

Researches on Carbon Distribution and Carbon Pool of Main Natural Forest at Huoditang Forestry Region in the Qinling Mountains

【作者】 马明

【导师】 王得祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选择秦岭火地塘林区天然油松林、锐齿栎林、华山松林3种主要森林植被类型不同组织含碳率、分析不同林分碳素在空间的分布规律(乔木层、灌木层、草本层和土壤中)及其同种林分不同龄级和不同海拔碳储量的变化,明确其碳库的分布特征及其变化规律。通过该项研究,探索基于全国森林资源调查数据和已有的研究数据估算区域不同森林生态系统碳库大小及碳汇能力,以及减少区域森林生态系统准确计算碳储量的不确定性的途径和可行法,为全球气候变换条件下中国区域生态环境建设和制定区域森林生态系统碳汇管理对策提供参考理论依据。主要结论如下:1.秦岭火地塘林区油松、锐齿栋和华山松3类林分的乔木层生物量依次为: 87.5787,244.7103和85.7981 t·hm-2;其中地上部分比例占80.74%—86.23%,地下部分比例占13.77%—19.26%。灌木层生物量依次为:3.2776,4.6540和4.2289 t·hm-2;其中地上部分比例占46.97%—63.38%,地下部分比例占36.62%—53.03%。草本层生物量依次为:0.3178,0.7901和0.5828 t·hm-2;其中地上部分比例占36.77%—58.65%,地下部分比例占41.35%—63.23%。2.3种林分类型乔木树种的平均含碳率分别为油松0.5122,锐齿栎0.4860,华山松0.4985;13种灌木的器官平均含碳率为0.4610,10种草本的器官平均含碳率为0.2664,3种林分枯落物平均含碳率为0.4874。3类林分各器官的平均含碳率分别为干0.4936,皮0.4972,枝0.4982,叶0.5194,根0.4862;针叶树林分平均含碳率为0.4927,3种树种林分平均含碳率为0.4989;油松皮的含碳率最高(0.5298),锐齿栎根的含碳率最低(0.4682)。3.油松林生态系统的生物量碳密度为183.26 t·hm-2,乔木层(包括根)为56.10 t·hm-2,占30.61%,灌木层(包括根)为1.94t·hm-2,占1.01%,草本层(包括根)为0.14 t·hm-2,占0.01%,枯落物层为0.88t·hm-2,占0.48%,土壤层总计124.20 t·hm-2,占67.77%。锐齿栎林生态系统的生物量碳密度为299.07t·hm-2,乔木层(包括根)为118.47t·hm-2,占39.61%,灌木层(包括根)为2.25t·hm-2,占0.75%,草本层(包括根)为0.11t·hm-2,占0.004%,枯落物层为5.03t·hm-2,占1.68%,土壤层生物量碳密度总计173.21t·hm-2,占57.91%。华山松林生态系统的生物量碳密度为133.59 t·hm-2,乔木层(包括根)为42.55 t·hm-2,占31.85%,灌木层(包括根)为1.91t·hm-2,占1.43%,草本层(包括根)为0.18 t·hm-2,占0.13%,枯落物层为12.32t·hm-2,占9.22%,土壤层总计76.63 t·hm-2,占57.36%。三种林分土壤层中的生物量碳密度所占比例为57.36%-占67.77%,这个结果与Houghton报道的全世界森林生态系统中枯落物层与土壤层中碳密度是森林地上部分的2.0倍的结果较吻合。4.在海拔1 500 m以下和1 900 m以上,油松林生态系统的生物量碳密度分布较小,分别为173.80 t·hm-2和169.31 t·hm-2;在1 700~1 800m之间最大,达到196.53 t·hm-2。锐齿栎林生物量碳密度在海拔<1 400m和>2 000m区域内分布较小,分别为255.4542 t·hm-2和258.2736 t·hm-2,在1 600m~1 800m区域内最大,达到311.3579 t·hm-2。华山松林碳密度研究数据表明,在海拔1 700 m以下和2 300 m以上,华山松林生态系统的生物量碳密度分布较小,分别为120.81t·hm-2和107.21 t·hm-2;在1 800~1 900m之间最大,达到142.73 t·hm-2。5.在海拔<1600 m的地段,主要分布有锐齿栎中龄林和油松中龄林,其碳密度分别为255.4542 t C/hm-2和173.7978 t C/hm-2。在海拔1600 m~1800 m范围内,分布有华山松中龄林、近熟林和成熟林,这一海拔高度是锐齿栎生长的最适海拔范围,它的碳储量也是随着龄级的增大而增加,近熟林的碳储量比中龄林碳储量大6.97 t /hm-2,该海拔带中,华山松的碳密度也是随龄级的增大而增加。在1800 m~2000 m海拔范围内,分布有华山松幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林。华山松林四个龄级的碳密度依次增大,即在这一海拔范围,华山松林随龄级的增大固碳能力在能强。在>2000 m海拔范围内,分布有华山松中龄林、近熟林、成熟林。华山松三个龄级的碳密度相差不大,即这一海拔范围各龄级固碳能力没有显著差异。

【Abstract】 This paper does investigations on the main three natural forest vegetations in Huoditang Area of Qinling Mountains: Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim., and armandi Franch. It focused on analysis of the carbon content rates of different tissues, spatial distribution of carbon in different forest stands (tree story, shrub story, herb story, and soil), and changes of carbon storage of the same forest stand at different ages and altitudes, as well as exploration of the distribution characteristics and variation of Carbon. It is aimed to find an appropriate and feasible way to estimate the size of carbon and ability of carbon storage of different forest ecosystems, and to reduce the uncertainty of estimation based on National Forest Resource Inventory Data and existing research data in the hope of providing the foundation and reference for the regional environment construction and the establishment of regional forest ecosystem carbon storage management policy. Main efforts of study and conclusions of the article are as follows:1. Tree story biomass of the three forests, Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim., and Armandi Franch, are 87.5787, 244.7103, 85.7981 t·hm-2 respectively, with the overground part accounting for 80.74%-86.23% and underground part for 13.77%-19.26%. Shrub story biomass of the three forests are 3.2776, 4.6540, 4.2289 t·hm-2, with the overground part accounting for 46.97%-63.38% and underground part for 36.62%-53.03%. Herb story biomass of the three forests are 0.3178, 0.7901, 0.5828 t·hm-2, with the overground part accounting for 80.74%-59.56% and underground part for 10.14%-29.36%.2. Average content rate of tree story of the three forests, Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim., and armandi Franch, are 0.5122, 0.4860 and 0.4985 respectively; Average organic carbon content rate of thirteen shrubs, ten herbs, and seven forest floors are 0.4610,0.2664 and 0.4874 respectively. Average organic carbon content rate of the three forests are: trunk, 0.4936; barks, 0.4972; branch, 0.4982; leaf, 0.5194; root, 0.4862. Average carbon content rate of conifers is 0.4927.Average carbon content rate of the three forests is 0.4989, with the bark of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. being the highest (0.5298) and the root of Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim. being the lowest (0.4682).3. Biomass carbon density (BCD) of the ecosystem of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. is 183.26 t·hm-2, with tree story (including root) being 56.10 t·hm-2 (30.61%), shrub story (including root) being 1.94t·hm-2 (1.01%), herb story (including root) being 0.14 t·hm-2 (0.01%), forest floor being 0.88t·hm-2 (0.48%), and soil layer being 124.20 t·hm-2 (67.77%). BCD of the ecosystem of Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim. is 299.07t·hm-2, with tree story (including root) being 118.47 t·hm-2 (39.61%), shrub story (including root) being 2.25 t·hm-2 (0.75%), herb story (including root) being 0.11 t·hm-2 (0.004%), forest floor being 5.03t·hm-2 (1.68%), and soil layer(0-100 cm) being 173.21 t·hm-2 (57.91%). BCD of the ecosystem of armandi Franch is 133.59 t·hm-2, with tree story (including root) being 42.55 t·hm-2 (31.85%), shrub story (including root) being 1.91t·hm-2 (1.43%), herb story (including root) being 0.18 t·hm-2 (0.13%), forest floor being 12.32 t·hm-2 (9.22%), and soil layer being 76.63 t·hm-2 (57.36%)4. With respect to Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.: for elevation below 1 500 m and above 1 900 m, BCD values were smaller, 50.26 t·hm-2and 46.57 t·hm-2 respectively; the largest BCD values, 196.53 t·hm-2 t·hm-2, occurred at the elevation from 1 700 m to 1 800 m. With respect to Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim., BCD values were smaller for elevation below 1 400 m and above 2 000 m, 255.45 t·hm-2 and 258.27 t·hm-2 respectively; the largest BCD values, 311.36 t·hm-2 t·hm-2, occurred at the elevation 1 600 m-1 800 m. With respect to Armandi Franch., BCD values were smaller for elevation below 1 700 m and above 2 300 m, 120.81 t·hm-2 and 107.21 t·hm-2 respectively; the largest BCD values, 142.73 t·hm-2, occurred at the elevation from 1 700 m to 2 300 m.5. For elevation below 1 600m, there are mainly middle age Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim and Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.. with carbon density being 255.4542 t /hm-2 and 173.7978 t /hm-2 respectively. For elevation from 1 600 m to 1 800 m, there are mainly middle age, almost mature and mature forest of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., and this is the optimum range for Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim, with carbon storage increased by age. The almost mature forest of Quercus aliena war.Acuteserrata Maxim is6.97 t /hm-2 larger than its middle age forest. For elevation from 1 600 m~1 800 m, the carbon storage of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. is also increased by age. For elevation 1 800 m-2 000 m, there is mainly young, middle age, almost mature and mature forest of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., with its carbon density increased by age. This indicates that its ability of carbon fixation increases by age during this elevation range. For elevation above 2 000 m, there is mainly middle age, almost mature, and mature forest of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., with similar carbon density. This indicates that there is no significant difference for the ability of carbon fixation among this range for Pinus tabulaeformis Carr..


