

A Research on Training Measures of Independent College Student’s Innovation Ability

【作者】 刘其志

【导师】 赵希男;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 独立学院是专指由普通本科高校按新机制新方式举办的本科层次的二级学院。它作为民办高校中一种崭新的特殊办学形式,既是高等教育自身改革的产物,又充当着高等教育各种教育教学改革的先锋。然而,独立学院作为我国教育制度创新的产物,依然存在很多问题,例如:教学质量不高,专业面偏窄,缺少鲜明的办学特色,照搬母体学校的人才培养模式和目标,没有相对稳定的专任教师队伍,就业形势严峻等等。为了跟上社会和知识的发展,培养出大批具有创新精神和创新意识的人才,体现出独立学院应有的特色,有必要对独立学院的人才培养进行改革。本文运用文献法、问卷调查法、案例分析法、定性和定量相结合的研究方法对独立学院人才培养进行了研究。为了解目前独立学院学生的心理、行为特点,设计了“独立学院学生情况调查问卷”问卷,对沈阳化工学院科亚学院的学生进行了调查研究。通过到企业访谈了解了现阶段企业人才需求的特点,有针对性的提出了独立学院培养创新能力的方法和途径。本文分为七章,第一章为绪论,介绍论文的选题目的及研究方法。第二章对独立学院的现状进行了分析,并指出了在人才培养方面存在的问题。第三章对创新能力的概念、构成要素、分类进行了阐述。第四章通过调查问卷分析,总结了独立学院学生的心理、行为特点。第五章分析了企业最关注的员工素质。第六章结合国内外高校的经验,提出独立学院培养创新能力的初步对策。第七章是结论。

【Abstract】 The independent college refers to the secondary college operated by ordinary institution of higher learning adopting new mechanism and new pattern. As a brand-new and special mode of running school, the independent college is not only the result of high education reformation, but also acts as the vanguard of various educations and teaching reformation. However, as an innovation of Chinese education system, many problems still exist in the independent college, such as, teaching quality, narrow professional face, the lack of distinct characteristics, maternal copy of the school personnel training measures and goals, not the relative stability of full-time teachers, employment situation is grim, and so on. In order to keep pace with the social and intellectual development, cultivate a large number of people of innovative and creative sense, reflect the characteristics of the independent college, there is a need for an independent college to carry out the reform of personnel training.This article documents the use of law, the survey method, case analysis, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods on the independent college for the Study of personnel training. In order to understand the current independent college student’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, the design of "independent college student survey questionnaire" has been made. The Shen yang Institute of Chemical Technology Keya college students conducted the investigations. Furthermore the enterprises interview makes it clear of the needs of entrepreneurs at this stage, and puts forward the targeted ways and means to cultivate the innovative ability in the independent college.This article is divided into seven chapters, chapter I for the introduction, introducing the topic and purpose of the study. Chapter II analyzes the current situation and pointed out the drawbacks in training in independent college. Chapter III of the innovative concepts, the elements, classified and expatiated. Chapter IV, through the analysis of questionnaires, sums up the student’s of independent college psychological and behavioral characteristics. Chapter V analyzes the quality of staff which enterprises are most concerned. Chapter VI of the experience of colleges and universities at home and abroad, build a preliminary model for the independent college to faster an innovation and the ability. Chapter VII is the conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

