

【作者】 路毅

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 苹果是世界四大水果之一,是世界温带地区栽培的最重要的果树,在世界果品市场中占有重要的地位。目前,全世界苹果生产国(地区)有80多个左右,其中年产量100多万吨以上的国家仅有10多个,中国和南美是近20年来苹果发展最快的国家和地区。作为我国栽培面积和产量最大的树种,在促进农民脱贫致富,改善农村经济状况,促进农业产业化方面起到了重大作用;苹果作为我国第一大果品,在繁荣果品市场,满足消费者需求方面起到了基础作用。苹果生产是陕西农业的支柱产业之一,特别是渭北的苹果生产,曾经为陕西的地方经济作出了很大贡献,推动了陕西经济大发展。陕西苹果凭借优良的品质,不但在省内市场,就是在国内市场也是名声显赫,占据了水果市场较大份额,曾经一度出口海外,为陕西换回了不菲的收入,更为陕西赢得了良好的社会声誉。铜川市印台区位于陕西省中部,居陕北黄土高原低中山区南缘,关中平原北界,具有生产优质苹果得天独厚的自然条件,是全国乃至世界最佳优质苹果优生区的核心区域。苹果栽植始于1941年,七十年代就被国家列为全国优质苹果外销生产基地县(区),八十年代被列为全国优质苹果生产基地。特别是自2004年建设苹果专业区以来,印台区政府提出了“果业立区”的发展战略。近几年来,印台区促进果业增效,农民增收,掀起了苹果“二次创业”的高潮,苹果产业已成为印台区农业经济中占据资源优势最佳,生产规模最大,农民收入最直接、最稳定、最可靠的产业。为了促进印台区苹果产业保持快速、健康发展,通过查阅相关资料,并实地进行调查,根据国内外苹果产业发展情况,提出印台区苹果产业发展的现状和特点、存在的问题、发展的建议和对策。结论如下:印台区苹果产业发展的问题:印台区果农仍存有过去老的经营理念,注重产量,轻视质量;苹果基地规模偏小,区域布局和品种结构不合理;果品质量参差不齐,参与国内、外市场竞争力不强;病虫害防治存在诸多误区,病毒侵染率高;产业程度不高,果品产后处理不到位;广大果农知识水平和技能仍显不足;果品营销体系不健全,信息及检验滞后等方面问题。通过对印台区苹果产业发展现状及存在的问题进行分析,提出以下建议和对策:继续优化资源配置,壮大规模,加快品种更新换代步伐;增加苹果生产环节的科技含量,提高果品质量;实施龙头带动战略,推动果业产业化进程;组建各类营销和中介服务组织,促进果品多渠道分流;实施名牌战略,提高商品化处理;加强组织领导,做好各项服务等。

【Abstract】 Apple (Malus domestica) is one of the top four fruits which are widely cultivated in the temperate region all over the world, it occupies a very important position in the world market. Currently, there are around 80 countries which are main apple producer, in which 10 of them produce apple more than 100 tons. China and South America are two main regions which have the most quickly develomemt of apple production. As the most important fruits both in the cultivation area and yield, apple is playing a very important role in riching farmers, developing the commercial condition in the rural area and promoting the agriculture industry in China. Meanwhile, it is also essential for the prosperity of the fruit market, the meet of the consumer demand.Apple production is one of the mainstay industries for the agriculture in Shaanxi province, especially in Weibei district which contributed and is contributing enormously to the economy for Shaanxi province. With the excellent quality, apple produced in Shaanxi which acquired a top reputation both in China and abroad, is occupying a good market share, exporting to many countries which bring a good benefit and nice reputation for Shaanxi province.Yintai district of Tongchuan locates in the central Shaanxi province,which is the core apple production area in China and worldwide, possesses an excellent climate for apple production . Cultication of apple here began in 1941, and was listed as high-quality apple productioin base in nineteen eighties. What is more, the settlement of specialized area for apple production was proposed in 2004. Recently, the government of Yintai district promoted the apple production efficiently, and the income of the farmers was also increased as well.apple industry, wihc is occupying the most resource advantage and the biggest production scale, is already becoming the most stable, the most directly and the most reliable industry for the farmers. With the aim of promoting the apple production in Yintai district with a quickly, heathly development, field investigation was combined with relavant literatures, current status and features of the apple production were stated, meanwhile the exsisting problem and the correspondent suggestion was proposed. The results showed that:Problem of apple production in Yintai district: 1)the old management notion which means the farmers only emphasie the yield with the neglection of the quality; 2) small production scale with unreasonable planning; 3)diversed grades of apple quality without competation; 4)seriously virus infection; 5) undevelopment of apple industry with a poor postharvest technology; 6) distemperedness of the marketing system and the lagging of the market information.Recommendations and suggestions were listed according to the current status and exsisting problems as below: 1) the continuation of optimum resource allocation, enlarging of the scale and speeding up of the cultivar renewing. 2) apply more advanced science and technology in the apple production, improve the quality of the apple, promote the fruit industry. 3) the foundation of various types of marketing and agents, the implementation of brand strategies for the commercialization.4)the strengthening of the organization and the leadership with improved service.

【关键词】 印台区苹果产业发展对策
【Key words】 Yintai districtapple industrydevelopmentcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】236

