

SWOT-analysis Based Shaanxi Tourism Development and Strategic Studies

【作者】 张晓明

【导师】 李录堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,陕西依托悠久的历史文化、丰富的文物资源,使旅游业一直保持着较快的发展。但由于其自身的局限性,旅游资源、旅游要素缺乏系统整合和有效营销推广等方面的原因,陕西旅游业并没有发挥出应有的竞争优势。因此,有必要对影响陕西旅游业发展的因素重新进行分析,找出陕西旅游业发展中存在的主要问题、矛盾及其原因,并提出相应的战略与对策。为提升陕西旅游业竞争力服务,最终促成陕西旅游业健康、持续地向前发展。论文在研究过程中使用了文献资料分析法、实证分析法、SWOT分析法等,而SWOT分析方法是首次应用于对陕西旅游业发展战略的研究。本研究在充分总结前人研究成果的基础上,以管理学、区域经济学、市场学等基本理论为指导,将旅游业可持续发展理论、旅游业竞争力理论、旅游目的地系统理论与陕西旅游业发展实际情况相结合,运用SWOT分析方法,找出了陕西旅游业发展的竞争优势与劣势、面临的机遇(机会)与挑战(威胁),并提出了一系列有针对性的发展战略与对策:①大力推进旅游业的市场化进程、增强市场竞争力②加快旅游产品体系建设、提升旅游产品的市场价值③加大陕西旅游宣传促销力度,扩大市场影响面④建立适应大旅游发展的管理机制⑤以科学发展观为指导,科学论证,系统规划⑥实施人才战略,提升旅游队伍素质。

【Abstract】 In recent years, bases on the historical civilization and abundant antique resources, Shannxi tourist industry keeps on rapid development. But owing to its own limitation, including lack of systematic integration of tourist resources and tourist factors, inefficient promotion etc, Shannxi tourism hasn’t brought its own competitive advantage into full play. So it is necessary to re-analyze the factors which affect the development of Shannxi tourism, and find out the main problems, contradictions and reasons lie in Shannxi tourism, bring forward corresponding strategics and methods to improve its competitive ability and ensure Shannxi tourist industry to keep on healthy and continued development.This paper draw support from data analysis method, empirical analysis method, SWOT analysis methods etc in its researching, and it is the first research which apply SWOT analysis method into Shannxi tourist development tactic.Base on the conclusion of previous results, this research combines the sustainable development theory, tourism competition theory, tourism destination theory with the actual situation of Shannxi tourism, apply with SWOT analysis theory to find out the advantage and disadvantage of Shannxi tourism development, chances and challenges it facing, and bring up a series of purpose-aimed development tactic and methods:①Push on the progress of tourism marketiziing, increase market competitive ability.②speed up the construction of tourist product system, promote the market value of tourist product.③enlarge the propaganda and promotion scale and also market influence.④establish good management system to fit for huge tourism system.⑤abide by scientific outlook on development, put scientific proof and systematic plan into practice.⑥carry out talent tactic, advance the comprehensive ability of the tourist team.

【关键词】 陕西旅游业发展战略SWOT分析
【Key words】 ShaanxitourismdevelopmentstrategySWOT Analysis

