

The Realization of Reactive Optimization in Closed-loop Control System about Area Power System

【作者】 刘建辉

【导师】 尹华杰; 蔡春元;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电力系统及电力企业管理运行的基本目标是安全、优质、经济地向用户提供电能。电压质量是衡量电能质量的重要指标之一,为了保证电压质量,变电站要随时根据负荷波动调节电压和无功参数,这些调节措施又反过来对电网的稳定和经济运行产生影响,因此必须在电压质量和电网经济运行之间寻找平衡点,对电网的电压和无功进行优化控制。如果单凭人工对电网电压无功进行判断操作和干预,既增加值班员的负担,又难以保证调节的合理性。中山电网此前广泛应用的基于九区图原理的变电站VQC装置虽然能保证本变电站电压和功率因数合格,但是不能有效处理全网范围内的无功优化问题。中山供电局调度自动化系统SCADA/EMS技术先进,具有较高的可靠性和稳定性,为基于计算机软件模块的电压无功优化自动控制系统的开发和应用奠定了基础。利用计算机强大的数据存储和分析计算功能,借助调度自动化系统的基础条件,通过软件实现中山地区电网的电压无功实时闭环控制,是一个很有实际意义的课题。本文所实现的电压无功优化闭环控制系统AVC就是对中山电网无功优化闭环控制的一次探索性的尝试。它的目标是在电网安全稳定运行的前提下,保证电压合格,并尽可能降低网损。系统采用科学合理的算法,适合中山电网的特点,基于混杂控制思想,满足电力系统高电压水平下无功分层分区优化平衡原则,通过构建多种控制模式使得各种控制模式在空间和时间上协调配合,有效实现预期控制目标。它基于图模库一体化的OPEN-3000平台,直接获取SCADA实时数据和PAS网络拓扑,通过分析计算直接将控制指令发到FES前置机下发执行,实现真正的闭环控制。系统设计时考虑了足够有效的安全措施,经过严格测试和试运行,保证自动控制安全可靠,是EMS高级应用软件向自动控制方向的拓展,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The basic aim of electric power system and electric power corporation is safely and economically providing electricity to consumers with high grade. The quality of voltage is one of the most important targets to scale the electricity quality, to make sure the voltage quality, transformer substations adjust the voltage and reactive parameters very frequently, this measure will effect the stabilization and economic circulation of the power systems on the contrary. Therefore, to find the balanced point between the voltage quality and economic circulation of the power systems, the control of voltage and reactive will be necessary.If the measure about voltage and reactive control only depends on mankind, the man on duty will increase workload and those adjustive means is difficult to ensure the rationality. The transformer substation’s VQC equipments which are based on the JiuQuTu principium abroad applied in Zhongshan before this although can ensure the station voltage and power-factor eligibility itself, they cannot efficiently dispose the reactive optimize problems in the whole power systems. The SCADA/EMS in Zhongshan power supply bureau has advanced technology, high reliablity and stabillity,which settle a basic condition to the voltage and reactive optimize auto-control system which based on the computer software modules. With the help of computer’s powerful data storage and analysis function, in virtue of the automatic systems’ basic condition, achieving the voltage and reactive optimize closed loop auto-control about power systems though software in Zhongshan is a subject of practical significance.The voltage and reactive optimize closed loop auto-control system which is manufactured in this paper is a exploring attempt about Zhongshan area power systems’ reactive optimize closed loop control. Its aim is insure the voltage and power-factor eligibility and reducing the line-lose by any possibility. This system is based on farrago control anamnesis, it can make sure the reactive power optimize-balance among delaminations and subareaes in the high voltage level. With multi-control patterns, the system (?)realize the anticipate control aim. Based on the OPEN-3000, this system c(?)es the SCADA’s real time data and PAS network topology immediately, after the analysis and calculation, it deliver the control dictates to the FES automatically to carry out the closed loop control veritably. This system can make sure the auto-control on the safe side to ensure safe and reliable atuomatic control after rigorous testing and trial operation. It expanses the EMS advanced application software to the direction of automatic control and has good economic and social benefigs.


