

【作者】 谷桂林

【导师】 贾士秋;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当下,在我国新闻传播活动领域,记者职业道德失范现象层出不穷,这从根本上体现了新闻工作者职业精神的缺失。职业精神作为支配一个行业主体活动的深层价值观念,指引着人们的职业追求和行为理念,是人们从事专业化工作,规范自身行为的一种自律武器。那么,建构记者职业精神体系是我国新闻界实施变革的现实需要,它能从最本质层面上指导新闻传播主体确立与实践相适应的意识形态,实现观念变革,以强大的精神动力反作用于新闻传播主体的实践活动。本文探究了新闻专业主义的核心理念,剖析我国记者职业道德失范的表现和深层原因,并针对我国传媒语境的特点,借鉴新闻专业主义的合理成分,旨在构建适合我国传媒现实的记者职业精神体系,以求记者在自律的层面上内化职业精神,从长远方向解决记者职业道德的失范问题。本文通过比照中西方不同的政治、经济、文化背景,以我国传媒现实为立足点,探讨我国记者职业精神体系的核心构成:我国记者职业精神的总的精神指标是为社会公众服务。在操作层面上,又包括如下几个方面:保证新闻的真实可信;报道讲求客观全面;秉承社会良知,坚守新闻公正;追求新闻自由,探求真理。

【Abstract】 In the current journalistic reality of China, the phenomenon of journalist anomie of professional ethics is emerging in endlessly, which basically reflects the serious lack of the professional spirits of journalists. Professional spirits, which has been considered as the main deep-seated values dominated the activities of one industry, and guided people’s pursuit of profession and behavioral concepts. It’s a self-regulatory weapon that people apply to regulate their own behavior when they are engaged in specialized work. So, to construct the Journalistic professionalism of is the realistic requirement of the reform of our media system. Journalistic professionalism can direct the main news media to establish the ideology adapting the practice of China from the most essential aspects of journalists, aimed at changing the concept of journalists to generate a strong spiritual power to guide the main news media’s practice in turn.This article explores the core philosophy of journalistic professionalism, and analyzes the performance and underlying causes of our professional ethics reporter anomie. In view of the characteristics of Chinese media context, drawing on the reasonable composition of journalistic professionalism, we want to build a system of journalistic professionalism, which fits the reality of our country, aiming at the press can internalize the spirits and make a good self-regulation. It is the good method to resolve ethical reporter problem of anomie in the long direction.What’s more, by comparing with the differences of political, economic, and cultural background between west countries and China, we explored the core components of our journalistic professionalism based on the reality of China’s media. The general spirits of Chinese journalistic professionalism is to apply the sincerely social services for the public, In the sense of practice, it concludes several aspects, which are to guarantee authentic news, to emphasis on objective and comprehensive reports, to take social conscience and insist on fair news, and to pursue the freedom of the press in seeking truth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】G214
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】619

