

The Spacial Dynamic and Behavior Research on Parasitic Wasp of Lithocolletis Ringoniellain and Its Host in Apple Orchard

【作者】 刘玉玉

【导师】 李鑫;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 采用果园系统调查、室内解剖观察、连续行为记录和控制实验等手段,对杨凌和洛川不同生态区域苹果园金纹细蛾及其寄生蜂的时序动态和空间分布进行了初步研究,结果表明:金纹细蛾寄生蜂在杨凌的苹果园4月下旬始见,8/下至9/上达到高峰,寄生率最高达89 %,从9/中至10/下,种群数量处于渐降态势,11/上到12/上又出现小幅上升。在杨凌和洛川苹果园,金纹细蛾寄生蜂均以金纹细蛾绒茧蜂Apanteles theivorae、金纹细蛾姬小蜂Sympiesis soriceicornis和金纹细蛾跳小蜂Ageniaspis testaceipesare为优势种群。从金纹细蛾寄生蜂总量看,杨凌是洛川的1.9倍。寄生蜂幼虫在苹果树冠上的分布型,杨凌属聚集分布,洛川则为均匀分布。树冠不同方位,两地的金纹细蛾寄生蜂幼虫数量有显著差异。绒茧蜂发生在5月~9月,5/下至7/上为多;该蜂为容性内寄生蜂,主要寄生无足幼虫,寄主幼虫3龄~4龄期多见其幼虫离体。老熟时脱离寄主躯壳并在其旁结茧化蛹。常温下,蛹期6 d~10 d,茧色由浅黄色—白色—灰色—黑色变化。羽化时,由茧一头1/4处呈球缺型裂开一横截缝,茧断如“小帽状”,蜂从中钻出。该蜂主要在06:00~10:00(65.03 %)时区羽化,14:00~16:00出现另一小高峰;凌晨和傍晚羽化较少。该蜂非多多胚生殖。姬小峰5/下始见幼虫,此后种群量平缓上升,直至12/上时寄生量最大,可达70 %。该峰主要寄生寄主的第3、4代和越冬代幼虫,也可寄生蛹。该蜂既能够寄生金纹细蛾幼虫(初寄生),也寄生于绒茧蜂幼虫(重寄生)。初寄生卵孵化后,幼虫在寄主体内取食发育约2 d后,其头探出并呈“C”状从体外吸吮寄主5 h~6 h,之后化蛹,无茧,蛹期5 d~8 d,蛹体由白色—黄棕色—黑色变化。重寄生态的姬小蜂蛹有茧保护;蛹羽化后,蜂在茧头部一侧面咬开圆形不规则小孔。该蜂日羽化高峰分别为06:00~08:00(23.35 %)和14:00~16:00(18.06 %),雄蜂比雌蜂成熟早。非多胚生殖。跳小蜂6/上始见,种群量低;9/上和11/下分别有1高峰。该蜂多胚生殖;卵寄生。羽角姬小蜂既是兼性重寄生蜂,又是兼性群寄生蜂。杨凌苹果园金纹细蛾幼虫始见于4月29日,与以往报道一致。蛹的日羽化在04:00~14:00,羽化高峰有10:00~12:00(21.58 %)、06:00~08:00(17.37 %)和06:00~08:00(17.37 %)。

【Abstract】 We had a preliminary understanding on time dynamic and spatial distribution of Lithocollet ringoniella and its parasitic wasps through investigating in Yangling and Luochuan apple orchards; At the same time, we observed Lithocollet ringoniella and its parasitic wasps’behavior, the results show that:In Yangling apple orchard, parasitic wasp began to emerge from late-April, and reached the maximum (89 %) in late-August to early-September. Apanteles theivorae, Sympiesis soriceicornis and Ageniaspis testaceipesare were dominant species in Yangling and Luochuan apple orchards; the total amount of parasitic wasp in Yangling was 1.9 times in Luochuan. Parasitic larvae in Yangling apple orchard gathered distribution, however evenly distributed in Luochuan; There were significant differences but not greatly significant differences in different directions of parasitic wasp of Lithocolletis ringoniella in the two places; The parasitic wasp of Lithocollet ringoniella within the canopy had more less cluster.The occurrence time of Apanteles theivorae was from May to September, and its number was more in late-May and early-July, that is host second and third generation.Apanteles theivorae was koinobiont parasitoid, had preference to left the 2~4 age of host larvae. It drilled out from host when aging, and pupated wrapped in cocoon beside the host body. Cocoon became from light yellow-white-gray-black. When emergenced, Apanteles theivorae adult "bite" a"cap" in cocoon and it emergenced from the neat incision. At room temperature, the pupal stage was 6~10 d. Adults had phototaxis.At room temperature, Apanteles theivorae emergenced mainly concentrate in 06:00~10:00 (65.03 %), emergence peak in 6:00~8:00 (39.26 %) and 14:0~16:00; the number was less in early morning and evening.Sympiesis soriceicornis mainly parasitized the host third generation, the fourth generation and overwintering generation; it could parasitized larvae and pupae of Lithocolletis ringoniella, also parasitized Apanteles theivorae. Sympiesis soriceicorni can showed "C" shape to continue to suck the host. After 5~6 h, became into pupae. After 5~8 d pupal stage, the pupa body through white-yellow brown-black, it could emergence from the ecdysial line. While Sympiesis soriceicornis belonged to hyper-parasitic emengenced in the cocoon, it " bite" a hole and emergence.Adults had strong phototaxis. It concentrated on 08:00 and 16:00, male emergenced more early than female;Ageniaspis testaceipes began to emerge in early-June, and it had a relatively low level, but there had two obvious peaks in early-September and late-November. It belonged to polyembryony reproduction.Sympiesis Foerst belonged to polyembryony reproduction and was facultative cluster parasitism wasp.In Yangling apple production, Lithocolletis ringoniella larvae began appear from mid-April; Lithocolletis ringoniella emergenced mainly before 14:00, accounting for 77.37 % of the total number, the number was less between 20:00~06:00, there were two emergence peak:12:00 and 06:00~08:00.


