporation in a dynamic competitive environment to learn how to establish and implement incorporation strategy collaboratively under time pressure in the uncertain environment. This dissertation is written with the information based on the production strategy practice of Seheart Incorporation TA brand in the simulation.Seheart Incorporation of author participating, one of the dummy companies that participate in MG is an international company whose head quarter located in USA. It has two manufacturing plants in USA and China, one R&D center in Swiss. The wristwatch of high or middle grade is the main product and sold to six countries of three continents in this world. On the basis of the TA brand management from 2008 to 2010 simulated by Seheart Incorporation, this article expatiate the establishment and implementation of TA brand production stratagem in the process of the enterprise management, including TA brand production strategic environment analysis, establishment and adjustment of TA brand production strategies and along with the implementation and appraisal of TA brand production stratagem etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F416.87
  • 【下载频次】55

