

Research and Implementation of Predictive Dialer System in Telecom Call Center

【作者】 张科良

【导师】 周育人; 梁涛;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的不断繁荣,我国电信业取得了非凡的业绩。各个电信运营商积累了大量的话务量等数据,同时商业竞争也越来越激烈。加强与客户的沟通、提高服务质量成为众多有远见商家的共识。为了进一步拓展呼叫中心的服务领域,提高呼叫中心在市场营销、客户关怀、市场调研等方面的服务能力,以往手动拨号由于拨号慢、等待时间长、拨号成功率低等原因,已经成为提高服务质量的瓶颈。故预测拨号系统具有重要的意义。本文研究的课题是基于电信呼叫业务预测拨号系统的模型与实现,该系统由后台设置管理、外呼流程、外呼策略、应答分析、分配坐席等构成。主要内容包括:预拨号任务管理、预拨号数据输入、预拨号数据筛选、预拨号策略设置、预拨号任务执行、预拨号状态监控。其中关键内容包括如下几方面:(1)呼叫策略和自动拨号策略的实现在服务器启用一个Window服务,在预设工作时段内根据电话主动营销系统呼叫策略和自动拨号策略进行自动拨号,对于未接通的客户自动记录相应的状态;对于接通的客户则自动分配座席进行营销。(2)话务自动应答检测的实现通过客户话务平台,系统自动识别呼叫的状态。呼叫状态包括:正常接通和非接通两种。非接通包括空号、忙音、无人接听、传真等信号。(3)自动分配坐席的实现方法通过预测系统中的数据统计与流程测试,快速查找对应项目中的空闲坐席,直接分配空闲坐席。(4)呼叫结果分析与记录对于各种呼叫结果进行检测,分析呼叫接通,并记录和处理呼叫结果。具体包括:空号的做标记、不再呼出和忙音的根据间隔时间再呼出、无应答的根据间隔时间再呼、重复呼叫次数超过设定值的做标记、不再呼出和有应答的立即转人工处理。目前,该话务预测拨号系统已经在电信外呼业务得到了运用,并取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 As China’s economy continues to boom, China’s telecommunications sector has made remarkable achievements. The various telecom operators have accumulated a lot of traffic and other data, while business competition is increasingly fierce. To strengthen communication with customers, improve service quality to become the consensus of a number of far-sighted businessmen. In order to further expand the call center service areas, improve call center in marketing, customer care, market research and other services capabilities, in the past to manually dial-up because of slow dial-up, waiting for a long time, dial-up success rate is low, has become to improve service the quality of the bottleneck. Therefore, predictive dialing system is of great significance.The subject of this study is based on the telecommunications business forecast calls dial-up system model and implementation, the system set up by the background management, outbound processes, outbound strategy, response analysis, the allocation of seats and other accessories. The main contents include: pre-dial-up task management, pre-dial-up data entry, pre-dial-up data selection, pre-dial-up policy settings, pre-dial-up task execution, pre-dial status monitoring. The key elements include the following aspects:(1) The implementation of call strategy and automatic dial-up policyOn the server to enable a Window service in the pre-set period of time the work of the Telephone marketing system proactive strategies and automatic dial-up strategy calls for automatic dial-up, connect to customers who do not automatically record the corresponding state; for the customer is automatically connected to the allocation of seats to marketing.(2) Call Auto-Answer to achieve detectionThrough customer service platform, the system automatically identify the call state. Call states include: normal and non-connected connected to the two. Non-connected, including an empty number, busy tone, no one answered, fax, etc. signals.(3) Realization method of automatically assigned seatsThrough the forecasting system and process the data in the statistical tests, quickly find the corresponding item in the free seats directly to the allocation of spare seats.(4) Call Analysis and RecordsCall the results for a variety of testing, analysis of call completions, and record the results and deal with calls. These include: the empty number marking is no longer exhale and busy tone is based on interval of time to breath, no response is based on interval of time to call, repeat the number of calls exceeds a set value of the mark no longer exhale and turn the immediate response manual processing.At present, the predictive dialing system has been in the telecommunications business has been in the use of outbound and achieved good results.

  • 【分类号】TN915.09
  • 【下载频次】93

