

The Effect of Dereffent Drought Afforestation Methods of Integration Research

【作者】 季元祖

【导师】 赵忠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在自然条件较为严酷的黄土高原干旱半干旱地区,生态环境一直是制约当地经济发展、人民生活水平的主要因素,长期以来,人类为治理生态环境付出了艰辛的努力,也取得了一定的成绩,但是由于自然降水资源短缺,从根本上限制了生态环境治理的步伐。降水稀少,蒸发较强,不仅造成该区树种资源种类较少,而且严重制约着林草的正常生长,使得植被恢复工作极为困难。针对实际现状和存在的问题,探索能够提高有限自然降水资源的利用效率,增加土壤水分含量,为林草提供较好的生长环境,加快干旱半干旱区植被恢复,促进生态环境改善,是摆在林业技术人员面前的重大研究课题。本研究论文在认真查阅、收集、分析以前干旱造林中所取得的研究成果资料的基础上,针对西北干旱半干旱区的自然环境、立地条件及社会经济情况,对脆弱生态区三水(集水、保水和供水)造林技术进行集成,开展造林试验,通过对不同技术处理下试验树种树高、当年新枝生长量及集水区土壤水分变化的测定和分析,评价筛选出了适宜于西北干旱半干旱区造林中广泛采用的整地方法、集水面处理材料、最佳集水面规格、保水剂施用量及不同抗旱技术集成配套组合方式。得出如下结论:1、不同整地方法集水保墒效果存在差异。在干旱半干旱区造林中宜采用鱼鳞坑、漏斗形、燕翅形整地方法,三者集水保墒效果相比,漏斗形>燕翅形>鱼鳞坑。2、集水面材料及处理方式对集水效果不同。对集水面采取覆盖塑料薄膜、喷涂有机硅、自然拍光处理后,进行刺槐栽植试验,结果表明:不同集水面处理方式中,集水效果塑料薄膜>有机硅>自然拍光>自然处理。3、集水面规格不同集水效果存在差异。同一种方式处理的集水面,集水效果与规格之间存在密切关系,采用覆盖塑料薄膜、喷涂有机硅的集水面,规格越大,集水效果越好, 3.0m×1.5m>2.0m×1.5m >1.0m×1.5m ;拍光处理的集水面,集水效果为2.0m×1.5m>3.0m×1.5m>1.0m×1.5m。4、不同保水剂及其使用水平对幼树成活率与生长的促进作用不同。干旱地区造林中,穴施保水剂,对苗木成活率、新枝平均生长量均有影响,不同保水剂效果差异较小;对一年生刺槐,穴施15g/株为最佳施用量,随着施用量增加,效果趋于下降。5、不同覆盖材料对幼树成活率及生长的影响存在差异。以聚乙烯地膜、单向渗水膜为树穴覆盖材料,进行油松栽植试验,测定成活率、平均树高和当年生长量。结果表明,二者均能发挥保墒作用,但单向渗水膜保墒效果最佳。6、供水袋对幼树成活率与生长均有促进作用。栽植苗木时树穴根部埋放控水袋,能够提高成活率,促进生长。7、不同抗旱技术集成配套后对苗木成活率、生长有明显作用。干旱区造林中将抗旱技术集成后使用,可以有效提高造林成活率,增加当年新枝生长量,促进树木良好生长。

【Abstract】 In natural conditions are harsh arid and semi-arid areas,the ecological environment has been a constraint to local economic development,people’s standard of living and quality of the main factors,for a long time for the management of the ecological environment of mankind had worked hard and achieved some results,However,shortage of resources due to natural precipitation,fundamentally limiting the pace of eco-environmental governance. Scarce precipitation,evaporation strong,not only created in the district less the type of tree resources,but also seriously restricts the normal growth of trees and grass,making the work extremely difficult to restore vegetation. For the existence of the actual present situation and problems,to explore a limited natural precipitation to increase resource utilization efficiency,increase soil moisture content,in order to provide better grass growth environment,is to accelerate the restoration of vegetation in arid semi-arid zones , promotion of eco-environmental improvement,is Forestry technicians before a major research topic.In this study,a close look at the papers,the collection,analysis before reforestation in drought research results obtained information on the basis of the arid semi-arid regions for the natural environment,site conditions and socio-economic conditions,the design of the fragile ecological zones using Sanshui ( catchment,water and water supply) technology to carry out reforestation in order to effectively improve the survival rate of the test,the technical processing of different test species under the tree height,when the new branch growth and the catchment area of soil moisture changes,evaluation of screening a suitable JingChuan country of Gansu province Regions is widely used in afforestation site preparation methods,set the water to deal with materials,the best collection surface specifications,aquasorb drought fertilizer and different combinations matching technology integration.1、Site preparation methods. JingChuan country of Gansu province Regions of suitable scale pits, funnel-shaped, fin-shaped nest preparation methods, the effect of the three catchment moisture compared to the funnel-shaped> Yan-fin-shaped> scale pits, funnel-shaped best preparation methods.2、Sets the water treatment and materials. Selection of plastic sheeting, silicone material to set the water to deal with, set the water on the plastic film cover, silicone spray, natural light processing film for planting locust test results show that: the effect of plastic film catchment> organic silicon, the surface to deal with different sets methods, the effect of plastic film catchment> Silicone> natural light pictures> natural treatment.3、Set the specifications of different surface effects on the catchment. With a way of dealing with the collection surface,catchment effects and have greater contact specifications,for the use of plastic film covering,spraying silicone surface of the set,the specifications of the bigger,the better the catchment,3.0m×1.5m> 2.0m×1.5m> 1.0m×1.5m; but shoot light processing sets the effect of the water catchment,the catchment effect of 2.0m×1.5m> 3.0m×1.5m> 1.0m×1.5m,which is As the rainfall is relatively small,with the set specifications for the expansion of the water,the formation of surface runoff flows in the catchment,the distance is longer,the runoff will be to set the water infiltration caused by soil inside.4、Aquasorb different level of saplings and their survival rate and growth. Afforestation in arid areas, hold eaquasorb, the survival rate ofyoungth trees, the average growth in both new sticks affect differences in the effect of different smaller aquasorb; on the one-year-old black locust,select 15g / strains as the best application rate, with the application rate increase, the effect tends to decline.5、Different covering materials on the survival rate of saplings and the effects of growth differences. With polyethylene plastic film, one-way membrane for the water hole covered by tree material tabulaeformis pilot plant to determine the survival rate, the average tree height, when growth. The results showed that both moisture can play a role, but one-way moisture seepage best film.6、Laying the roots of the water supply bag can promote the role of survival and growth of young trees. When youngth tree planting placing control water bag under roots, can improve the survival rate and promote growth.7、Influence of different drought resistance technology constistoned on the growth of saplings. Afforestation in arid areas and drought will be the integration of the use of technology can effectively improve the survival rate increase was the growth of new branches, to promote good growth of trees.


