

Effects of Lead and NaCl Stress on Physiolagical Respense of Hydrangea Macrophylla

【作者】 汪霖

【导师】 赵九洲;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以八仙花为试材,研究了八仙花在逆境胁迫下的生理生化特性。有如下几方面:1.铅(Pb)胁迫对八仙花生理指标的影响以1/2Hoagland营养液为基质的水培法,研究了铅(Pb)胁迫对八仙花生理的影响,Pb(NO32处理浓度分别为(CK,20,50,100和200mg/L)测定了叶绿素(Chlorophyll,chl)含量,类胡萝卜素(Carotenoid,CAR)含量,脯氨酸(Proline,Pro),丙二醛(Malonaldehyde,MDA)含量,过氧化物酶(Peroxydase,POD)含量,可溶性糖(Soluble sugar)含量。结果表明:(1)在Pb胁迫下,八仙花叶片叶绿素含量随Pb处理浓度的增加而降低,在Pb20mg/L处理下高于CK,Pb浓度为50、100、200mg/L处理,叶绿素浓度均高于CK。类胡萝卜素的变化趋势与叶绿素相似。(2)MDA含量的变化趋势,随Pb浓度的升高而增加。在Pb200mg/L处理MDA含量为最强。其顺序为:Pb200mg/L>Pb100mg/L>Pb50mg/L>Pb20mg/L>CK。(3)在Pb50mg/L处理POD含量为最强。其大小顺序为:Pb50mg/L>Pb20mg/L>Pb100mg/L>Pb200>CK。(4)在Pb200mg/L处理脯氨酸含量为最强。脯氨酸含量在Pb处理其顺序为:Pb200 mg/L>Pb100mg/L>Pb50mg/L>Pb20mg/L>CK。(5)在Pb100mg/L处理可溶性糖含量为最强。可溶性糖含量在Pb处理其顺序为:Pb100mg/L>Pb200 mg/L>Pb50mg/L>Pb20mg/L>CK。2.盐(NaCl)胁迫对八仙花生理指标的影响以1/2Hoagland营养液为基质的水培法,研究了NaCl胁迫对八仙花生理生化特性的影响,NaCl浓度分别为(CK,0.01 g/L,0.05 g/L,0.1 g/L,0.5g/L)测定了叶绿素(Chlorophyll,chl)含量、类胡萝卜素(Carotenoid,CAR)含量、丙二醛(Malonal dehyde,MDA)含量、过氧化物酶(Peroxydase,POD)含量、过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxidedismutase,SOD)。结果如下:(1)随着NaCl浓度的增加,叶绿素含量随NaCl处理浓度的增加而降低,在0.01g/L、0.05 g/L、0.1 g/L和0.5 g/L处理均低于CK,类胡萝卜素的变化趋势与叶绿素相似。(2)MDA含量的变化趋势为,NaCl0.5g/L处理MDA含量为最高,其大小顺序为;NaCl0.50g/L>NaCl0.10g/L>NaCl0.05g/L>0.01g/L>CK。(3)POD含量的变化先下降后上升的趋势,在0.5g/L处理POD含量为最强。其大小顺序为:NaCl0.50g/L>NaCl0.10g/L>NaCl0.05g/L>0.01g/L>CK。(4)SOD含量随NaCl浓度的升高而升高,在0.5g/L处理SOD含量为最强。其顺序为:NaCl0.50g/L>NaCl0.10g/L>NaCl0.05g/L>0.01g/L>CK。(5)CAT含量对NaCl胁迫反应敏感,在0.5g/L处理CAT含量为最强。其顺序为:NaCl0.10g/L>NaCl0.05g/L>NaCl0.50g/L>0.01g/L>CK。3、铅、盐复合胁迫对八仙花生理特性的影响以1/2Hoagland营养液为基质的水培法,研究了Pb和NaCl复合对八仙花生理的影响,各处理分别为:(CK、处理1:NaCl0.1g/L,处理2:Pb100 mg/L,处理3:NaCl+Pb。)测定了相对生物量、叶绿素(Chlorophyll,chl)含量、类胡萝卜素(Carotenoid,CAR)含量、丙二醛(Malonal dehyde,MDA)含量、可溶性糖(Soluble sugar)含量。叶、根测定了植株体内Pb元素含量。结果如下:(1)植株相对增长量大小顺序为:CK>NaCl0.1g/L>Pb100mg/L>NaCl+Pb。(2)MDA含量的变化趋势为:Pb100mg/L>NaCl0.1g/l>NaCl+Pb>CK。(3)可溶性糖含量的变化与MDA的含量变化相似,其大小顺序为:Pb100g/L>NaCl0.1g/l>NaCl+Pb>CK。(4)在铅盐复合胁迫下八仙花对Pb元素含量的吸收影响不同,Pb100mg/L处理,八仙花根系中铅含量达到2000μg/g。4、铅尾矿砂为栽培基质对八仙花生长及生理特性的影响以铅尾矿砂与田土配比基质处理八仙花,测定了,细胞膜透性(Membranepermeability)、脯氨酸(Proline)、可溶性糖(Soluble sugar)含量。测定了八仙花植株体内Pb等矿质含量。结果如下:(1)细胞膜透性的大小顺序为:铅尾矿砂>2/3铅+1/3田>1/2铅+1/2田>1/3铅+2/3田>CK。(2)脯氨酸与可溶性糖变化趋势与细胞膜透性相似。铅尾矿砂处理,对八仙花的生长产生明显影响,其中根受铅尾矿砂处理的胁迫程度最高。土壤中过量铅明显增加了八仙各器官中铅的含量,并主要积累在根部。植株体铅含量的变化是随着栽培基质中Pb含量的增加,根和叶中铅含量也随之增加,根内pb含量高于叶内Pb含量。根和叶内Pb含量均以处理2(1/2铅尾矿+1/2田土)为最高,根中是1602.25(μg/g),叶中是384.00(μg/g)。环境的植物修复具有效率高、成本低及有效性强的优势,可被广泛接受和采纳。可以预见,植物修复在防治和治理土壤重金属污染与环境修复中的作用将日益受到关注,八仙花的应用与产业化开发前景十分广阔。

【Abstract】 The research were about Physiological and Biochemical Properties of hydrangea under the Pb and NaCI intimidate,The main results as follows: 1.Effects of different Pb concentrations on physiological and biochemical index of H.macrophyllaEffects of LEAD(Pb) intimidation on physical signs of hydrangea were studies by hydroponic culture based in Hoagland nutrient solution.The hydroponic culture with different concentrations of Pb(NO3)2 were(CK, 20,50,100,200 mg/L),then measured the content of Chlorophyll,chl,Carotenoid, CAR,Proline,Malonaldehyde,MDA,Peroxydase,POD,Soluble sugar.The results show that(1) Under the Pb treatment,chlorophyll content of Hydrangea decreased as the Pb concentration increased.Chlorophyll concentration were lower than CK at 20mg/L Pb treatment also at 50,100,200 mg/L Pb treatment,The variety of Carotenoids was similar.(2) The content of MDA elevated as the Pb concentrations increased.The content of MDA was highest at 200mg/L Pb treatment.The order was:Pb200 mg/L > Pb 100mg/L>Pb50mg/L> Pb20mg/L> CK.(3) The content of POD reached peak at 50mg/L Pb treatment.The order was: Pb50mg/L> Pb20mg/L> Pbl00mg/L> Pb200 mg/L > CK.(4) The content of PRO was highest at 200mg/L Pb treatment.Its order was: Pb200> mg/L> Pb 100mg/L> Pb50mg/L> Pb20mg/L> CK.(5) The content of soluble sugar achieved highest at 100mg/L Pb treatment,its order was:Pb100mg/L> Pb200> mg/L> Pb50mg/L> Pb20mg/L> CK. 2.The effects of different NaCI concentrations on physiological and biochemical signs of hydrangeaEffects of NaCI intimidation on physical signs of hydrangea were studies by hydroponic culture based in 1/2Hoagland nutrient solution.The hydroponic culture with different concentrations of NaCI were(CK,20 mg/L,50 mg/L,100 mg/L and 200 mg/L) respectively,then measured the content of Chlorophyll,Carotenoid,Malonal dehyde,Peroxydase,Catalase,Superoxidedismutase. The results are as follows:(1) As the NaCIconcentration increased,The content of chlorophyll decreased contrary and it was lower than CK at these concentration of NaCI:0.01g/L,0.05g/L, 0.1g/L,0.5g/L.arotenoids has similar variety trends.(2) The content of MDA increased with NaCI concentration increasing.At the 0.5g/L NaCI treatment,the content of MDA was the strongest.Following order was: NaC10.50g/L> NaC10.10g/L> NaC10.05g/L>0.01g/L> CK(3) The content of POD has upward trend after the first decline,The content of POD was the strongest at the 0.5g/L treatment,its order was:NaC10.50g/L> NaC10.10g/L> NaC10.05g/L> 0.01g/L> CK.(4) The content of SOD increased with the increasing of NaCI concentration,at the 0.5g/L NaCI treatment,The content of SOD was the strongest.Followed order was: NaC10.50g/L> NaC10.10g/L> NaC10.05g/L> 0.01g/L> CK.(5)The content of CAT was sensitive to the NaCI intimidation,the content of CAT was the strongest at the 0.5g/L NaCI treatment.The order was:NaC10.10g/L> NaC10.05g/L> NaCI0.50g/L> 0.01g/L> CK. 3.The effects of Pb and NaCI and their compound contamination on physiological and biochemical properties of hydrangeaEffects of LEAD(Pb) and NaCI compound intimidation on physical signs of hydrangea were studies by hydroponic culture based in 1/2 Hoagland nutrient solution. All treatment were:(CK,treatment 1:NaC10.1g/L,treatment 2:Pb100 mg/L,treatment 3:NaCI + Pb.) this part determinated contents of relative biomass,chlorophyll, carotenoids,malondialdehyde,soluble sugar.Plant leaves was measured in Pb, elements’ content.The results are as follows:(1) Pb-NaCI compound contamination affected the relative growth rate in plants. The order was:CK> NaC10.1g/L> Pb100mg/L> NaCI+Pb.(2) The content of MDA changed as follow:Pb100mg/L>NaC10.1g/L> NaCI+ Pb>CK.(3) Changes in the content of soluble sugar were similar to content of MDA,the order was:Pb100g/L> NaC10.1 g/L> NaC1+Pb>CK.(4) Hydrangea has different absorption ability to Pb and other elements under Pb -NaCI compound contamination,at 100mg/L Pb treatment,the content of Pb reaches 2000μg/g in Hydrangea’s root,Reached the national standards for lead accumulation. 4.The effects of lead mine grit as a culture medium on the growth and physiological & biochemical properties of hydrangeaCombined soil with Lead mine grit as a culture medium,experiments maesured the content of relative biomass,membrane permeability,proline and soluble sugar. Mineral contents such as Pb also were determined in Hydrangea plant.The results are as follows:(1) different treatments has a significant impact on on relative biomass,the order was:pure soil>1/3 Pb+2/3 soil>1/2 Lead+1/2 soil>soil+Hoagland nutrient solution>Lead mine.(2) the order of Membrane permeability was:Lead mine.>soil+Hoagland nutrient solution>1/2 Pb+1/2 soil>1/3 Pb+2/3 soil>pure soil.(3) The trends of proline and soluble sugar were similar to membrane permeability.The growth of Hydrangea was effected through Lead Mine grit treatment obviously, while roots suffers greatest intimidation.Excessive level of Pb in soil significantly increased the content of Pb in Hydrangea’s various organs,and mainly accumulated in the roots.In the soil Cultivation,the content of Pb reached 1602.25μg/g in roots was much higher than 384.00μg/g in leaves,the content of Pb in roots was higher than leaves,they both reached the highest in treatments 2(1/2 lead mine grit+1/2 soil).The variance analysis showed that treatment differences reached significance level.Using plants to Repair the environment has good superiority like high efficiency, low cost,strong effectiveness and widely accepting and adopting.It is foreseeable that phytoremediation will be increasingly concerned in the Prevention and control of soil heavy metals pollution and environmental restoration.The application of hydrangeas and industrialization development have broad prospects.

  • 【分类号】S682.19
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】103

