

On Moral Essence and Charm of Personality of Yan Hui

【作者】 邢琴琴

【导师】 贾滨;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 颜回是孔子三千子弟中最得意的弟子,是中国传统文化的重要代表人物之一。他虽然没有留下专门著作,也没有留下具体的业绩,但按照儒家“三不朽”的标准,他仍无愧于一个“不朽”的人物。颜回主要在“立德”方面为后人树立了一个可资借鉴的典范。本文我共分为四个章节。第一章首先是对颜回家族做了简单的叙述,主要是从颜回本人简单的生平和其家族的起源两个方面论述的。第二章我主要从颜回德行品质形成的背景、德行品质所包涵的四个方面的内含及德行品质形成的四个方面的具体原因做了比较详细的阐述。因为颜回的德行品质具有审美的非功利性,这是与人格的高尚是相通的,所以第三章我写的是颜回德行品质所富有的五个方面的审美价值。第四章我写了颜回德行品质所体现出的四个方面的人性魅力,特别是对颜氏之儒所唤发出的经久不衰的魅力做了较多的论述。总之,颜回德行品质有其形成的社会文化背景与个人因素,在其影响下形成的德行品质主要有求仁为仁、尊师重教、志向高洁和安贫乐道等内容。而这些品质的形成也是经过勤奋好学、自我修养、乐观精神和师友影响等培养和冶铸的,同时颜回德行品质富有的审美价值不管在历史上还是在现在都在熠熠生辉。这都是颜回本身德行光芒的折射,都是颜回德行品质所富涵人性魅力的彰显。他以高尚的道德人格品质影响于后世以至于今天,无愧于位居七十二贤之首。

【Abstract】 Yan Hui was the most favored disciple of Confucius, and one of the important master in Chinese traditional culture history. Even Yan Hui did not proliferate masterpiece or work, he, according to the standard of "three-immortality", was very worthy of immortality in history. Yan Hui erected model in terms of moral essence for later human beings.This thesis focuses on moral essence of Yan Hui and his charm of personality, and consists of four chapters. Chapter one makes brief narration of Yan Hui familiy. The life of Yan Hui and the origin of Yan Hui family are included in this chapter. Chapter two probes into the backgroud in which Yan Hui moral essence was originated and four aspects of Yan Hui moral essence as well as the specific reason for each aspect. Since Yan Hui moral essence has the merit of non-utilitarian from the perspective of aesthetics, which is compatible with personal nobality. Chapter four illustrates the charm of personality of Yan Hui in four aspects related to his moral essence, especially put more words on his family immoral charm.In all, there are given social background and personal factor for the formation of Yan Hui moral essence, which has the characters of looking for kindness and doing kindness, respect tutor and highlight teaching, hold far-reaching will and poor-happiness as well as obey doctrine attitude. All of these merits must obtained by industrious study, self-cultivation, optimistic spirit and the effect of teacher and friend. The merits of Yan Hui moral essence have their meaning both in the past and nowadays. That’s the overflow of his moral essence and his charming personality. So, there is no doubt that Yan Hui is top one among the seventy-two wisdom.

【关键词】 颜回德行品质审美价值人性魅力
【Key words】 Yan Huimoral essenceaesthetic valuecharm of personality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】B222.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】224

