

Comparative Study on Regulatory Instruments of Food Public Safety in China

【作者】 肖可生

【导师】 廖卫东;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 从红心鸭蛋到奶粉的三氯氰胺事件,凸显了我国食品公共安全形式不容乐观。我国食品公共安全规制体制、体系及规制手段都存在很大的缺陷,虽然2008年6月1日我国正式实施了新的《食品安全法》,但是其只是对食品公共安全规制体制、制度以及手段方面做出一些原则性的规定,具体细节还有待于完善。本文首先归纳总结了国内外食品公共安全规制的理论和实践,再试图通过阐述食品公共安全规制信息不对称以及人的机会主义倾向理论、外部性理论、公共品理论以及规制等各种理论的情况下,总结定义了我国食品公共安全规制的三种规制手段:食品公共安全行政法律性规制手段、经济性规制手段以及社会性规制手段,对三种手段的优劣点进行比较分析,从而构建出适合我国国情的食品公共安全规制手段,希望可以为我国食品公共安全规制提供理论和政策依据。全文共分为五章。第一章说明了本文研究意义、研究思路、本文特色与困难点,并介绍了本文的重要概念。第二章对国内外相关文献进行回顾以及简单评述。第三章介绍了食品市场的信息不对称、人的机会主义倾向、食品市场的外部性、公共品以及规制的相关理论,指出正是由于食品市场的信息不对称、食品企业的机会主义倾向、公共安全属于公共产品、食品公共安全规制主体有可能被食品企业所俘虏,从而产生了食品公共安全问题:在归纳总结了我国食品公共安全规制的手段的基础上,提出了我国食品公共安全规制的三种手段:行政法律性规制手段、经济性规制手段以及社会性规制手段。第四章主要从食品公共安全规制制度、法律体系、规制体系、标准体系、信任制度和体系、信息传递和披露体系、风险分析体系、检测体系、规制成本及效果等各个方面对三种规制手段进行比较分析。第五章归纳总结了我国食品公共安全存在的问题,在三种规制手段比较以及存在的问题的基础上,对我国食品公共安全规制手段进行重新设计和优化,强调我国食品公共安全规制应该“从农田到餐桌”食品供给链建立全程、长效规制机制。食品公共安全规制应该建立从源头实施市场准入、源尾实施食品召回、中间进行检验检测、信任监督、在整个食品供给链推行HACCP方式的规制手段和规制体系。

【Abstract】 The incidents such as red yolk of duck eggs, the melamine powdered milk highlights the pessimistic outlook of food security in China. Though in January 1, 2008 the "food safety law" to the food safety regulation system and the public regulation means are implemented, it requires to perfect in the details. By analyzing the plight of food security system in the country, this essay explores the loopholes and problems of the current food security system.First, this article summarizes the theory and practice of food safety regulation from the domestic to the foreign market. Secondly, the theory of public good, information asymmetry, Opportunism, the Externality theory, and the Regulation are discussed. Three different anordnungs are showed in this paper, the administrative and legal regulation, the economic regulation, and the Social regulation. By comparison of advantage and disadvantage of the three methods, proposes how to select and adjust the public regulation means suitable for the local situations, which is significant to the food safety regulation. This text is divided into five chapters. The significance, study ideas, characteristics, weak points and some key concepts are introduced in the first chapter. The second chapter gives a brief review both in abroad and at home. The third part introduces the information asymmetry, the opportunistic tendency , the Externality theory, the theory of public goods ,and the Regulation theory of Food Market and indicates that the safety issues of food begins to pop out due to all these factors. It summarizes the key methods of food safety regulations. Furthermore, three regulation methods, the administrative and legal regulation, the economic regulation, the Social regulation are put forward for the food public safety. In chapter four, All of these Comparison between the three methods focus on regulation systems to legal system, standards system, creditability system, system of information transmission, risk analysis system, the quality inspection system, regulation cost and regulation effectiveness. Based on the restrospection of food safety problems, the redesign and optimization of the food safety regulations are processed in chapter five. Set up the safety management from food market access system in the beginnings , food recall system in the last segment, inspection systems, reputation supervising to HACCP applied to the whole food supply chain intermediate . Emphasis the long-term mechanism of the whole food supply chain from farmland to dining table. Establish a full range of regulation system and regulation means of food public safety.

  • 【分类号】F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】219

