

An Empirical Study on Service Recovery Expectation and Customer Satisfaction Based on Perceived Justice

【作者】 李帆

【导师】 蔡升桂;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 服务的无形性、生产与消费的同时性和易逝性等特点决定了服务失败是不可避免的。服务失败会降低顾客满意度和顾客的忠诚度,但这不等于企业就一定会失去顾客。有效的服务补救能使企业从服务失败中恢复过来,还能增强顾客对企业的形象认知。发生服务失败后,大多数顾客在不满意时都会有服务补救的期望,对企业补救行动的期望越高,对补救后的满意度就越低,服务补救期望对补救后的顾客满意度有重要的影响。但在现有的国内的服务失败研究中,大都针对顾客感知价值与补救效果的关系等研究为主,而对服务补救期望的研究却非常少。本文对服务补救期望进行研究,探讨服务补救期望与顾客满意度之间的关系。过去的研究发现,感知公平对在解释服务补救后的顾客满意度上有着非常重要的作用。本文在文献梳理的基础上,提出了需要验证的假设,并以南昌市餐饮业消费者为对象,采用关键事件法,研究在顾客遭遇服务失败时,感知公平对服务补救期望及顾客满意度的影响,包括顾客感知的服务补救质量、服务补救期望和补救后的顾客满意度。这样的实证研究目前在国内营销管理学界具有一定的创新性。本文在回顾国内外学者相关研究的基础上,构建初步的理论模型和提出相应的理论假设。然后设计问卷并进行调查,对所搜集的样本数据整理。最后运用相应的统计软件对数据进行一定的分析,主要包括描述性统计分析、信度和效度分析、因子分析和结构方程模型分析等。研究结果表明,三类感知公平对服务补救质量和顾客满意度均有显著的正向影响,交互公平对服务补救质量和顾客满意度影响最大;交互公平对服务补救期望有着显著的负向影响,而结果公平和程序公平对服务补救期望的负向影响不显著;服务补救质量对服务补救期望的负向影响不显著;服务补救质量对顾客满意度有着显著的正向影响;服务补救期望对顾客满意度有着显著的负向影响。最后,本文提出了一些营销建议来改善服务补救质量,并且对今后相关的研究指出了某些展望。

【Abstract】 The service failure can’t be avoidable because of the intangibility, simultaneity of producing and consuming, and easy-passing characters of service. Service failure decreases customer satisfaction and destroys customer loyalty, which doesn’t mean that the company will certainly lose customers. Effective service recovery can not only make the company restore over from the failure, but also increase customer awareness of the company image. When service failure happens, the majority of customers who are dissatisfied would nourish the thought of service recovery. If service failure is much severer, customers would have a higher expectation on service recovery and a lower satisfaction after recovery. Therefore, the service recovery expectations have an important impact on customers’ satisfaction of recovery. However, Chinese existing studies on service failure are mostly done from customer perceived value and recovery effects, few studies focus on the service recovery expectations. So, it is necessary to explore the service recovery expectations. And this study examines the relationships between service recovery expectations and customer satisfaction.Previous studies have found that the perception of justice plays a very important role in explaining customer satisfaction after recovery. In terms of related theories, the dissertation proposes hypotheses, and uses the critical incidents technique (CIT) method with a sample of consumers from Nanchang catering industry. It explores the influence of customer perceived justice on recovery expectation and customer satisfaction when service failure occurs, including service recovery quality, service recovery expectation and customer satisfaction. Such kind of study has great meaning of initiation in the field of marketing management in China now.First of all, this study reviews the relevant papers, and makes up a theoretical model and puts forth some corresponding assumptions. Then this shudy continues to design a questionnaire and make a survey to collect the sample data. Finally, it analysis these data by some statistical softwares, including descriptive statistics analysis, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. The results show that each dimension of perceived justice show substantial positive influence over service recovery quality and customer satisfaction, and the impact of interactional justice on service recovery quality and customer satisfaction is greatest; interactional justice show substantial negative influence over service recovery expectations, while distributive justice and procedural justice and service quality do not show it; service quality show substantial positive influence over customer satisfaction, while service recovery expectations show substantial negative influence over customer satisfaction. Ultimately, this paper puts forward a number of marketing suggetion in order to change service recovery quality, and indicates certain prospects about future relevant research.

  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【下载频次】281

