

Landscape Ecology Programming Research of Ecological Integrative Urban Park

【作者】 陈丽敏

【导师】 何东进; 黄新娟;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国人口迅速增长、环境的恶化,以及人们对于休闲游憩场所的需求与日俱增,城市的生态环境建设显得越来越重要。城市综合性公园作为城市的绿肺,是城市生态环境的重要体现。建设生态型城市综合公园,是从城市规划的高度出发,对公园绿地进行景观生态研究和生态规划设计,提高城市的生态化,是建设生态城市的必由之路。生态型城市是满足人与自然和谐发展要求的一种城市类型,综合公园的景观生态规划是生态型城市建设的重要环节。本文以永安市龟山公园景观改造为例,在阅读参考大量有关生态型城市综合公园规划设计文献的基础上,对生态型城市综合公园的景观生态规划的理念、原则、方法、管理等进行研究和分析,总结出自然、文化、人本的设计理念,以及保护优先、自然生态、地域文化、整体性、多样性、参与性、共享性、安全性、生态位的设计原则,并以之指导龟山公园景观改造规划设计。在对龟山公园土地利用、交通道路、公园建筑、自然景观、竖向与视线、水文和场地适宜性等7个方面深入分析基础上,探讨龟山公园景观生态规划方法与原则。提出了集“文化传承、休闲娱乐、康体运动、科普教育”于一体的景观功能定位,从点、线、面三个层次进行龟山公园的体系规划,提出“一核两环四廊多点”的景观空间配置思想,并进一步提出了主要景观生态规划(绿地系统规划、景观视线规划、景观廊道规划、驳岸景观规划),最后对龟山公园的景观生态管理提出了若干建议,从而为今后永安市城市新建和改建公园绿地的生态规划设计、建设起到一定的参考与借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With sharp increase in population and deterioration of the environment,as well as people’s growing demand for recreational places,constructing ecological environments of cities is becoming more and more important.In the great cities,an urban integrative park which now becoming a green lung is a vital enbodiment.Therefore,as for marking out modern cities,it is necessary to biuld ecological parks.Also,in the process of biulding them,studying landscape ecology of greenbelts of parks and ecological layout and improving ecological conditions.At present,one of types of cities is the ecological city that can meet people’s demand of harmonious developent of man and nature.Excellent designing integrative cities is an important tach for landscape programming for constructing modern cities.In the present paper,a case is from rebiulding the Guishan Park in Yongan Prefecture.After reading a lot of references on designing integrative parks in ecological citites , the thoughs , principles , methods , manegment was investigated and analyzed.Subsequently,a pgogramming though on integrating nature,culture and humen beings was summed up.Besides,the following pricinple should be complied with,which is to sythetically consider these aspects—preferential conservation,natural ecology,area culture,integration,diversity,participation,share,security and niche.The principle should be used to guide rebiulding the landscape desgn of the Guishan Park. After analyzing land use,communication,park’s buildings,natural landscape, vertical,horizontal,hydrography and suitalbe fields,and investigating the methods and principles of designing ecological landscape,a complexy landscape function should include transferring culture , leisure , entertainment , healty sport , and science education.Namely,it is should consider three hiberarchies including point,line and flat.At the same time, the following idea that one core,two rings,four corridors and many points for deploying ecological landscape was put forward.Moreover,the main ecological landscape progromming was put forward,which include designing green area system,landscape sight,corridor and inlaid ecological plan.Finally,some suggestions for ecological managing the Guishan Park in order to being useful to rebiulding Yongan city and reboulding greenbelts in parks.The mentioned ideas will benefit the process of desinging greenbelts of integrative ecological parks and rebiulding the beautiful Yongan city.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】422

