

Screen of Soilless Culture Substrate Formula for Tomato Using Corn Straw as the Main Material

【作者】 薛书浩

【导师】 程智慧;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以番茄品种金棚朝冠为试材,以腐熟的玉米秸秆为主要原料,与腐熟的玉米芯、稻壳、牛粪等按体积比组成4种复合基质配方(A、B、C和D),以烘干鸡粪和三元复合肥为追肥,以CK1(50%草炭+25%珍珠岩+25%蛭石)为有机生态型栽培基质对照,以CK2(常规土壤栽培)为基质栽培的对照,研究了不同基质配方对春夏季大棚番茄生长、产量、品质、养分吸收与分配的影响,并对基质理化性质、栽培过程中基质养分释放规律、生产成本和效益进行了分析。主要结果如下:(1)栽培前,已添加等量基肥的4种复合基质,其理化性质都在番茄无土栽培适宜的理想基质范围之内;栽培后,4种复合基质的pH值和电导率都有不同程度的升高,都在番茄无土栽培适宜的理想基质范围之内。(2)在番茄定植后的整个生育期内,4种复合基质中只有处理B(50%腐熟玉米秸秆+10%腐熟玉米芯+20%腐熟牛粪+20%河沙)番茄的株高和茎粗接近于CK1和CK2。(3)不同基质配方对番茄单株果数、平均单果重和单株产量影响较大,各处理小区产量与平均单果重和单株产量的趋势一致。4种复合基质中只有处理B和处理A的小区产量接近于CK1和CK2。(4)不同基质配方对番茄的品质有不同影响。与CK2相比,4种复合基质能够显著提高番茄果实糖酸比及可溶性固形物和维生素C的含量,降低果实硝酸盐含量,其中以处理B的效果最好。(5)在番茄定植后的整个生育期内,4种复合基质中碱解氮和速效钾含量一直呈下降趋势;速效磷含量先下降后升高,且只有处理B速效磷含量与定植前相比下降,其余3种处理均比定植前有不同程度的升高。4种复合基质中,处理B番茄植株对基质中大量营养元素吸收量最多,明显高于其他处理。拉秧时,4种复合基质番茄各营养器官中K的含量高于N和P的含量,且以果实和茎中的K含量较高;处理B番茄各营养器官中N、P、K的含量在4种复合基质中最高。(6)CK2因没有基质成本,产量也较高,在本试验中经济效益较高;CK1由于基质成本太高,导致经济效益不高;4种复合基质中处理B的经济效益最高,比CK1增加15%;处理B的生态效益远远高于CK1。本研究结果将为资源化利用农业废弃物(作物秸秆和畜禽粪便)替代草炭合成有机生态型栽培基质,解决设施蔬菜生产过程中土壤盐渍化和连作障碍提供理论依据和技术参考。

【Abstract】 The experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different substrate formula on the growth, yield, quality, and nutrient uptake along with its distribution of tomato under plastic tunnel during spring-summer season, by analysing the physicochemical properties, nutrient releasing rule in process of cultivation and cost along with the benefit of different substrate formulas. Four kinds of compound substrates, which using the composted corn straw as the main material, together with different ratios of composted corn cob, rice husk and cattle manure, combined with dried chicken manure and the ternary compound fertilizer as topdressing. Two treatments were used as control: 50% peat + 25% perlite + 25% vermiculite (CK1) was taken as the substrate control of organic ecotype culture and the conventional soil culture (CK2) was taken as the control of substrate culture. The main results were obtained as follows:(1) The equivalent basic fertilizer was added in all the four kinds of compound substrates before cultivation. Before cultivation the physicochemical properties of the four kinds of compound substrates were in the appropriate ranges of an ideal soilless culture substrate for tomato. The pH and EC of all the four kinds of compound substrates were increased in various ranges after cultivation, but both remained in the appropriate ranges of an ideal soilless culture substrate for tomato.(2) The plant height and stem diameter of tomato throughout the whole growth period of crop field setting, were found close to CK1 and CK2 only in the treatment B (50% composted corn straw + 10% composted corn cob + 20% composted cattle manure + 20% river sand).(3) Various substrate formulas reflected significant effects on the numebr of fruits, mean fruit weight and yield per plant of tomato. Comparing the mean fruit weight and the yield per plant in each treatment, the yield per plot showed the same trend. The yield per plot only in the treatment B and A were found close to CK1 and CK2.(4) Different substrate formulas had great effects on the fruit quality. Comparing with CK2, it was found that all the four kinds of compound substrates not only greatly improved the ratio of sugar to acid, solid matter and vitamin C, but also reduced the content of nitrate in tomato. The treatment B remained superior amongst all the four kinds of compound substrates.(5) Throughout the whole growth period of crop field setting, the contents of available N and K decreased gradually; the content of available P decreased at first and in the last period it showed slightly increase. The content of available P only in the treatment B was recorded less than the beginning. The uptake of macronutrients of tomato in the treatment B was significant higher as compared to the others. At the end of experiment in all the four kinds of compound substrates the content of K was noted higher than N and P in the different organs of plant, i.e. root, stem, leaf and fruit. The content of K was recored high especially in the fruit and stem. The contents of N, P and K in the root, stem, leaf and fruit during ending date in the treatment B were significantly high as compared to the other three kinds of compound substrates.(6) As the cost and highest yield were concerned, the benefit of CK2 was found the highest in this experiment. The benefit of CK1 was not good due to its expensive substrate cost. The treatment B showed the highest benefit, by increasing 15% as compared to CK1, amongst the four kinds of compound substrates.The results of this experiment will provide a theoretic basis and reference for solving soil salinization and continuous cropping obstacle by resource-utilizing agricultural residue (crop straw and livestock manure), which can be used to synthesize organic ecotype culture substrate instead of using peat.

【关键词】 番茄无土栽培农业废弃物基质筛选
【Key words】 TomatoSoilless cultureAgricultural residueSubstrateScreen

