

【作者】 郭嘉

【导师】 赵可星;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 器官移植手术是一项新兴的医疗技术,是现代医学发展带给人类的福音。然而器官移植手术在飞速发展的同时,也给人类自身带来了极大地挑战,其涉及到很多的伦理和法律问题。在这些问题上人们存在着很多争论,目前尚无定论。如果这些问题得不到解决,如果器官移植的发展没有良好的法律加以规制的话,器官移植必将走入歧途。国内外众多学者已经开始了对器官移植的法律研究,本论文正是笔者基于此目的的一种尝试。论文的第一部分是对器官移植的概述,介绍器官、器官移植的概念,并对器官移植进行分类,同时总结了器官移植的历史和现状以及器官移植技术对于人类发展的意义。论文的第二部分通过比较国内外学者对器官以及尸体法律属性的学说,在此基础上进行分析,得出了对此问题的结论;肯定了脑死亡标准的科学性以及对于器官移植发展的意义,同时分析了器官移植法律关系。论文的第三部分是对器官移植立法原则的一种总结。通过对器官移植的认识和分析,总结出器官移植立法中应当遵循的基本原则:包括公平原则、知情同意原则、无偿原则、充分保护不完全民事行为能力人利益原则、优先考虑供体利益原则、非优先性原则、技术准入原则。通过这些原则对器官移植的法律规制,避免我们在将来看到不愿意看到的法律现象。总之,器官移植对于人类意义重大,它的良性发展需要法律工作者的支持。一项良好的科学技术,只有配以良好的法律规制,才能实现良好的目的。这正是支持笔者完成此论文的动力所在。

【Abstract】 Organ transplantation , an emerging medical technology, is the evangel brought by the development of modern medicine to human beings .However, along with its rapid development, organ transplantation also brings human beings themselves significant challenges which involve a lot of ethical and legal issues. There are a lot of controversies on these issues, which remained uncertain at present. If these problems are not resolved and there is no good legal system to regulate the development of organ transplantation, the organ transplant will go astray. Many scholars at home and abroad have begun their legal research on organ transplants. Based on this purpose, the author of this paper just wants to have a try on it.The first part of the paper is an overview of organ transplantation. Introducing the concepts and classifications of organ and organ transplantation, and make a classification of the organ transplantation .Meanwhile summarize the history and the status quo of organ transplantation and the significance of this technology for human development.On the second part, by comparing the theories of body organs and corpse from the domestic and the overseas scholars , making an analyze on this basic ,get the conclusion to this problem; confirmed the science of the brain death criteria and its scientific significance for the development of organ transplantation, as well as gave a analysis of the legal relationship between organ transplantation.The third part of the paper is a summary of the organ transplants legislative principle. Through the awareness and the analysis of organ transplants, summed up the basic principles that the legislative organ transplants should be followed: for example, principle of fairness, principle of know and approval, principle of free, principle of sufficient protection to the benefit of un-completely civil capacity person, principle of prior consideration to the donor’s benefit, principle of non-priority , principle of technology permit ,By the law regulations of the principles to organ transplantation, so as to avoid seeing the phenomenon that the laws do not want to see in the future. In short, the organ transplant of great significance for humanity and its sound development need the support of people who are working on it. A good science and technology, only compounded with good legal regulations can achieve good purpose. This is the impetus supporting the author to complete this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】121

