

Research on Distributed Environment Monitoring System of Fowl Room Based on PC and MCU

【作者】 王丽丽

【导师】 朱瑞祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的逐步提高,特别是国际市场对肉食品需求多元化的发展趋势,促进了我国畜禽养殖业的快速发展。同时,由禽舍环境问题造成畜禽大量死亡带来的巨大经济损失,使人们越来越重视禽场的环境质量及管理。目前,我国畜禽养殖业正处于由千家万户小规模、分散饲养为主向规模化、科学化养殖转型阶段,而大中型养殖场家禽种类繁多,每种家禽在不同的生长周期对生长环境的要求又不相同,使得大中型养殖场管理复杂、混乱,需要投入大量的人力、物力资源,从而增加了生产成本。本文针对大中型禽舍群存在的问题提出了一种低成本、分布式和智能化的禽舍环境监控解决方案,开发了以多个多功能单片机智能控制器为节点、个人微机为监控服务器的基于RS-485总线网络的分布式禽舍环境监控系统。本系统由下位机监控模块、上位机监控管理模块和通信模块三大部分组成。下位机设计主要分为硬件和软件两部分,以汇编语言和电子自动化技术为主要开发工具,它是以单片机为核心的微控器,包括数据采集、键盘设置、数码显示、控制输出、通信模块,完成对禽舍内温度、NH3浓度的设置、监测、控制与通信等任务;上位机软件采用Visual Basic开发了禽场环境管理软件,该软件对整个系统进行统一管理,实现对各个禽舍内系统参数的设置,对多个禽舍内环境信息数据的采集、处理、实时直观显示;在比较了现有常用通信总线的基础上,考虑到RS-485总线廉价、开发周期短、通信协议自定、便于扩展和维护的特点,通信模块选择了RS-485作为通信总线,定义了串行通信协议,进行了PC机侧和单片机侧的通信程序设计,实现了一台PC机与多个单片机之间的通信。本论文设计的分布式禽舍环境监控系统,通过实验和仿真能够达到预期设计要求,下位机既可单独运行控制,也可通过串口由PC机进行监控,实现了一台PC机对多个禽舍的统一管理。大大改善了禽舍中的环境管理手段,降低了管理与饲养人员的劳动强度,可广泛应用于大型现代化畜禽养殖场,具有较高的推广应用价值。另外,系统为后续的开发留有足够的空间,可以在上位机上继续开发专家知识库,在下位机上继续增加其它环境信息,为大型禽场现代化管理研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 As the fast development of our country economy and improvement of people’s living standards, specially diversified development trend of international market to meat produce demand., which promoted fast development of our country livestock and poultry breeding. And, poultry house environment problems induced by germ breeding cause huge economic loss of the poultry mass death,which make people take more and more importance to environment quality and management of poultry house.Currently,our country livestock and poultry breeding from previous small scale,dispersed bring change into scaled, scientific farming, but the large and middle scale breeding farms have wide varieties poultry, different poultry have different request in the different growth cycle to growth environment, which make large and middle scale breeding farms exist complex, chaotic management, and request massive investment of human and material resources, so as to increase the production cost.In view of the middle and large-scaled poultry house group existing problems, this article proposed a low cost, distributed and intelligent poultry house environment monitoring solution, develop distributed poultry house environment monitoring system which take several multi-function MCU as node, personal computer as surveillance server, and based on RS-485 bus network.The system composed of lower controllers monitoring module, upper master computer monitoring module and communication module.The lower controllers design mainly divides into the hardware and the software two parts, using assembly language and electronic automatic technology as mian developmental tool, it is a microcontroller takeing MCU as core, including data acquisition, keyboard configuration, digital displaying, control output, and communication, which complete task of setting, monitoring, controlling and communicating to temperature and ammonia concentration in the poultry house; Upper master computer use Visual Basic to develop poultry farm environmental management software, responsible for the whole system unified management, realizes system parameters setting, environmental information data gathering, processing, real-time visual displaying of each poultry house; By comparing existing general bus, considering RS-485 bus characteristic of cheap, short developing period, communication protocol self-defined, convenient to expansion and the maintenance, so the communication module choose RS-485 as communication bus, and define serial communication protocol, has carried communication program design on the PC machine side and the MCU side, has realized communication between one PC and several MCU.The paper has designed a low cost and distributed poultry house environment monitoring system, the lower controllers can individually operate, also can be monitored by PC through serial port, the system realized one PC unified management to monitor several poultry house. Greatly improve environmental condition of the poultry house, decrease labor intensity of managers and feeding people, the system can widely applies in large-scale modernized poultry breeding farm, has the high popularization using value. And the system leave enough space for its continual exploitation, can continue to develop the expert expert knowledge database on upper computer, increase other environmental information on lower controllers, the system has laid a foundation for modernized large poultry farm’s further study.


