

Behaviors and Attitudes of Laid-Off Workers Participatingin Endowment Insurance

【作者】 李俏

【导师】 张红;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 社会学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 二十世纪九十年以来在中国出现的“下岗”现象以及由此而引发的一系列问题,至今仍未完全得到解决。随着下岗与失业的体制并轨,“下岗”虽已将逐步成为一个历史性概念,但从未真正的消除下岗失业者的生存危机。一直以来,政府各有关部门及社会各届最关注的都是下岗职工的再就业问题,但到目前为止再就业工程所取得的成效不是很理想,除了宏观的社会经济因素外,下岗失业群体自身的特点是一个重要的原因,再就业面临较大困难。因为随着时间的推移和年龄的变化,大部分失业下岗人员的关心重点,已不是就业岗位的增设状况,而主要集中在下岗失业的经济补偿及提供的医疗保险和养老保险等社会保障方面,而养老保险对他们的意义则最为深远,这将涉及到他们的老年基本生存问题。养老保险制度作为社会保障体系中最基本的一项制度设置,它为参保者在失去劳动能力之后的老年生活提供基本的保障。但目前的现实情况是,由于经济困难,多数下岗失业人员在缴纳养老保险这一问题上陷入了两难的困境。此时,社会保障对于他们来说更是一个意义重大且亟待解决的问题。本文主要以“养老保险参与问题”为切入点,运用问卷调查与深入访谈相结合的方法,对辽宁省昌图县的下岗失业人员进行了调查研究。基于科尔曼的“理性选择”和斯科特的“生存伦理”理论,全面描述了下岗失业群体的生存困境,分析了影响其参与养老保险行为及生活满意度的主要因素,并从社会学的角度对下岗失业人员在参与养老保险过程中所采取的行动策略进行了探讨,尝试寻找其中隐含的实践逻辑,最后就访谈中发现的问题进行了相关讨论,对现存基本养老保险制度和政策体系的建构提出了政策性意见和建议。这可为社会保障制度的改进与完善提供参考,亦对化解由于下岗失业而带来的个人风险和维护社会的稳定具有重要的现实意义。通过本次研究,主要得出了三个结论:其一,下岗失业人员参与养老保险的行为受到了个人、单位、福利三方面因素的影响;其二,对过去情境、就业困境和社会公平的感知,则共同影响到其对现实生活的满意度;其三,在参与养老保险过程中,部分下岗失业人员会根据自身的生存境遇,而采用从众、性别经济和啃老三种策略。总之,今后社会保障制度的改革应更加关注社会公平问题,社会保障资金应更多地用于社会弱势群体,以缩小目前贫富差距不断扩大的趋势。建构符合实际的政策体系,并积极推进相关配套政策改革,逐步扩大社会保障的覆盖面,以缩小目前贫富差距不断扩大的趋势,共同构建一个老有所养的和谐社会。

【Abstract】 The”Laid-off”phenomenon and a series of problems triggered by it have appeared in China since the 1990s, and which have not yet fully been resolved. With the system of“laid-off”and unemployment merging together, the word of "laid off" has gradually become a historical concept, but the survival crisis of laid-off workers have never been really eliminated. Re-employment of laid-off workers has become the problem that was concerned about mostly by the government and social sessions for a along time, but so far the results of re-employment project were not very satisfactory. In addition to the macro socio-economic factors, characteristics of laid-off workers are important reasons; more difficult appeared in the re-employment area. Because with time and age go by, the focus which the majority of laid-off workers concerned about is not the condition of employment, but mainly focus on the economic compensation for Laid-off and social security such as the provision of medical insurance and pension insurance. Endowment insurance is the most far-reaching significant for them, which will relate to their basic survival when they become elderly. As one of the most basic system settings in the social security system, Endowment insurance system should provide the participators who lose labor ability in old age with basic security. But the reality is that, as a result of economic difficulties, the majority of laid-off workers are in a dilemma on the issue of paying old-age insurance. At this point, the social security is a significant and serious problem for them.Taking "laid-off in cities and towns" as the breakthrough point, with the survey method of questionnaire and deep interview combining, this paper studied the laid-off workers in Changtu, Liaoning province. Based on the theories of Coleman’s "Rational choice" and Scott’s "Ethics of survival", this paper described the survival plight of laid-off groups, and analyzed the influence factors that affected their behaviors and attitudes participating in, explored their action strategies in the process of participating in Endowment insurance, trying to find the practical logic contained. In the end, in order to offer references to improve and perfect the social security system, this paper discussed the problems found in the deep interview, and put forward political suggestions on constructing the current system of Endowment insurance. It is of practical significance to covert the individual risks brought by laid-off unemployment and maintain social stabilization.Three conclusions mainly drew through this study: First, individuals, units, and welfare factors that have affected the behaviors of laid-off workers participating in the endowment insurance. Second, their life satisfactions have been influenced by their past situation, employment difficulties and social equity perception. Third, some laid-off workers took conformity, gender economic and Neets strategy to survive according to their own situation in the process of participating in endowment insurance.In a word, the reform of the social security system should be more concerned about the issue of social equity in future. In order to narrow the current gap between rich and poor, the funds of social security should be used more for vulnerable groups in society. Government should make actual policies in line with the system, actively promote political reforms, and gradually expand the coverage of social security, so as to narrow the current gap between rich and poor and build a harmonious society.

【关键词】 下岗失业人员养老保险行为态度
【Key words】 laid-off workersendowment insurancebehaviorsattitude

