

【作者】 王璐

【导师】 贾士秋;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在新闻发布会遍地开花的今天,新闻发布会的传播效果问题已成为新闻学界与业界共同关注的一个问题。但是,通览全部研究内容,我们不难发现,关于新闻发布会传播效果评估的研究却寥寥无几。鉴于此,本文将对此问题展开深入研究。论文由三部分内容构成。第一部分本文从传播学角度,界定了新闻发布会的范畴,即新闻发布会是大众传播的一种新形式。此外,本文依据拉斯韦尔的大众传播模式,重点分析了新闻发布会的传播要素、传播过程、传播效果以及影响传播效果的因素等问题。第二部分本文着力构建出新闻发布会的传播效果评估体系。评估体系由评估主体、评估客体、评估标准、评估方法四方面组成。评估主体是指那些从事发布会效果评估的组织或个人。评估客体包括大众媒体、受众、信息发布者、发布的信息。评估标准分为两个层级:一是以大众媒体、受众、新闻发言人、信息为核心的一级评估指标;另一是以报道的数量、报道所持态度、受众构成、议程设置、信息准确性、信息及时性等为核心的二级评估指标。本文的研究采用的是定性研究和定量研究相结合的办法。第三部分,本文在第一、第二部分的基础上,提出了凸显新闻发布会传播效果的若干策略。举办一次成功的新闻发布会,必须做好会前的准备、会中的严格把关和会后的着力评估工作。会前主要是分析舆情和做好具体的准备工作;会中主要是把握好信息传递过程中的各要素,包括慎选新闻发言人、注重信息新闻价值与宣传价值的双重使用、积极有效的与媒体展开沟通、使用恰当的发布技巧等。会后的评估工作主要依照第二部分构建的评估体系来开展。希望本文提出的这些策略能对新闻发布会的实践工作起到一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 Today, when the press conference is spreading so widely, the effect of a press conference has become a problem which is concerned by both of the academic and professional areas. However, by glancing the whole content of the research, it is not difficult to find that the study about the effect of a press conference is quite rare.In view of this condition, this particle will carry out an in-depth study about the assessment of the press conference.This thesis consists of three parts. The first part, we want to define the scope of a press conference from the perspective of mass communication. We can find that the press conference is a new form of the mass communication. Besides, based on Lass well’s model of mass communication, we can analysis the communication elements of a press conference, communication process, the effect of communication and the factors that influence the effect of communication.At the second part, we try to build a system which can assess the effect of a press conference. The assessment system consists of the assessment subject, the assessment object, assessment criteria, and assessment methods. The assessment subject is referred to the organization, or individual who engaged in assessing the effect of the press conference.The assessment object includes mass media, audience, spokesman and the information. The assessment criterion is divided into two levels:first, the mass media, the audience, the spokesman and the information; another is the number of reported, reported attitudes, the constitution of the audience, the agenda setting, the accuracy of information, the timeliness of information, and so on. This study is based on qualitative and quantitative research methods.The third part, at the foundation of the first and the second part, we give a number of strategies which can improve the effect of a press conference.In order to organize a successful press conference, we must be detailed in pre-preparation, strict in the conference and careful in post-assessment. Before the press conference starts, we should analysis the public opinion and prepare for the conference; In the press conference, we will grasp the various elements in the process of communication strictly, including selecting the spokesman, paying attention to the dual use of the news value and publicity value, communicating with the media positively and effectively and using appropriate communication skills.After the conference, we carry out the assessment in accordance with the system which is built in the second part. We hope that the strategies can play a guiding role on practical work.

【关键词】 新闻发布会效果评估
【Key words】 Press conferenceEffectAssess
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】478

