

Social Mobilization of Land Reform

【作者】 王德道

【导师】 张福运;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 尽管抗战时期中共力量迅速崛起,但战后敌强我弱的格局并未改变。在这场决定胜负的国共战争中,农民的重要性再度突显,而在争取农民对战争支持问题上,中共当时的选择似乎只有继续打出土改这张王牌。但从战后临沂老区的情况来看,经过抗战时期的减租减息,当地的土地占有已呈均衡化状态,即实际上已无继续进行土改之必要。在这种特殊背景下进行的土改,很大程度上失去了其经济价值,按照张鸣的说法它实质上已成为中共为赢取战争胜利的社会动员手段,且随着战事的进展战争动员的色彩愈加浓厚。在这场以土改为载体的社会动员运动中,日常伦理向动员理论的转变成为动员的基本前提。为使农民从思想上接受土改的合理性,需要打破传统的束缚农民革命化行为的日常伦理,并借以树立一种全新的阶级斗争理念。诉苦和斗争大会把农民带入预设的动员剧场,此亦老区思想动员的一种标准范式。在长期的租佃制下,农民和土地所有者事实上结成一种和谐互惠的默契关系,这成为思想动员的严重障碍。为此,中共灵活地把马克思的剩余价值理论解释为“谁养活谁”的通俗道理,并通过“算账”的方式,地主和农民之间剥削和被剥削的关系一目了然,阶级之间的不满和仇恨由此被激活。斗争大会既是诉苦运动的延续和发展,也是强化诉苦效果或者说巩固思想动员成果的一种重要形式。斗争大会上一边倒的舆论声势,血淋淋的肉体消灭,构成一种强烈的剧场效应,将胆小怕事和骑墙观望的中间分子卷入运动之中。作为土改关键一环的划分阶级和分配果实,也是社会动员框架中的重要组成部分。划分阶级的目的旨在“分清敌我友”基础上进一步明晰中国农村以共产党为代表的无产阶级和以国民党为代表的地主阶级两大阵营,这既是前期日常伦理转换和思想动员的有机延续,也为后期社会动员目标的实践提供了理论基础,即在两大阵营尖锐对立的背景下,农民没有第三条道路可供选择。土地和浮财等土改果实的分配,显系明确两大阵营后合乎逻辑的结果,同时也从经济和产权制度上为动员目标的实践提供了保障。为保护现有的分配果实,毫不动摇地站在无产阶级阵营,全力支持共产革命,成为绝大多数农民的必然选择。作为军事动员主要内容的参军和支前,无疑是社会动员的最高形式或最终目标。划阶级、斗地主的目的是为了“挖蒋根”,土改果实的分配同时被赋予“保田护产”的政治内涵。经过广泛而充分动员起来的临沂老区,青壮年踊跃参军参战,直接到前方“打老蒋”;后方农民则竭尽所能掀起轰轰烈烈的“一切为了前线”的支前运动,从而为扭转山东战场的战局和实现国共决战的胜利提供了坚实的基础和保障。当然,其间严密的组织规范和积极分子的示范作用,也是能够充分挖掘农民参军支前潜力的不可忽视要素。与20世纪30年代的土地革命相比,此期临沂老区土改中“左”的色彩也十分浓厚。诸如划分成分中的随意性,将一部分中农错定为地主、富农;斗争对象界定的模糊性,不少地方出现“贫中找富”、“谁家的地多就斗谁”的为斗争而斗争的极端现象;分配果实中的极端平均主义倾向,有的地方公开提出“中农骨头富农肉,吃了肉啃骨头”的分配口号;动员中的指标化、硬性化,参军支前动员中强硬摊派现象屡见不鲜;再如无原则的滥捕乱杀,将地主富农“扫地出门”等。当然,如果将问题放在土地财产已均质化但中共迫切需要重新大规模地动员农村资源或者说战争动员的背景下来理解的话,这一切似乎均有其合理性,易言之,不默许甚至鼓励土改中的“左”倾思潮,农民就无法充分动员起来,战争动员的目标就无法顺利实现。土改运动在中国近现代史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔,也可以说是回顾或研究这段历史无法回避的重大问题。在前人的研究已较为充分的今天,单纯的历史场景描述和叙事似乎已没有太大的必要,无论是整体史还是地方史莫不如此。在进一步挖掘地方资料或采用人类学的田野调查方法补充文本资料的基础上,博采革命叙事范式和现代化叙事范式之长,从临沂老区已失去土改条件和基础特别是国共政争的特殊背景下理解和思考这段历史,或许有助于把握问题的本质,或者说能够再现历史的真实。

【Abstract】 Although the Sino-Japanese War time, Chinese Communist Party has developed rapidly, but the strong—weak pattern was not changed. In this decision victory’s and defeat’s Kuomintang and Communist Parties war, the importance of farmer was underlines once again, but for the question of wins support from farmer in the war, it seems that Chinese Communist Party only choose the land reform as trump card. But research postwar Linyi old liberated area’s situation, passes through the Sino-Japanese War time ,the rent reduction rate cut, the local land holds has assumed the equalized condition, it means that continued proceed land reform in this area, which may not have enough necessity, but, the special background behind this social movement tell us, proceeded land reform mainly as a social mobilize method due to win the victory ,and with war’s progress, the nature of war mobilization was thicken more and more.In movement, the basic premise is the transformation of daily ethics to mobilization theory .In order to persuaded fanners accept the land reform, needs to break the traditional of daily ethics of revolutionization , and in order to sets up one kind of new class struggle idea. Complains and the struggle congress leads farmers to the preinstall mobilization theater, this is also the ideological mobilization of old liberated area .Under the long-term tenancy system, there is a harmonious reciprocal benefit in fact the tacit understanding relationship between farmers and the landholder, but, it becomes a serious barrier to ideological mobilization. Therefore, Chinese Communist Party translated Marx’s surplus value theory to "who supports who" which is a simple issue, and adopts "does accounts" , the exploitation and the exploits relation between the landlord and the farmer was clear. So, social class’s disaffection and the hatred were activated from this. The struggle congress was not only complains the movement extension and the development, but also the important form strengthening complains the effect or consolidated ideological mobilization achievement. Struggles public opinion momentum which at the congress leans to one side, the bloody human body elimination, constitutes one kind of intense theater effect, will be afraid of getting into trouble the middle elements which and sits on the fence waits and sees to be involved in timidly the movement.As a key part of land reform, division social class and assignment fruit is also the important component of society mobilizes. The goal of division social class’s is to the purpose of base on "drawing a clear line between the enemy and ourselves the friend" , furthermore, defined Chinese countryside take the communist party as representative’s proletariat and take Kuomintang as representative’s landlord class two big camps, this is the consistence of earlier period daily ethics transformation and to the ideological mobilization organic extension, also mobilized the goal for the later period society the practice to provide the rationale, with the background of two big camp incisive opposition , farmers have no choice anymore. Land reform fruit and movable property assignments, this is no doubt outcome and logical results about two big camps, meanwhile, this is also provided the safeguard the mobilization goal’s practice from the economy and the property system. For the protection existing assignment fruit, be unwavering stands in the proletariat camp, supports the communist revolution with all one’s strength, becomes the overwhelming majority choices for farmers.The critical component of military mobilization is primary coverage’s enlistment and the forward, without doubt, it is the highest form or the ultimate objective of the society mobilizes. Delimits the social class, to fight landlord’s goal is for "eradicate Chiang’s ideology", at the same time ,the land reform fruit was assignment entrusts with "guarantees Tian Huchan" the political connotation. the Linyi old liberated area which widespread and mobilizes fully, the young adults enlist in the military enthusiastically, "hits Lao Jiang" was in front directly; Rear area the fanner exhausts ability raises "all imposing for the front" the forward movement, thus, in order to reversed the war situation of Shandong battlefield and to provide the solid foundation and the safeguard for the victory which Kuomintang and Communist Parties fought a decisive battle. Of course, strict organization standard and activist exemplary also play an important role of mobilized the farmer to enlist the military.Compared with the agrarian revolution in 19th 30s, the "left" the color issue of Linyi old liberated area land reform was also very thick. Such as in the division ingredient’s capriciousness, wrong decides as part of middle peasants the landlord, the rich farmer; Struggle object limits fuzziness, many places even appeared such phenomenon of "poor look for richly", "who which family’s place many to fight" ; Assigns in the fruit the extreme mean principle tendency, some places proposed "the middle peasant bone rich farmer meat, has eaten the meat gnaws the bone" public; In the mobilization ,indexing, the rigidity, in the enlistment forward mobilization allocates the phenomenon was common; Moreover, the unprincipled of over-trapping massacre, "makes a clean sweep" to the landlord rich farmer and so on. Of course, if places the question to the land and property was already homogenize but Chinese Communist Party urgent need again massively to mobilize the countryside resources or war mobilization, which everything seems to get reasonable In a word, if did not tacitly consent even encourages such "left" ideological trend in the land reform. Farmers was unable to mobilize fully, the goal of war mobilization is unable to realize smoothly.The land reform movement is a very important event in Chinese near contemporary history also that is the major issue which is unable to avoid for research. Today, predecessor research outcome was affluent, the pure historical scene described and narrates seems have enough necessity, no matter the overall history or the place history. With explored these unearths place material or uses the investigation method of anthropology in the field, adopted the revolutionary narrative model and modernized narrative model to analyze such problem, study land reform condition and the foundation from the background of Linyi old liberated area where under the Kuomintang and Communist Parties struggle for power special background , maybe it is more helpful in grasp the question the essence for get understands and pondered fort the true histories.

【关键词】 土改社会动员临沂老区
【Key words】 Land reformSocial mobilizationLinyi old liberated area
  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】347

