

Natural Enemies of Agrilus Zanthoxylumii

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 李孟楼;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 花椒窄吉丁是危害花椒的主要害虫,可导致花椒减产甚至造成花椒树体死亡,本文采用系统调查与室内研究相结合的方法,对陕西花椒主产区凤县和韩城的花椒窄吉丁天敌种类进行了研究,并进一步研究了优势天敌花椒吉丁啮小蜂的生物学特性,旨在为其繁殖和利用提供理论依据,研究结果如下:1.研究发现花椒窄吉丁幼虫的寄生性天敌3种,1种寄生蜂—花椒吉丁啮小蜂、1种寄生蝇及1种白僵菌,其中花椒吉丁啮小蜂是花椒窄吉丁幼虫的优势天敌,有进行人工繁殖和利用的价值;2.花椒吉丁啮小蜂的自然寄生率平均为16.2%,最高可达44.4%,随海拔的升高而降低;花椒吉丁啮小蜂幼虫死亡率35.96%,化蛹率64.04%,羽化率40.85%,雌雄性比为1.4:1.0;平均化蛹历期12 d,平均羽化历期15 d;每头寄主幼虫体内的花椒吉丁啮小蜂数为1~32头、平均14.6头,出蜂数与寄主的体长成正相关的线性关系;3.花椒吉丁啮小蜂成虫的寿命受光照和食物的影响,光照周期为L/D=8/16时寿命最长,达21.3 d,全黑暗条件下寿命最短,仅为7.9 d;以20%蜂蜜水和清水饲喂及空白对照的寿命分别为20.3、4.7和4.0 d,且雌虫寿命均长于雄虫;4.花椒吉丁啮小蜂一天的活动时间为9:00~18:00,其日活动规律受温度的影响,呈“M”形。花椒窄吉丁老危害处与新危害处、健康树皮、花椒叶背及叶面对花椒吉丁啮小蜂的引诱作用存在极显著差异;将蜂蜜水、蜂蜜的醋溶液、糖的醋溶液等涂于树皮上,花椒吉丁啮小蜂仅取食涂于老危害处的蜂蜜;5.花椒吉丁啮小蜂雌成虫的产卵行为可分为定位、试探、产卵、修饰或休息4个阶段,不同个体在各个行为单元和完成整个产卵过程所用的时间存在很大差异。完成整个产卵过程用时最长的为248 s,最短的仅67 s,平均用时(149.2±65.8)s。

【Abstract】 Agrilus zanthoxylumi Li is the main pest of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim, which decreases the yield and even causes death of Z. bungeanum. Systematic investigation and laboratory raring were used to research the natural enemies of A. zanthoxylumi in Fengxian and Hancheng county, Shannxi province. Then the biological characteristics of the dominant natural enemy Tetrastichus zanthoxylumii Yang et al were studied to provide theoretical basis for its reproduction and utilization. The results are as follows:1. Three species of parasitoids of A. zanthoxylumi were found, 1 parasitic wasps, T. zanthoxylumii, 1 species of parasitic fly and 1 white muscardine fungi. T. zanthoxylumii is the dominant natural enemy of A. zanthoxylumi and has value of manual reproduction and utilization.2. The average natural parasitization of T. zanthoxylumii to A. zanthoxylumi was 16.2%, with the highest being 44.4%. The parasitization decreased as the altitudes increased. The larvae death rate, pupation rate, emergence rate and sex ratio of T. zanthoxylumi were 35.96%, 64.04%, 40.85% and 1.4:1.0 respectively. The pupation and emergency process of T. zanthoxylumi average lasted 12 d and 15 d. The number of T. zanthoxylumii in each host larvae varied from 1 to 32, with a mean of 14.6, which varied according to the length of the host.3. Affected by light and food, the longevity of T. zanthoxylumii adults was 21.3 and 7.9d at 8:16 and 0:24 L: D cycle, and 20.3, 4.7, 4.0 d fed with 20% honey, water and ck respectively. The longevity of female are longer than that of male.4. The daily activity rhythm of T. zanthoxylumii was of“M”type, which was affected by temprature. The attractive effect of old damaged bark had a very significant difference with which of new damaged bark, healthy bark, blade back and foliar. T. zanthoxylumii fed on honey smeared around old damaged bark in field.5. The average time of oviposition behavior was (149.2±65.8) s, including 4 units, location, probing, oviposition and modification or rest.


