

A Study on Method of Design the Head Department of Irrigation Area System

【作者】 段正忠

【导师】 李援农;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国水资源仅占世界总量的6%,是比耕地资源(占世界总量的9%)更紧缺的资源,水资源不足已成为严重制约我国国民经济可持续发展的主要因素之一。农业是我国用水最多的产业,用水总量占总用水量的70 %以上。泵站动力系统设计、灌溉方式等不合理,造成水资源浪费严重、生产效率低下,加剧了水资源短缺的现状。目前我国多数泵站设计不合理,设备老化陈旧,自动化水平不高,效率低,能源消耗大。如何根据灌区作物所需水量及地下水储备量科学合理地设计一套灌区动力系统,提高泵站自动化控制水平,就显得十分重要。PLC控制技术具有可编程序控制器PLC是微机技术与传统的继电接触控制技术相结合的产物,它克服了继电接触控制系统中的机械触点的接线复杂、可靠性低、功耗高、通用性和灵活性差的缺点,充分利用了微处理器的优点,又照顾到现场电气操作维修人员的技能与习惯。本文的灌区水处理及水泵动力系统的设计采用了该项技术,使系统的效率及控制可靠性大大提高。本文通过水量平衡方法结合某灌区供水泵站的工程实例对灌区系统的设计进行了探究。根据水资源分析结果,确定项目区灌溉水源为地下承压水;根据单井出水量和设计灌水定额等,确定单井控制灌溉面积、井距;根据实测资料和有关技术标准进行机井设计,为保证项目区机井长期、稳定、高效运作,确定机井深度;根据设计单井出水量、允许井壁进水流速、含水层埋深、开采段长度等因素,通过管网水力计算,选择合适的管道材料和动力设备系统及控制方法。本设计方案灌区动力系统一次性投资少,要求的设备较简单,管理方便、易掌握。

【Abstract】 In our country,water resources only takes up 6% in the world total amount,is the resources which more tightly lacks than the farmland resources(take up 9% in the world total amount).The water shortage has become a serious one of the main factors to constraint sustainable development of China’s national economy.The agriculture in our country uses the most of water and shares above 70% of the total amount of water.The methods of designation and irrigation in pump Station power system is not reasonable,result in a serious waste of water resources,low productivity.This causes the ater shortages to further worsen.In our country,the designation of most pumping stations is unreasonable,with old equipment,Low automation control level,low efficiency and the energy consumption is huge.at present .How to design a set of irrigation area dynamic system according to the water demand of the irrigation area crops and ground water margin and how to raise the automation control level of the pumping station scientifically and reasonably becomes very important.The PLC control technology make the computer control technology and device control system bonding together closely.It has overcome the Shortcomings of relay and Ac contactor with complex wiring of mechanical contacts,low reliability、large power lossing、poor flexibility.It take full advantage of the benefits of the computer processor and appropriate the workers’operating skills and habits.In this paper,The dynamic control wellhead system has used this technology,It made the system more efficient and more reliable .This text explored the design of hydraulic buildings in irrigation system by the amount of water equilibrium method,combined with a project example of pumping Irrigation station.According to water resources analytical result,the text designed the wellhead in irrigation project areas was the underground confined water.To base on single well amount of water and design irrigation fixed,to make sure an irrigation area controlled by single well,distince between wells; In terms of actually measure data and relevant technical standards to carry on a machine well design,in order to promise the well machine operateing in a long-term,stabilize and efficiently,to assurance well depth; According to single well amount of water and allowing current of well wall to enter water and deep of contain water layer and length to mine etc,to calculate water power in tube net,to choose suitable piping material and motive equipments system.In this designs,the irrigation motive system is smaller in one-time investment,simply equipment requirements,convenient management,easy control.


