

Mountainous Highway Interchange Scheme Design

【作者】 刘健汉

【导师】 符锌砂; 张健;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 交通运输工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 山区多为高山峻岭、沟壑纵横交错,地形、地质及水文、气候条件均十分复杂。相较平原区的互通立交,山区互通立交有主线指标较低、长纵坡路段、高填深挖路基段较多,桥隧结构物布设密度较大的特点。目前国内山区高速公路互通式立交大多数还遵循平原区互通式立交的设计理念进行设计,随着山区高速公路建设里程的不断延伸,已建成的互通式立交暴露出的问题也越来越多。在原有立交改扩建和诸多限制条件下的方案设计实例并不多见。在互通立交设计水平较高的国家如美国、德国,立交布设选址大多在地势平缓区域。由于交通规划和需求的原因,其立交设计速度、匝道平纵指标较高,其规模较国内的立交规模大。国内以载重交通为主、较小交通量的山区互通立交设计难以参考国外的立交设计经验。笔者总结了所参与过的山区高速公路互通立交的设计经验,在本文中提出了山区高速公路互通立交的设计原则;总结了环形匝道的设计速度、半径取值与占地的关系;提出了在设计中要注意对立交范围内主线(尤其是被交道路)的平纵指标的运用、变速车道的长度修正、匝道布设时需要考虑到行车视距的保证;对新规范内没有明确的匝道超高取值进行了计算并提出了参考值表等。在总结归纳设计原则与设计要点之后,本文以单喇叭(T型)互通立交改建为(十字型)枢纽立交、存在诸多限制因素的枢纽立交的两个工程设计实例为基础,结合所提出的设计原则和要点通过对设计过程中出现的问题的逐一计算与论证、对限制因素逐一提出解决方法,最后综合诸多因素进行比选后得出推荐方案,并由此引申出互通立交的比选方式。

【Abstract】 For many, many mountain ravines crisscross, topography and geology and hydrogeology, climatic conditions is very complex. Compared with the interchange, plain mountainous interchange and low main indexes have long road, high in longitudinal grade dig deep, bridge sui for subgrade higher density of structural layout characteristics.At present domestic mountainous highway an most still follow the design concept of an plain design, with the mountainous area highway construction of extending, already built an exposed the problem more and more. In the original overpass reconstruction and restrictions under the condition of the scheme design examples.In the design of high level interchange countries such as the United States, Germany, mostly in the overpass layont site topography. Gently, Because of the demand for the transportation planning and design, the interchange of longitudinal velocity and ramp flat, the scale relatively high index of the domestic large-scale interchange. Domestic to load, small volume of traffic mountainous interchange design to reference of foreign overpass design experience.The author summarized the participation in mountainous area highway interchange design experience, in this paper puts forward the mountainous area highway interchange design principle, Summarizes the design speed and annular ramp and the relationship between value radius, In design of opposites within (especially into the road) was used, the longitudinal index of variable length correction, the ramp driveway when considering traffic arrangement to guarantee of probability, In the new standard is not clear ramp ultra value calculation and puts forward some reference list etc.In summary design principle and design essentials, based on single speaker (T) interchange into (十) hub interchange, there exist many limiting factors of the hub of two engineering examples interchanges, based on the design principle and key points of design by the problems appeared in the process of calculation and argumentation, one for each solution constraints, and finally put forward many factors synthetically than that, after the recommended scheme and view. interchange with the way.

  • 【分类号】U412.352
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

