

【作者】 王若源

【导师】 赵建文;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 外交保护制度源于习惯国际法规则,在过去的几个世纪里西方列强经常以外交保护为借口干涉弱国的内政。在外交保护制度产生之初,国际法并没有宣布武力非法。因此,历史上发生过不少以战争为方式对本国侨民进行外交保护的情况。且不论此类行为是否真的以保护本国公民为目的,仅从解决问题的角度来看这都不是一个很好的策略——因为它势必导致更多严重的问题。为了防止外交保护制度的滥用以拉美国家为代表的发展中国家提出了“卡尔沃主义”否定国家的外交保护权。在当时这对发展中国家而言是维护主权完整的好办法,但是却剥夺了个人救济自身受损权利的一种途径。为了规范外交保护的适用,以达到既能维护国家主权,又可以保护个人权利的目的。习惯国际法逐渐发展出行使外交保护权必须要遵守的两个重要的规则:用尽当地救济原则和国籍原则。第二次世界大战以后,战争被宣布为非法。这进一步把行使外交保护权的方式限定在“和平的方式”下,从而使得外交保护更容易得到各个国家的认可。尽管在外交保护制度方面已经有了丰富的实践和先例,但是它仍然是最具争议的国际法热点问题之一。由于外交保护制度历史悠久,西方国家对其有较多的研究。反观国内,学者对外交保护制度的研究并不多,一方面因为过去我们国家没有条件行使外交保护;另一方面可能是当前国内的实践中关于外交保护的案例并不多见。如今随着改革的深入,越来越多的中国公民和资本走向世界,在这一新背景下加紧对外交保护制度进行研究就显得尤为重要了。本文内容分为五个部分,分别是:一、外交保护的定义和历史渊源;二、外交保护的理论基础;三、外交保护和其他海外公民权益保护方式的比较分析;四、卡翁达诉南非共和国总统案评述及对国家义务的阐明;五、外交保护发展态势及对中国的启示。本文采用的研究方法主要有案例分析法、比较分析法、价值分析法和历史分析法。通过对外交保护制度历史的研究,结合对经典案例和晚近案例的分析对外交保护制度的发展进行了研究;通过对外交保护权行使中可能产生的公共利益和私人利益冲突进行价值分析和比较分析,指出了外交保护制度中存在的国家义务。

【Abstract】 Diplomatic Protection traces its roots to customary international legal principles. Historically, it has often been misused by Western powers as a pretext to intervene in the affairs of less powerful nations for several centuries since the use of force was not yet declared unlawful at its emergence. Consequently, there have been many occasions of exercising diplomatic protection by way of war, which is not a good tactics from the perspective of solving the disputes but leads to much more serious disputes. To prevent the abuse of Diplomatic Protection, some Latin American states have always advocated "Calvo Doctrine" to avoid the invocation of diplomatic protection, which was a good means for developing countries to maintain their sovereignty while the individuals were deprived of their rights to relieve their damage. For a balanced consideration of the above-mentioned purposes, two important customary international legal principles have been gradually developed regarding Diplomatic Protection: Exhaustion of Local Remedies and Principle of Nationality. After the Second World War, the use of force has been outlawed, which further defined the peaceful means to exercise Diplomatic Protection, thus making the rights of diplomatic protection easily recognized by all the states.Although there have been ample practice and precedents in respect of diplomatic protection, it remains a most controversial international legal issue. Western countries have a thorough study on it while the studies in China is still very inadequate, which lies in China’s incapability to exercise diplomatic protection in the past and insufficient state practice regarding this area at present. Under the present background of more and more Chinese citizens going abroad and being internationalized with the ongoing reform, the studies regarding diplomatic protection is also becoming extremely important.The present paper consists of five parts which are respectively: Part I, the definition and history of diplomatic protection; Part II, the basic theories for diplomatic protection; Part III, a comparative analysis to diplomatic protection and other means for protecting the overseas citizens; Part IV, a review to the case of "Kaunda V. President of Republic of South Africa" and its illustration to a state’s obligations; Part V, development trend for diplomatic protection and it implications to China.The studies methods in the present paper are mainly case study, comparative study, value evaluation and history consideration. The development of diplomatic protection are discussed from the studies on the history of diplomatic protection combined with the analysis on the typical and recent cases; The obligations of the states for diplomatic protection are also indentified by the comparative analysis and value evaluation between the public benefits and private benefits that may occur during the exercise of diplomatic protection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【下载频次】163

