

【作者】 徐敏

【导师】 刘向文;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 隐私权是一项受到法律保护较晚的权利,尤其是隐私权受到宪法层面的保护,不但直接反映出一个国家的文明程度与该国法治的发展状况,而且也是衡量一个国家对公民权利尊重程度的重要指标。究竟哪些个人信息属于隐私范畴,隐私权的宪法保护制度又该如何确立,这些都给我们提出了新的课题,这也正是笔者撰写此文的初衷。笔者认为,我国在隐私权的保护方面,应该放眼长远,从宪法保护入手构建我国隐私权的保护制度。论文共分为四个部分,首先从隐私和隐私权的产生与发展入手,通过历史的分析,近而对隐私以及隐私权的的概念进行了界定,其次对发达国家关于隐私权的宪法保护制度进行比较,接着阐述了隐私权宪法保护的必要性,最后提出了完善我国隐私权宪法保护制度的设想。第一部分通过对隐私历史发展的梳理,对影响其发展的因素进行分析,并对隐私做出界定。伴随着隐私的产生和发展,隐私权逐步得以确立,在对不同国家和学者有关隐私权概念的界定进行分析后,认为隐私权在性质上应被确认为一项独立的具体人格权,进而界定了隐私权的概念。第二部分选取了两大法系中的代表德国和美国,对两国隐私权的宪法保护制度进行分析。德国隐私权的宪法保护是在民法具体人格权保护向宪法一般人格权保护的跃升过程出现的,并在德国基本法一般人格权保护的总体框架下得到完善。美国联邦最高法院是通过废除州立法中侵犯公民基本权利的规定,在扩大解释宪法权利条款的基础上,把隐私权的保护纳进宪法之中。最后谈了日本的情况。第三部分通过对我国的立法现状及隐私权保护在我国缺位的原因进行分析,旨在揭示隐私权在我国宪法保护的不足之处,从而为我国隐私权宪法保护的完善奠定基础。第四部分首先分析了隐私权宪法保护的重要意义,进而认为应完善我国隐私权的宪法规范保护和隐私权的宪法救济保护,同时还应完善隐私权的宪法救济。

【Abstract】 The right of Privacy is a kind of right legally protected quite late. To protect the right of Privacy by law, especially the system of the constitutional protection of the right of Privacy, is the result of the development of the social civilization and the progress with the development of modern law, and is also used as an important indicator to measure a country’s individual status and dignity. What kinds of the personal information belong to the privacy, and how the constitutional protection system of the right of privacy is to be established, and both give us a new challenge, which is the author’s original intention to write this article. The author believes that China’s protection of the right of privacy should be oriented as a long-term task, and the protection system to the right of privacy should be established from the perspective of the constitutional protection in China.This paper is divided into four parts. Part one is about the basic problems of the right of privacy. This part tends to make an analysis of the basic problems of the right of privacy from the emergence and development of the privacy and the right of privacy. Part two is about the comparative analysis of the constitutional protection of the right of Privacy in foreign countries. This part tends to introduce the developing process of the constitutional protection of the right of Privacy in main countries, especially in America and in Germany. Part three refers to the realistic situation of the constitutional protection of the right of Privacy in China. This part tends to make an analysis of the shortcomings and the reasons of the constitutional protection of the right of Privacy in China. Part four is about how to set up a more effective system to protect the right of Privacy in China. In this part, the author considers that we must make the constitution protection of the right of privacy perfect by establishing the direct effectiveness of privacy in the process of the establishment of constitutional system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D921
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

