

The Application and Development of Data Analysis System for the Scanning Entomological Radar

【作者】 代美

【导师】 赵惠燕; 程登发;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 昆虫迁飞是其在进化过程中长期适应环境的一种遗传特性,为昆虫在时间和空间上逃避不良环境条件选择新环境提供了一种手段,同时也会导致害虫大发生,给人类防治害虫带来极大的困难。昆虫雷达的出现为研究昆虫的迁飞提供了一种革命性的工具,可以对昆虫的迁飞活动进行实时监测,不受时空和人为干扰,具有较高的灵敏度和分辨率。目前国内外应用较多的扫描昆虫雷达是厘米波的,但对于监测稻飞虱、蚜虫等微小型昆虫则不适用。毫米波扫描昆虫雷达为微小型昆虫的迁飞监测提供了有力的观测手段,但在数据分析方面还没有实现自动化。本研究设计并实现一种新的适于毫米波扫描昆虫雷达数据分析系统软件,以填补原程序中无数据分析统计功能的空白。为快速读取雷达数据文件,通过研究数据结构算法建立一种新的雷达数据结构,进一步创建了调用这种雷达数据结构的类;为保证空间取样的完整性,按照澳大利亚Drake博士提出的经典仰角梯度法采集雷达数据;将雷达原始数据读取后按照C#图像处理方法绘制雷达回波图像并进行相应数据转换;利用ADO等操作将雷达原始数据读入数据库进行统一管理便于数据处理和查询;结合生物学手段建立昆虫数据模型,按照基于信号强度的方法统计一定空间体积内昆虫回波数据的密度、高度等关键生物学参数;结合其他昆虫数据采集系统对照分析确定数据分析模型。研究得出以下主要结论:(1)提出一种基于信号强度大小的毫米波扫描昆虫雷达数据统计方法,建立了扫描昆虫雷达数据对象、方便读取昆虫雷达数据。(2)提出毫米波扫描昆虫雷达数据转换、存储新方法,便于及时观察昆虫回波图像,了解昆虫迁飞情况,实现对指定高度、指定方向、指定阈值内的回波点进行自动统计分析功能;建立了雷达回波空间分布模型及分析系统,实现了毫米波扫描昆虫雷达数据自动化处理。(3)将昆虫雷达监测数据与其他昆虫数据采集系统(如:高空灯、地面灯诱虫器)对照分析,表明毫米波昆虫雷达数据分析系统能够客观反应迁飞昆虫数量、迁飞方位等参数,适用性很强。(4)结合R统计软件、OWC控件的绘图功能,重建了昆虫空间活动模型并实现了数据分析系统,该模型有助于方便查询空间昆虫活动情况。(5)在广西等地实践检验结果表明:本数据分析系统用于毫米波扫描昆虫雷达监测微小型昆虫迁飞过程完全可行,完全可以追踪到空中微小型昆虫的飞行高度、飞行方位、飞行密度等关键生物学参数。毫米波扫描昆虫雷达数据分析系统为跟踪和揭示迁飞扩散性害虫成灾机制与暴发危害规律、提出了早期监测和预警技术措施,提升了对生物灾害的可预见性。通过系统获得的昆虫飞行行为参数,为进一步研究昆虫迁飞规律和迁飞行为奠定了基础。研究在实现毫米波段一定空间体积范围内昆虫回波密度计算方法、昆虫回波数据自动化处理、回波图像分析等方面有所创新。

【Abstract】 Insect migration is a genetic characteristic in the process of evolution for adapting to the environment in the long time. It provides a means for the insects in time and space to avoid adverse environmental conditions to choose new ones. Meanwhile, it is difficult to control pests because of the pest outbreak. The emergence of entomological radar provides a revolutionary tool for researching the insect migration. The entomological radar can be real-time monitoring the activities of insects, free from the time-space and man-made interference. It has the high sensitivity and resolution. The cm-wave entomological radar is applicated in wide range of home and abroad. But it does not applicate to monitor some micro and small insects such as planthoppers, aphids and so on. Though the millimeter-wave scanning entomological radar provides a powerful means for monitoring the micro and small insects, its data analysis has not been yet automated. This study designed and implemented a new data analysis system software which was suitable for the millimeter-wave scanning entomological radar. It will supply a gap of no data analysis in former systems.For reading fast the radar data file, studying the data construction algorithm for establishing the radar data construction, further established the class of radar data by calling this construction. In order to guarantee the integrity of spacial sample, collectting the radar data with the classical elevation angle method which was proposed by Australian Dr.Drake. After reading the original data, drawing the images of radar echo with the C# imagery processing method, and converting the original data to other typical data. Aim at processing unifily and inquirying the radar data, reading the original radar data in database by the ADO methods.The system established the data model through biological assisted methods, computed the density of insect echo data in certain space volume and the height and so on based on the signal strength method, specified the data anylysis model by the other insect data collectted system. The main research work and conclusions are as follows:(1) The research proposes one statistical method based on the signal strength size which apply to the millimeter wave scanning entomological radar, establishes the radar object for reading conveniently the radar data.(2) In order to observe promptly the insect echo image to understand the insect migration, the research proposes a new method which was about the transform data related millimeter wave scanning entomological radar. The system realized functions include: echo-data statistics in the certain height and orientation, radar-data processing automaticly and so on.(3) The research indicated that the applicability of the millimeter wave entomological radar data analytic system is strong by the contrast between the radar data and the other ones collectted by the Ground Light-trap and Seachlight trap.(4) Rebuilding the model of insect space activities and realizing the system of data analyse combining the R statistics software and OWC controls.(5) The results of practice in GuangXi indicated that it is feasible to apply the data analytic system to the millimeter wave entomological radar which was monitored the migration of some micro and small insects. It can pursue the fly height, fly orientation, fly density and so on.The data analysis system which is applied to the millimeter wave scanning entomological radar put forward some technique measures about the early monitoring and alarming, for tracking and posting the rule of insect harm breaking out, upgrading the forecast about biology disaster. The insect behavior parameter which were gained by the system helpful further research the migration rugulation and behavior about insect.


