

Research on Application of Modern Educational Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges Teaching

【作者】 石志勇

【导师】 陈遇春;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,我国高等职业教育发展迅速,不论在学校数量上,规模上,还是在校生人数上都取得了巨大发展,已经占了高等教育的“半壁江山”。所以,如何在有限的办学资源和特定环境下提高高职院校的办学质量、办学效益成为热点问题。随着信息技术的广泛应用和普及,教育信息化成为教育发展和改革的一个突破点。现代教育技术如何促进职业教育的发展,成为职业教育教学改革的至高点。现代教育技术在职业教育中的应用,不仅会促进现代职业教育理念和教学模式转变,而且会促进职业教育教学方式、教学环境、教学方法和教学手段的变革。如何在高职院校的教学中充分、科学、合理地应用现代教育技术,成为摆在高职院校广大教师面前的严峻问题。本文对陕西、河北、广东三个省的部分高职院校进行了抽样问卷调查,通过对当前现代教育技术在高职院校教学中应用现状的深入调查与分析,找出目前存在的主要问题,分析原因,并基于现代教育技术的理论基础和应用原则,从信息化环境建设,建立健全管理和评价机制,加强师资队伍建设,推进课程整合等方面提出了对策性的建议。全文共分为四部分:第一部分,阐述研究的背景、目的、现状和方法,并对现代教育技术的概念和内涵,以及理论基础做了简要的介绍。第二部分,通过调查问卷对高职院校教学中现代教育技术应用的现状做了分析,基于问卷调查的结果,发现现代教育技术在教学应用中,在多媒体应用、教学形式、教学课件和师生互动等方面存在问题,并对这些问题的产生进行了原因分析。第三部分,首先,剖析了高职教学的特征,论述了现代教育技术对高职教学产生的影响,并对现代教育技术在高职院校教学中的应用目标和应用原则进行了界定和梳理;其次,从基于媒体、课程和教学过程三个方面介绍了现代教育技术在高职院校教学中的具体应用;最后从教师、学生、内容和环境四点因素入手,分析其对现代教育技术在高职教学中应用所产生的影响和作用。通过以上三个方面的分析和论述对现代教育技术在高职院校教学中的应用有了更全面、深入和本质上的认识,从而为对策的提供打下坚实的理论和实践依据。第四部分,从加大高职院校信息化环境建设、建立相关的管理、激励和评价机制、加强教师的现代教育技术理论知识与技能的培训,推进信息技术与课程教学的有效整合,优化教学中教育技术应用手段,提高高职学生信息素养的培养六个层面提出加强高职院校教学中现代教育技术应用的对策。

【Abstract】 Recently the higher vocational education has developed rapidly both in quantity and in scale and in the number of the on-campus students in vocational colleges. Higher vocational education has become the“half sky”of the whole higher education. So it becomes a hot issue how to improve the running quality and running benefits of higher vocational colleges with limited recourses in a certain environment.With the popularization of the informational technology, educational informationization becomes a key point in educational revolution and development. How to use modern educational technology to promote vocational education has becomes the most important point in teaching of vocational education. The application of modern educational technology on vocational education can not only cause the changes of modern vocational education ideas and teaching models but also the reformation of vocational education teaching methods、teaching environment、teaching methods and teaching means. Higher vocational education workers are confronted with an important task how to apply modern educational technology fully、scientifically and resonantly to the teaching of higher vocational colleges.This thesis conducts some researches in some higher vocational colleges in Shanxi、Hebei and Guangdong provinces. Through the profound research and subtle analysis of the present application of modern educational technology, this thesis studies the main problems existing in this field, analyzes the reasons causing these problems, and suggests some ways to promote its development in the aspects of informational environment, faculty, and evaluation mechanism and so on.The whole thesis is divided into four parts:The first part mainly introduces the background、the goal、the current situation and methods of this research, as well as the meaning and the theoretical bases of modern education technology.The second part mainly analyzes the present application of modern education technology in the teaching in higher vocational colleges on the basis of the investigative study. According to the investigative study, this thesis mainly analyzes the problems existing in the application, such as problems in multimedia application, teaching format, teaching courseware and the interaction of students and teachers.In the third part, the thesis analyzes the characteristics of higher vocational education, and discusses the influence of modern education technology on the teaching in higher vocational college, and defines the goal and the principle of the application of modern education technology on the teaching in higher vocational college firstly; then introduces the concrete application of modern education technology on the teaching in higher vocational college from the based media, curriculum and the teaching process; finally the author analyzes the influence of the application of modern education technology on the teaching in higher vocational college for students, teachers, content and environment. the above analysis and discussion of modern educational technology in higher education institutions make us have a more comprehensive and profounder understanding of the nature of it, so as to lay a solid basis for providing measures theoratically and practically.The last part gives some development strategy of application of modern education technology on the teaching in higher vocational college from the aspects of building good informationization environment in higher vocational colleges, the establishment of management、inspiring evaluation mechanism, the strengthening of teachers’theoretical knowledge of modern educational technology and skills, the promotion of effective integration of information technology and curriculum teaching, the optimization of the application skills of educational technology in teaching, and the improvement of students’informational knowledge.


