

A Ecological Investigation on the Education of College Students in China

【作者】 肖东

【导师】 何东进;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪中叶以来,经济、科技的的高速发展一方面推动了高等教育飞速发展,另一方面也孕育了新的“危机”:入学高峰、经费短缺、师资外流、就业难等等。这些问题对高等教育事业的发展带来了深刻的影响。“教育危机”问题不断被提及。为了化解这些“危机”,学术界从各个方面进行了探讨,并得出了许多有益的结论。而随着生态学这门学科的兴起,对高等教育的研究有了一个新的视角。将高等教育学与生态学的紧密结合,为现代教育的实验研究和理论研究,打开了一扇窗口。本论文以生态学为理论基础,首先探讨了在高等教育可持续发展过程中应该遵循的生态学原理与定律,并运用平衡观、整体观和系统观等生态理论对高等教育进行了分析。其次,本论文以闽江学院为例设计问卷调查,通过对问卷的统计与分析,总结了当前高校大学培养过程中存在的一些问题,阐明了学生以及教师在其发展过程中影响重大的各类因素。最后,本论文对上述存在的一些问题和现象采用生态学的原理与方法进行分析,并提出了解决问题的设想与措施:以生态位理论阐述大学生在知识培养中应该有自己的生态位,并保有优势;提出大学生就业生态系统及其建设;以限制因子定律以及教师发展的生态危机来指明教师专业化发展的路径;从生态系统观为基点,提出构建和谐校园的策略。通过以上分析,本论文最终形成了大学生培养的优化模式并提出了大学生培养质量的生态指导体系。从生态学的视角,进行大学生培养过程中各种现象的生态学透析是很有必要的,本论文研究的意义在于:丰富生态教育的理论;剖析学生培养的各种生态现象的成因,并提出策略;为学校教育的生态化发展提供理论依据,提高学校教育的实效。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of economy and science since the mid 20th century has on the one hand resulted in the rapid development of higher education,and on the other,led to new crisis:booming enrolment,fund lack,the draining of teachers, employment,all that had been added up to bring profound influence on higher education.Hence the issue of education crisis going hotter.Research has been done to explore ways to solve the crisis,and has got plenty of positive findings.And the booming of ecology creates a new horizon to the research on higher education,or new window opened onto the research on modern education through experiment as well as theory.The present paper bases itself on ecology and explores the bionomical principles and laws to be obeyed in the sustainable development of higher education in perspectives of balance,unity and system.Then,a questionnaire is carried out on Minjiang University,and after statistical analysis,problems are found,and factors concerning students and teachers are well illuminated.Finally,the problems just excavated are tackled in accordance with the principles of ecology,and it is suggested that college students should maintain their advantages by keeping their bionomical niche,that employment bionomical system is necessary for graduates,that the professionalized teaching is to be carried out in accordance with the law of limited factors and bionomical crisis of teachers,and that strategies concerning the forming of harmonious campus are put forward in view of bionomical system.The above analysis added up lead to the optimal mode and bionomical system concerning the education of college students.The necessity of ecology applied to college education is evident.The devotion of the present research is that it adds to the bionomical education theory,that causes for the bionomical problems in higher education are found and relative resolutions are put forward,and that it provides theory background for the bionomical development of higher education,and improves materially higher education.

  • 【分类号】G642
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】211

