

【作者】 鲍颖建

【导师】 张国硕;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 郑韩故城是春秋战国时期郑国与韩国的都城。为都城安全计,二国建立了行之有效的军事防御体系。研究郑韩故城的防御体系,有着较重要的学术意义及现实意义。本文着重从故城的选址、对自然屏障的倚重、都城及周边地区的军事设施、精神防御等方面进行研究。文章分为如下几部分:绪论:对相关概念进行界定,概述了郑韩故城的研究历史、现状以及本文的研究意义及方法。第一章:着重介绍了郑韩故城的选址及对自然屏障的倚重。郑城选址于双洎河与黄水河交汇处的高台地上,其周围有不少高山、河流、关隘等自然屏障可以凭恃。第二章:主要分析了都城地区的军事防御措施。郑、韩建造有规模宏大的城址,并将宫城建于都城内的高亢处;运用城郭制及高台建筑;修筑稳固的城墙、复杂的城门与道路,并设立护城河;建造有瓮城马面以及众多的贮粮窖穴,并拥有精良的兵器;这些措施加强了都城地区的防御能力。第三章:介绍了郑、韩在都城周邻地区设立的一系列军事防御设施:辅都、军事重镇、军事据点及长城等。第四章:简要分析了郑韩故城的精神防御构成,在城址设计上注意聚气与避邪,庙宇建筑可对敌人产生精神震慑,通过祭祀又可求得自然神与祖先神的护佑。这些措施的采取均可使都城内居民的安全心理得以寄托。结语:总结全文的主要研究成果。并进一步指出,尽管郑韩故城防御体系的效果是明显的,但随着郑、韩军事力量的衰弱,郑城的军事防御体系逐渐瓦解。

【Abstract】 The Original Town of Zheng and Han is the capital of Zheng State and Han State during Spring & Autumn Period and Warring States Period. For the sake of the safety of their capital, both of the two states established an effective system of military defense. Researches on defense system of it are of great academic and practical significance. The author mainly conducts a research on it from such aspects as site selection of the Original Town, dependence on natural screens, military facilities of the capital and surrounding areas, and spiritual defense. This thesis consists of the following parts.In introduction, the author defines related concepts, reviews the research situations on the Original Town, and then states the research significance and methodology of this thesis.In chapter one, the author introduces its site selection and dependence on natural screens. The capital was located at the high-level place where Shuangji River and Huangshui River joined, in the surrounding of which there were such natural protective screens such as mountains, rivers, and passes to depend on.In chapter two, the author examines the measures of military defense of the capital area. Zheng and Han states constructed a large-scale town site, solid town walls, firm town gates, roads, and numerous grain-storage pits. Taking advantage of the system of inner and outer city walls, and high-platform buildings, they set up such facilities as moats, enceintes of town gates, and abutment walls on the city walls. Through all of these measures, the defense ability of the capital area was strengthened.In chapter three, the author discusses such facilities of military defense established in surrounding areas of the capital as complementary capitals, towns and strong points of military importance, and long walls.In chapter four, the author concerns the construction of spiritual defense of the Original Town. When designing the town site, they paid attention to gathering Qi together and avoiding evil spirits. Temples could frighten enemies spiritually. Sacrifice could pray for the protection and help of natural gods and forefathers. In so doing, their residents’ psychology of safety was satisfied.In conclusion, the author sums up the main research results of the thesis. The author points out that although the defense system of the Original Town was very effective, it collapsed gradually as the military power of Zheng and Han states was becoming weaker and weaker.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】237

