

【作者】 舒丹丹

【导师】 马细霞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水库调度是关系到全流域,尤其是坝下生态的重大事件。以往的水库调度,主要考虑协调除害与兴利的矛盾,注重发挥水库在防洪、发电、供水、灌溉、航运等方面的作用,对其下游河流生态环境的保护考虑较少。伴随着社会进步和治水思路的转变,为达到人与自然可持续发展的目的,应将保护和改善河流生态环境放在重要地位,根据水库水利任务调整和社会经济发展要求,积极探索促进人水和谐的水库综合调度方式。本文首先系统总结了国内外关于水库优化调度方法及生态调度的研究现状,阐述了目前我国水库调度存在的问题,提出了全文的研究思路与内容。其次,从四个方面分析了水利工程对河流生态的影响。第三,探讨了生态友好型水库调度的内涵、任务和准则,通过水量指标来量化水库调度的效益函数,并建立了多目标数学模型,在处理多目标函数时,采用权重系数法进行了转化,在方案优选时,引入了变化范围法(RVA),以水文改变度量化了生态效益,来评估河流受水库建设运营的影响程度。第四,对燕山水库下游河道生态需水量,采用了国内外多种方法进行了计算及结果分析,在生态需水量合理范围内提出了9种生态流量方案。第五,以燕山水库为例,建立了生态友好型水库调度模型,采用动态规划逆时序递推算法对上述9种方案进行了优化调度计算,得到了各方案下的放水过程。通过对这些方案的兴利效益和生态效益的评价优选,最终确定出最优方案,接着以燕山水库最优方案长系列优化调度结果为样本,利用人工神经网络(ANN)误差反向传播(BP)模型提取了以日为时段的优化调度函数,以指导实际工作。最后,对全文的研究成果进行了总结,提出了下一步的研究重点。

【Abstract】 Reservoir operation is a main event for the whole basin ecosystem, especially the downstream ecosystem. In the past, the major consideration of a reservoir operation is the coordination of the contradiction between harms and benefites. People pay more attention to making use of the reservoir in flood control, power generation, water supply, irrigation, shipping, and so consider less of the ecological and environmental protection for the lower reaches. With the social progress and water using ideas changing, people shuold put the river ecological environment protecting and improving on an important position, and actively explore the new integrated water scheduling technology to promote the harmony between human and water, for achieving the aim of sustainable development.Firstly, this paper summarizes the current study on the reservoir operation scheduling optimization techniques and the ecological friendly reservoir operation, expounds the reservoir operation problems in our country, and proposes the reach ideas and contents. Secondly, through four ways, this paper discusses the the water conservancy project effects on the river ecosystems. Thirdly, this paper research on the content、tasks and criteria of the eco-friendly reservoir operation. For the eco-friendly reservoir operation, we use the water indicators quantifying the ecological benefits of reservoir operation for the first time. Through the establishment of the multi-objective model for Yanshan Reservoir, we adopt the multiple targets coupling and the weight coefficient method to solve the multi-objective problem, During the program evaluation, we introduct a Range of Variability Approach (RVA) method, which makes the hydrological changes as a quantitative assessment factor to evaluate the impacts of the dam operation. Fourthly, we use a variety of methods to calculate and analyze the downstream ecological water demand for the Yanshan Reservoir, and make nine eco-flow programs in the reasonal ecological water demand extent. Fifthly, taking the Yanshan Reservoir as an example, the eco-friendly reservoir operation model has been established. Through the inverse dynamic programming recursive algorithm, we deal with the nine programs, and get the water discharge process, and with the evaluation of the nine programs effectiveness, we ultimately get a optimal program. And then taking the optimal scheduling results of a long series of the best Yanshan Reservoir program for the samples, we extract the optimal scheduling functions by the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) back propagation (BP) model to guide the practical work. Finally, we summarize the full text of the research results, and give the focus of the next study step.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

