

Studies on Tissue Cultrus Properties and Heat Risistance of Wild Lily from Qinba Mountains

【作者】 周子发

【导师】 牛立新;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺植物种质资源学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 野生种质资源是重要性状遗传研究和新品种培育的基础材料,开展对野生种质资源的繁殖、保存和评价研究对于科学合理地利用野生种质资源具有十分重要的意义。本研究以野百合鳞片为材料,对秦巴山区野生百合组织培养的方法进行了探索,同时对它们的组培特性和耐热性进行了研究,以期为野生百合种质资源的繁殖、保存、利用提供依据。1.野百合的组织培养结果表明:适宜野百合鳞片灭菌的条件为0.1%Hgcl2处理9min,适宜鳞片不定芽诱导的培养基为MS+6BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L,适宜不定芽增殖的培养基为MS+6-BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L,适宜组培苗生根结鳞茎的蔗糖用量为90g/L、激素用量为6-BA0.1mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L、多效唑用量为10mg/L,适宜组培苗移栽的炼苗时间是7天。2.秦巴山区6种野生百合组培特性比较结果表明:鳞片0.1%升汞灭菌9min,岷江百合污染率最高,其次为山丹、野百合、宜昌百合、兰州百合,卷丹最低。在培养基MS+6BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L上的诱导率野百合最高,其次为卷丹、兰州百合、岷江百合、山丹,宜昌百合最低。在培养基MS+6BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L上的增殖率兰州百合最高,其次为野百合、宜昌百合、卷丹、山丹,岷江百合最低。在1/2MS+NAA0.3mg/L的培养基上,卷丹高度最高,其次为兰州百合、宜昌百合、岷江百合、野百合,山丹高度最低;野百合根最多,其次为宜昌百合、兰州百合、卷丹、山丹,岷江百合根最少;兰州百合根最长,其次为野百合、卷丹、山丹、宜昌百合,岷江百合根最短。3.秦巴山区6种野生百合耐热性比较:以4个栽培百合Prato、Conca D`or、Siberia、Sorbnne为对照,以组培苗为材料对秦巴山区6种野生百合的耐热性进行了比较研究,结果表明:宜昌百合(L.leucanthum)、Prato、山丹(L.pumilum)的耐热较强,野百合(L.brownii)、卷丹(L.lancifolium)的耐热性中等,岷江百合(L.regale)、Sorbnne、兰州百合(L.davidii)、Conca D`or、Siberia耐热性较弱。

【Abstract】 Wild germplasm resources are the basic materials for genetic research and plant breeding. Developing the research on propagation, preservation and evaluation of wild germplasm resources is quit important for using scientifically and reasonably. Lilium brownii Thunb bud scales are used as materiasl and the method of tissue culture is explored for wild lilies from Qin-ba Mountain. Meanwhile, the research of their tissue culture properties and heat resistance were studied so as to provide proofs of propagation, preservation and utilization for wild lily germplasm resources.1. The results of tissue culture on L.brownii scales showed that the appropriate sterilizing time of 0.1% Hgcl2 was 9 minutes and the suitable medium on which the adventitious buds could be induced directly from scales was MS+BA 2.0mg/L +NAA0.05mg/L. The optimum proliferation medium for adventitious buds was MS+BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L. The appropriate condition in which bud scales could be formated and enlarged was 6-BA 0.1mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L, supplied with 90g/L sucrose and 10mg/L hormones.The best acclimatization time on transplanting was 7 days.2.Comparison of tissue culture properties among six wild lily species from Qin-ba Mountain indicated that sterilizing time of 0.1% Hgcl2 was 9 minutes, the contamination rate of L.regale was the highest , and that of L.lancifolium was the lowest, the others wild lily species were L.pumilum, L.brownii , L.leucanthum, L.davidii in order.On the medium of MS+6BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L, the L.brownii had the highest induction rate, of which L.leucanthum was the lowest, and the others were L.lancifolium, L.davidii var.unicelor, L.regale ,L.pumilum in sequence. On the medium of MS+ 6BA1.0mg/L+ NAA0.2mg/L, the proliferation rate of L.davidii was the highest, and that of L.regale was the lowest, and that of the others in the following order were L.brownii, L.leucanthum, L.lancifolium, L.pumilum.On the medium of 1/2MS+NAA0.3mg/L, the L.lancifolium had the highest plant height, and on the contrary L.pumilum had the lowest height, and the others wild lily species were L.davidii var.unicelor, L.leucanthum, L.regale, L.brownii in oder. With the same medium the root number of L.brownii was most, and that of L.regale was lest, that of the others in the following order were L.lancifolium, L.davidii var.unicelor, L.lancifolium,L.pumilum. The length of wild lily species on the same condition were L.davidii, L.brownii, L.lancifolium, L.pumilum ,L.leucanthum, L.regale in sequence.3.The heat tolerance of six wild lily species was tested by using plantlets in vitro and four lily cultivars (Prato, Conca D`or, Siberia and Sorbnne) were used as controls. The result demonstrated that L.leucanthum, Prato and L.pumilum were the most tolerant to the heat treatment, tolerance of L.brownii F.E , L.lancifolium were moderate, and L.regale, Sorbnne, L.davidii, Conca D`or, Siberia were sensitive to heat.

  • 【分类号】S682.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】156

