

Research on Technical Services in New Product Development

【作者】 陈大勇

【导师】 于天彪;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和市场竞争的日益加剧,机械行业中小型企业要想提高效益,获得利润以保证在市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须不断地开发新产品,并缩短产品的生产周期来降低产品的生产成本,长期以来,我国机械制造企业的新产品开发存在着严重的问题,依旧是传统模式下分散的技术服务组织形式,这种技术服务模式严重制约着企业对于新产品的开发进程。因此,如何为企业在新产品开发中提供优质的技术服务,已成为新产品开发过程中的关键所在。本课题的主要研究工作有:(1)查阅了国内外大量文献资料的基础上,对新产品开发中的技术服务的发展现状,发展趋势做了深刻的论述,阐明了本课题研究的重要性和意义。(2)对新产品开发中的产品开发风险等级评价做了理论上的分析和概述,在和其他评价方法比较之后,选择了粗糙集理论和层次分析法组合,用于产品风险等级评价,有效的避免了以往评价方法主观权重过大而造成的评价精度不足的现象,建立了两者的组合权重模型,确定了评价值公式,并以沈阳重型的产品为例,进行风险评价,最后依照评价对象的风险等级进行排序,对开发风险高的产品予以回避。(3)分析了网络化制造环境下,新产品开发技术服务中协同技术的实现,提出了面向企业集团内部进行协同的模式和协同的具体内容。阐述了PDM的研究现状、具体应用功能,提出了基于PDM的协同技术服务层次模型,分别为支撑层、服务层、应用层,说明了各层次之间的联系及各层次的功能作用,介绍了协同技术中的关键技术—工作流技术,并应用PDM和工作流技术实现了技术服务人员的动态管理以及协同服务过程的管理模型。(4)对技术服务系统进行总体设计,依据机械行业的特点和企业的具体技术服务需求,确定了系统的总体框架,分为产品评价决策、设备服务、工艺服务、产品质量服务、技术培训、用户管理等模块。(5)介绍了系统的软件结构,采用B/S结构,提出了系统的层次模型,分为客户层、应用层、数据层。说明了系统的开发工具和具体的运行环境,最后,对原型系统的运行进行实例说明。

【Abstract】 With economic development and increasing market competition, in machinery industry, if small and medium enterprises want to improve efficiency and profits in order to ensure competition in the market with an invincible position, they must constantly develop new products and shorten the production cycle to reduce production costs. Therefore, how to provide the quality of technical services for new product development has become the key to the process. This paper presents a web-based new product development system, the concept of technical services, and implementation of the system, as well as describes how to carry out necessary function modules.The main research topics are:(1) On the basis of a large number of documents at home and abroad, the paper have done a profound exposition of development and trends of technical services in the development of new products , as well as clarify the importance and significance.(2) Has done a theoretical analysis and overview on product risk rating in the development of new products. And after the comparisons with other evaluation methods, I chose the RST theory and AHP portfolio risk rating for the products.The establishment of the weight of a combination for the two models were evaluated to determine the value of the formula, and take products of Shenyang Zhongxing for example, carrying out risk assessment and risk evaluation in accordance with the sort hierarchy.(3) Analysis of the networked manufacturing environment, new product development, technical services in the realization of collaborative technologies, the paper put forward a business-oriented model for collaboration within the specific content and collaboration. PDM research on the status quo, the specific application functions, based on collaborative PDM technical services layer model, namely, support layer, service layer, application layer, illustrates the links between various levels and levels of function, introduced Collaborative technology critical technology - workflow technology and the application of PDM and workflow technology to achieve a technical service personnel management, and dynamic collaborative process management model of service.(4) Make a design for technical services system, based on the characteristics of mechanical industry specific technology and business service needs, determine the overall framework of the system, which is divided into product evaluation decision-making, equipment management, collaborative process management, quality management processes, staff training, the user management module.(5) The paper introduce system software architecture, the use of B/S structure, present a system-level model, which is divided into client layer, application layer and data layer. Describes the tools and specific operating environment of system development, and finally, illustrate the operation of the prototype system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

