
基于Google Map与Ajax的Web GIS应用解决方案研究

Research on Web GIS Application Solution Based on Google Map and Ajax

【作者】 陈建平

【导师】 常庆瑞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 土壤学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 针对Google Map对制图和地图属性数据支持不够的问题,本文结合具体应用,研究并提出了基于Google Map的Web GIS解决方案,并使用Ajax技术实现了基于Google Map的Web GIS组件。取得的主要成果如下:1、提出了一套基于Google Map API和Ajax的Web GIS解决方案,包括地理数据采集方案、专题地图制图方案、地名的坐标解译方案、地图数据存储方案、数据更新方案以及Web应用方案。地理数据采集方案中提出了GPS直接记录、GPS航迹解析坐标提取、基于地名-坐标数据库的地名解码等作为地理坐标数据的采集方案,并以中国自然标本馆项目的实践证明了采集方案的可行。专题制图方案中以陕西土壤的土类专题制图为例研究并提出了基于Google Earth进行专题制图的8个步骤的技术流程。地名坐标解析方案中分析了地名坐标解译的原理和主要技术过程,结合西北农林科技大学数字化植物标本馆项目的实践,讨论了其优势与局限。地图存储方案中,提出了以MapJSON新型文件格式为核心的灵活存储方式。数据更新方案讨论了以Google Earth制图、地理数据采集为数据来源的更新方式。Web应用方案则给出了基于Google Map的WebGIS应用的框架结构。2、设计了一种新型的通用Web GIS文件格式– MapJSON格式。MapJSON以厂商独立的、公开的JSON格式为基础,可以集成来自多个Web应用域的图像数据、属性数据。克服了Google地图标记语言缺少属性数据支持的缺陷,是介于Google Map与应用开发之间的抽象层,简化了Web GIS的开发难度。3、开发了解析MapJSON格式的Web GIS组件。组件显示地图时采用Google Map地图服务,有效地将地图信息与专业属性信息做了集成显示,提供了图层的分层显示功能以及地图的基本互动功能,并可跨平台使用。以上研究成果在中国自然标本馆项目和西北农林科技大学数字化植物标本馆项目的Web应用环境下做了测试,效果达到了预期需求,证明了此套解决方案与WebGIS组件是有效和可行的。

【Abstract】 This? paper? suggested? a? whole? Web? GIS? application? solution? based? on? Google? Map?when? ? ? studied?on?the?deficiency?of?the?Google?Map?web?service?which?can?not?support?GIS?attribute data and can not support thematic mapping very well in real projects. And a Web GIS software component using Ajax was implemented which is the core of the solu-tion. Primary achievements of this paper listed as follows:1. A whole Web GIS application solution based on Google Map and Ajax technology has been given out, Consists of geography data collection methods, thematic mapping methods, place name and coordinates converting methods, map data storage and updating methods, web application developing methods. In geography data collections methods, this paper proposed three methods, direct GPS data recording, GPS tracking file parsing and place name converting to coordinates. And these methods have proved to be successful in project of CFH. In thematic mapping methods, an eight-steps mapping methods been given out through studies on mapping of soil groups of Shaanxi province. In place name-coordinates converting methods, the converting theory and key techniques and their defect has been analyzed according to the practice of real project of WUK Virtual Herbarium. In data sto-rage and updating methods, several flexible methods centered in MapJSON file format have been proposed. In web application developing methods, an application framework has been given out.2. Developed a new map file format called MapJSON. It’s an open and self-contained file format based on JSON, it can integrate images and attribute data comes from different do-mains, as an layer wrapped Google Map, it can eases web GIS developing.3. Implemented a Web GIS Component with Ajax techniques which using MapJSON file as map data source, it parsing MapJSON file and using Google Map services to render map online. This component can be used to quickly build professional Web GIS applications on almost every operating system.The solutions and Web GIS component has been tested by project CFH (Chinese Field Herbarium) and project WUKVH (Virtual Herbarium of WUK), and achieves satisfactory results.

【关键词】 Web GIS组件Google MapAjax
【Key words】 Web GISComponentGoogle MapAjax

