

【作者】 陈江霞

【导师】 陈隆文; 袁祖亮;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 河南历来为兵家必争之地,所谓得中原者得天下。伴随着争战产生的除了坚固的城池之外,还有关隘。河南省古代关隘众多,豫西豫北豫南均有大量分布,独豫东地区由于地形平坦无阻而无关隘。知名者如函谷关、虎牢关、义阳三关。这些关隘不但在战争时期发挥重大作用,在平时也是交通要道。函谷关在历史上很长一段时间内是东西政治势力的分界线,虎牢关在郑洛大道上的地位举足轻重,义阳三关历来是南上北下的通衢。历史军事地理的研究历来为历史地理研究的薄弱环节,对防御工事关隘的研究以陕西、山西两省居多。河南古关隘研究成果并不多见。对河南古代关隘研究最深入透彻者,莫过于史念海先生。史念海先生着重研究了函谷关周围古代的地理形势,并结合函谷关南北侧翼关隘系统论述了函谷关作为东西方分界线时的军事地理位置,十分透彻。另外,陈有忠先生和陈隆文老师分别对虎牢关做过深入考辨。通过陈老师的考辨,我们知道:虎牢关和成皋关并非一回事,由于黄河的摆动,虎牢关旧址早已淹没在滔滔的河水之中。豫南和豫西南地区关隘研究成果并不多见,缺乏有见地的观点出现。本文共分四章,第一章是绪论,即关隘的研究现状、本文的选题过程和创新之处。第二章写河南古代关隘概况,包括关隘的总体数量,并根据《大清一统志》和《读史方舆纪要》按行政区列出各地关隘。其中第三章为重点部分,分豫西、豫北、豫东南、豫南四个部分,分别写四个地区的代表性关隘:函谷关、虎牢关、鲁阳关、义阳三关。分别从关隘最早出现的时间,关隘的地望以及关隘在特定历史时期所发生的特定作用来阐述。换言之就是,为什么在这个地方设关,设关的意义何在,何时发挥最大作用,又为何会湮灭。最后一章为对当今旅游业的启示,通过对河南古代关隘分布情况的总体把握,以期提出有意义之建议并为世所用。文章的写作目的是旨在通过对河南古代关隘的系统性论述以使人对其有所了解并期望对当今旅游的发展有所裨益,对军事战争的指导起借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Henan was always the battlefield of history,so called who control the centrai planet,he is it’s owner.not only solid city castle being built,but also pass because of the war.Henan Province has a lot of passes in ancient periods,many of them are located in West and North of Henan Province,some of them are very famous,such as Hangu Pass,Fulao Pass,Yiyang Three Pass.These passes not only play important roles in war,but also are a vital communications line.Hangu pass is the boundary line of East and West Political Powers in a long history period,Hulao Pass plays huge roles in Zheng-Luo Road,Yiyan Three Pass is always a major thoroughfare of South and North.The most thoroughful research on Henan ancient times passes,nothing better than Mr.Shi Nianhai.Mr.Shi Nianhai has studied the geography situation which around Hanguguan ancient times’ s emphatically,and unified the Passes which stands in the north and south of Hanguguan,they are systems,elaborate the military geography position of Hanguguan took when it is the boundary of East and West.it was very thorough.Moreover,Mr.Chen Youzhong and Mr Chen Longwen has tested thoroughly separately of Hulao Pass.through the test of Mr Chen, we know:Hulao Pass and Chenggao are not the same things,they are just tuo passes. Because of Yellow River’ s swinging,the old Hulao Pass has been covered by the Yellow River.results of the research on the passes which stood South part of Henan has not been seen.And lacks of the viewpoint charpter to appear.This paper has four chapter,first writes the general situation of Henan history pass,the third chapter is the key parts,including west Henan Province,North Henan Province,East and South Henan Province and South Henan Province,and individually describing the representative pass of four places.The last chapter is the apocalypse for today’s tourism.We intend to make people know more and make the tourism benefit from our systematic description about Henan ancient pass.

【关键词】 河南古代关隘
【Key words】 HenanAncientPass
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】K207
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】397

