

The Analysis of Synthsized Benefits of Biomass Resources Use Based on Biogas Technology

【作者】 王丽佳

【导师】 姜志德;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 开发利用生物质能源是当前国内外广泛关注的重大课题,既涉及农业和农村经济发展,又关系到国家的能源安全。大力开发利用生物质能源,不仅是我国开拓新能源的途径,缓解能源供需矛盾的战略措施,也是解决“三农”问题,保证社会经济持续发展的重要任务。近年来,国内外诸多学者和科研人员对基于沼气技术的生物质资源的利用做了许多研究,但是这些相关研究大部分偏向于技术方面的论述,而对以沼气为纽带的生物质资源利用的综合效益的研究也局限于对某一地区的研究,且论述不够充分。由此本文在基于沼气生产的生物质资源利用的基础上,尝试着从经济学、生态经济学和社会学三方面分别研究其经济效益、生态效益与社会效益。具体的框架结构与研究结论如下:第一章导论。介绍本文的研究背景和意义,通过对国内外对生物质资源的利用状况,尤其是对基于沼气技术的生物质资源的利用状况进行系统的评价,确定了本文的研究目的,方法和基本内容,并给出论文的创新点。第二章沼气综合效益分析的理论基础。分别阐述了以沼气为纽带的生物质资源利用的经济效益分析、生态效益分析的基本原理与方法,以及对其产生的社会效益进行分析的相关理论,从而为后文进一步的分析奠定了理论基础。第三章农村户用沼气利用的经济效益分析。通过概述我国农村户用沼气的利用现状,主要从经济学的角度,以成本—效益分析法,分析了户用沼气所带来的经济效益。并着重从三个方面进行了详细的分析,首先对沼气池建设进行盈亏平衡分析。结果表明,沼气池的收益大于成本,其经济效益明显。其次,通过对沼气建设的利润敏感性分析,得出在沼气池建设项目中,增大沼气产量,提高沼气池的产气率,比单纯的注重减少沼气池建设初始投资,在经济方面更加有意义。最后,通过对沼气池的现金流量与投资回收期分析,可看出政府在财力方面的支持有举足轻重的作用。第四章农村沼气利用的生态效益分析。传统的经济学方法通常难以考虑沼气生产系统的能量转换等自然属性,无法客观科学地解释由此产生的沼气的价值。因此,本章以能值价值理论为基础,运用能值分析法,从沼气生产循环的角度,提出了沼气生产系统能值评估的概念模型和计算方法,并通过对相关指标的具体分析,表明沼气生产系统对环境在未造成压力的同时,由于其对生物质废弃物资源的充分利用,反而解决了环境污染的部分问题;并且该系统能高效的利用资源,从而显示出其强的生态效益和竞争力。第五章农村户用沼气的社会效益分析。本章主要从四个方面分析了沼气建设所带来的社会效益,包括改变农村环境条件,增加农民收入,提高农民科技意识及实现农村人力资源开发等方面。农村户用沼气池建设及综合利用的开展不仅可以解决农村能源问题,而且可以增强农业可持续发展能力,是合理持续地开发和利用自然资源的有效途径。第六章结论与建议。首先通过对“经济效益——生态效益——社会效益”的综合分析,从不同的角度指出了基于沼气技术的生物质资源利用对于提高农民收入,减轻未来的粮食危机,改善自然环境,社会条件等至关重要。其次,对于以沼气为纽带的生物质资源的利用,提出了诸如在利用过程中实现多业组合,转变农民的传统生产观念,充分发挥政府的管理职能等建议。最后指出本文有待进一步改进之处。

【Abstract】 It is an important task to develop and utilize biomass energy in China. It is not only related to the economic development in agriculture and rural area, but also related to the country’s energy safety. To develop using biomass energy energetically is the way to exploit new energy in our country and the tactic measure to release energy contradiction of supply and need as well as the important task to solve the“three-agricultural”problems and to promise the sustainable development of social economic. In recent years, there are many academicians and scientific researchers who do much study on the use of biomass resources based on biogas technology both inside and outside, while most of these studies are partial to discuss it from technological direction. Besides, it is always limited to a concrete area when do researches on synthesized benefits which bases on the use of biomass resources, and the discussion is not enough too. Therefore, in this paper, it can be from three directions which are economics, ecology and sociology to analyze economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits on the basis of biomass resources utility which is based on methane product. The concrete frame and study conclusions are as follows:Chapter One: Introduction. This part introduces the background and significance of the research. Though evaluating the using status of biomass resources inside and outside, especially the using status based on methane technology, ensure the researching purpose, method and basic content, then promote the innovations of this article.Chapter Two: Theoretic base of synthesize benefit analysis of biogas. This chapter points out the keystones and methods of economic benefits and ecological benefits of biomass resources using based on biogas, as well as the related theories of social benefits analysis which comes from that, then establishes theoretic base for a farther analysis.Chapter Three: Economic benefits analysis of biogas using in rural household. Though summarizing the using status of biogas in rural household in China, from economic point of view, use cost-benefit analytical method, analyze the economic benefit which biogas brought from three factors. Firstly, the method of profit and loss balance is used to analyze the construct of methane pond. The outcomes demonstrate that the profits of methane pond outweigh that of the cost and the economic benefit is obvious. Secondly through the sensitivity analysis of profit, it is deduced that increasing biogas production and improving producing rate of biogas pond has more economic meanings then singly paying much attention on decreasing the initial investment on build biogas pond. Finally through analyzing cash flow and investment callback expect, it is demonstrated that the financial support from government hold the balance function.Chapter Four: Ecological benefits analysis on biogas in rural area. It is difficult for the traditional economics method to consider the natural attribute such as energy changing of biogas production system, and unable to explain the biogas value which is from the system scientifically and externally. This chapter is based on emergy value theory, use emergy analysis method, from the angle of biogas production cycle, to put forward a concept model and calculate method of emergy evaluation of biogas production system, and through concrete analysis to the related index demonstrate that there are little pressure on the environment which methane product system brought, and at the same time due to its full using of biomass resources, it solved a portion of environmental pollution problems. Besides, this system can use resources efficiently; consequently show its powerful biological benefit and competitiveness.Chapter Five: The analysis on social benefits of biogas using in rural area. About the social benefits of methane construction in this chapter, it can be analyzed from four factors which include changing rural environmental condition, increasing households’incoming, promoting farmers’sense of science and technology as well as achieving the development of human resources in rural area. In conclusion, to pursue biogas construction and to develop comprehensive using can not only solve the problem of energy shortage in rural area, but also can enhance the ability of sustainable development in agriculture. It is an effective way to develop and use natural resources reasonable and continually.Chapter six: Conclusion and suggestion. Firstly, though analyzing“economic benefits-ecological benefits-social benefits”, it can be pointed from different angles that it is important to promote the income of rural people, to ease food crisis of future, to improve natural environment and social conditions that use biomass resources which is based on biogas technology. Secondly, some suggestions are advanced such as achieving the combination of multi-industry during using process, conversing peasants’traditional product conception, and fully exerting the management function of government. Finally, it points several improvements which need to be improved in later study in this paper.


