

Based on Ultra-Weak Bioluminescence Detection Technique of Strawberry Quality

【作者】 谷芳

【导师】 郭康权;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着草莓种植产业的快速发展,草莓果实品质越来越受到果农、果商和消费者的重视,也为品质的检测提出了新的要求。本文利用微弱光技术,研究了草莓品质指标与超微弱光特性变化之间的内在联系,可以为草莓品质检测及品种鉴别提供简便、快速的新方法。实验以新星2号、红太后和全明星三个品种的草莓为对象,研究了测试条件、处理方法、果品种类和品质等对草莓微弱光特性参数的影响。主要研究内容包括三部分:第一部分:测定了草莓的超微弱发光值,比较分析了草莓不同部位、成熟度、重量大小、不同品种及损伤对超微弱发光的影响;第二部分:研究了草莓延迟发光与光源强度、温度的关系,以及延迟发光随时间的衰减规律;第三部分:利用常规方法研究不同品种草莓的糖度、酸度、硬度及新鲜度的变化规律与超微弱发光的关系,探求草莓内在品质检测的新方法。取得以下研究结论:1.测试部位、品种、成熟度、重量及损伤影响草莓的微弱发光。草莓不同部位的超微弱发光值不同,果柄处的发光值最大,果实肩部和尾部发光值接近;各品种草莓的超微弱发光均随着其成熟度的增强而减弱,红绿期的草莓发光强度最大,随着进入红熟期和紫红期后,其超微弱发光值逐渐衰减;不同重量大小的草莓,延迟发光和自发超微弱光强度都随着果实重量的增大而增大;不同品种的草莓其超微弱发光值不同;损伤果的延迟发光与完好果的延迟发光值不同。2.光照和温度对草莓的延迟发光有明显影响。草莓经过强光照射后,其延迟发光强度增加,双曲线可以描绘草莓延迟发光的衰减特性;40℃以下,随着温度增加,草莓的微弱发光强度增强,50℃高温胁迫使草莓果实的延迟发光出现明显的突增,降温至10℃时,果实的延迟发光强度减弱。3.草莓的糖度、硬度、pH值与微弱发光有一定的相关性。随着草莓的成熟度增加,可溶固形物含量增加,硬度降低,pH增大其微弱发光数值随之减小;草莓可溶固形物含量、pH值与微弱发光显著正相关,硬度与超弱发光显著负相关。4.草莓的新鲜度与超微弱发光有相关性。果实采摘后超微弱发光强度降低;同时草莓存放期间可溶性固形物含量和pH值都降低。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of industry of strawberry growing fruit quality, strawberry fruit farmer and businessman and consumer attention to the quality inspection. Also it puts forward new requirements to them. Using the ultra-weak bioluminescence technology, we can inspect the quality of the strawberry. And the inner relationship between the ultra-weak bioluminescence changes and the index characteristics of the strawberry were been found. It can provide a new rapid method to inspect the quality of the strawberry.In this experiment, three varieties of strawberry were been inspected. They are the Xinxing2, Quanmingxin and Hongtaihou. We used photomultiplier, single photon counter and detection system.The main experiment results as follows:(1) Strawberry’s different parts and weights and kinds and mature stages have different ultra-weak bioluminescence values. With its maturity enhanced, the ultra-weak bioluminescence lowers. The ultra-weak bioluminescence increased with the fruit weight . Damage fruit’s delayed bioluminescence is different from good fruit.(2) Light and temperature influence the strawberry’s delay bioluminescence obviously. After the glare, the strawberry’s illumination intensity is increased than in normal environment. The hyperbolic can better describe strawberry’s delayed bioluminescence. Experiments show that if the proper temperature heat up the fruits, their physiological and biochemical activities is more vigorous. The stress of temperature increases their delayed bioluminescence strength. In 10℃the fruits delayed bioluminescence intensity is less than normal.(3) Strawberry brix, hardness, pH value and ultra-weak bioluminescence have certain correlation. With the increasing maturity of the strawberry, soluble solids content increases, hardness and pH value is reduced. (4)The freshness of strawberry and the ultra-weak bioluminescence have relevance. With the extension of time, the fruit’s ultra-weak bioluminescence is lower. During the storage stage, strawberry’s soluble solids content and pH value is lower.


