

Research of the Performance Management Towards Journalists

【作者】 孙思

【导师】 王玉琦;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 科学完备的绩效管理体系能实现组织绩效和成员绩效的共同提升。经济全球化大背景下,传媒行业面临着市场竞争日益激烈、传媒行业人才匮乏的局面。然而传媒行业“内容为王”的原则没有变,这就决定了作为内容生产者的记者素质、能力和绩效将直接影响媒介产品质量从而最终影响媒介组织的整体绩效,因而提升媒体记者的人力资源绩效是提升组织竞争力的有效途径。本文在研究记者心理特质和工作特性、绩效管理基本概念和学术界研究成果的基础上,按照“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的研究思路,分析了我国媒介组织对记者的绩效管理现状和存在的问题,并从考核指标、考核范围、考核程序、考核方法等方面出发,以人为本地系统提出了对记者有效开展绩效管理的要求,设计出一套行之有效的绩效管理方案,将有助于完善我国媒介组织对记者的绩效管理体系。(1)首先界定了记者的绩效、记者绩效管理等概念;分析了记者的心理特质和工作特性,从个人特质、心理需求、价值观念三个角度对记者的心理特质进行归纳,为有针对性地改进记者的绩效管理方案做准备;并从记者工作的自主性和灵活性、工作成果的不易直接测量和评价性,新闻行业员工的高流动性、工作环境和工作对象的多变性、新闻工作的高度政治原则性五个角度对记者的工作特性进行了总结:指出了科学完备的记者绩效管理体系对于媒介组织、记者个人、媒介管理者的重要意义。(2)按照绩效管理PDCA的流程和步骤,系统地归纳当今媒体记者绩效管理实施过程中存在的主要问题:忽略对记者的绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效反馈、绩效改进和绩效系统的诊断与改良等重要环节;对记者的绩效管理过程中缺少被考核记者的参与;对记者的绩效考核者和考核方式选择单一;记者绩效考核指标体系不够科学;绩效考核结果应用主要集中在薪酬和晋升方面,忽略了记者的长期发展。文中还分别归纳了问题出现的主客观两方面原因,指出了媒体成员对于绩效管理概念理解不正确、媒体成员的功利主义和绩效主义以及形式主义心态广泛存在、记者参与管理的意识不够等主观方面的原因,还指出了体制环境和地域环境等客观方面的原因。(3)同样按照绩效管理PDCA的流程和步骤,文章针对当今媒体对记者实施绩效管理过程中存在的问题提出改进建议,完善了针对记者的绩效管理体系。分别讨论了对记者开展绩效计划、绩效实施(包括绩效辅导和绩效沟通)、绩效考核、绩效反馈、绩效改进与系统的诊断和提高等各环节的实施方式、改进要点。讨论的重点主要包括媒体管理者应该如何保持与记者的多渠道绩效沟通、如何从多角度综合选择记者的绩效考核者和考核办法、如何设计更科学更完善的记者绩效考核指标体系、如何有效实施记者的绩效反馈特别是负面信息反馈、如何从多种途径运用记者的绩效考核结果以保证绩效管理效果的最大化、如何对记者的绩效管理系统实施诊断与改良等。希望能为媒介组织开展对记者的绩效管理提供全程的技巧性指引。

【Abstract】 Scientific and complete performance management system can achieve the improvement of both the organizational performance and member performance. Under the background of economic globalization, the media industry faces increasingly fierce market competition and the situation of lacking talents in media industry. However, the rule that "content is the king" of the competition in media industry has not changed, which meant that the quality, competence and performance of journalists as content producers, will directly affect the quality of media products and thus ultimately affect the overall performance of the media, so enhancing the human resource performance of media journalists is an effective way to promote organizational competitiveness.Based on the studies of the psychological traits and working characteristics of journalists, basic concepts of performance management, as well as the results of academic researches, this paper analyzes the status and problems of performance management of journalists by China’s media organizations, according to the research ideas of "raising problems, analyzing problems, solving problems". Starting from assessment indicators, the scope of assessment, assessment procedures, assessment methods and other respects, with people orientation, it also systematically puts forward the requirements of effective implementation of performance management towards journalists, and designs an effective program of performance management, it will improve the performance management system of journalists by media organizations in China(1) First, the paper defines the performance of journalists, performance management of journalists and other concepts. It analyzes the psychological characteristics and the working characteristics of journalists. It summarizes the psychological characteristics of journalists from the three perspectives of personal qualities, psychological needs and values, and it sums up the working characteristics of journalists from the five perspectives of working autonomy and flexibility, the difficulty of direct measurement and evaluation of working results, the high liquidity in the Journalism, the inconstancy of working environment and targets of journalists, high degree of political principle of journalism. It more point out the benefits of scientific and complete performance management system of journalists for the media organizations, individual journalists and media managers.(2) In accordance with the process and procedures of PDCA performance management, the paper systematically summarizes the main problems in the process of implementing performance management towards media journalists nowadays, respectively. These problems are as following. First, ignoring the key process of performance plan, performance communication, performance feedback, performance improvement and performance system. Second, the lack of assessed journalists in the process of performance management. Third, singular choice is made concerning the assessor and assessing method. Fourth, the assessing system of journalists performance management is not scientific. Fifth, the results of assessing is mainly related to the payment and promotion, but fails to be applied to the development of journalists in the long run. The paper seeks for the causes of the problems from the subjective and objective aspects respectively. As for the former, we point out that, a wrong way of understanding the concept of performance management and journalists themselves don’t participate in the management but only for reasons as benthamism, performance and pharisaism, can be counted as subjective reasons. Still, as for the latter, system and geography environment can be counted as objective reasons.(3) Similarly, according to the process and procedures of PDCA performance management, this paper brings forward suggestions for improvement of the existing problems in implementing performance management towards journalists by today’s media, and improves the performance management system towards journalists. It discusses the ways of implementation and the main points of improvement for carrying out the performance plan towards journalists, performance implementation (including performance counseling and performance communication), performance assessment, performance feedback, performance improvement, diagnosis and improvement of the system and other sections. In hopes of providing a complete and skillful guidance for media organizations to conduct performance management towards journalists, the key points discussed here includes the following aspects: how should media supervisors keep communication with journalists in various ways; how should media supervisors make choice of assessors and methods of performance management form various angles; how to design a more perfect way of performance management; how to implement feedbacks, especially negative ones efficiently; how to make use of the results maximum the effect of performance management; and last, how to diagnose and make improvement of journalists performance management system.

【关键词】 媒介组织记者绩效管理研究
【Key words】 media organizationsjournalistsperformance managementresearch
  • 【分类号】G214.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】191

