

【作者】 蒲二利

【导师】 王书才;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 魏晋时期,志怪小说的创作出现空前的繁荣,《搜神记》是其中的代表作,代表了魏晋志怪小说的最高成就。作为志怪小说,《搜神记》的创作还不像后来的小说那样属于作者有意识的创作,它还带有较强的史传笔法,干宝只是用记实的态度记录下来“古今怪异非常之事”,“因为他们看鬼事和人事是一样的,统当作事实。”(鲁迅《中国小说的历史变迁》)。《搜神记》的题材非常广泛,涉及到了汉末至魏晋社会生活多方面的内容,为研究这一时期的社会状况提供了宝贵的史料,具有重要的史料价值。本文分为三部分:第一部分主要写《搜神记》的史学性质,从干宝的创作过程和后世著作对《搜神记》的引用等方面论证《搜神记》的史学特征。第二部分主要写《搜神记》对研究自然科学的发展所具有的史料价值,包括医学、生物学、地理学三方面。通过分析《搜神记》中记载的这方面的内容,了解汉末至魏晋时期自然科学的发展状况。第三部分主要写《搜神记》对研究汉末至魏晋时期社会生活的史料价值,包括饮食习俗、衣冠服饰、车船舆乘、婚姻、丧葬、节俗、娱乐七个方面,从《搜神记》中了解当时的社会风貌。

【Abstract】 The creation of Ghost novels had an unprecedented prosperity in Wei-Jin period; "Sou Shen Ji" is one of the representatives, on behalf of the highest achievement of Ghost novels in Wei- Jin period. As a Ghost novel, "Sou Shen Ji" was not belonging to a sense of creativity just like later novels, it has a strong history-technique, and Gan Bao just recorded "strange things in ancient and modern with documentary practices. " because they think ghosts and personnel matters is the same, they all have been treated as facts. " (Lu Xun" the historical changes in the Chinese novel "). The themes of "Sou Shen Ji" are very broad, it involves all aspects of social life from Late Han to Wei-Jin period. It provided a valuable historical data for exploring social conditions in this period, and had an important historical value.This paper is divided into three parts:The first part demonstrates the historical nature of "Sou Shen Ji" from the creation process to future generations’ works on the "Sou Shen Ji".The second part is the historical value of "Sou Shen Ji" to the study of natural sciences, including medicine, biology and geography. We understand the development of the natural sciences from Late Han to Wei-Jin period by analyzing the records about this respect in "Sou Shen Ji".The third part mainly writes the historical value of "Sou Shen Ji" to social life from Late Han to Wei-Jin period, including eating practices, clothing, travel , marriage, funeral, festival customs, entertainment, we can understand the social outlook from that.

【关键词】 搜神记史料价值汉末魏晋
【Key words】 Sou Shen Jihistorical valueLate HanWei-Jin period
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

