

Research of Government Roles in Three Main Function Area Construction of ZengCheng City Basing on Study of Development Difference between Areas

【作者】 董莉

【导师】 韦小鸿;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 主体功能区的发展包括经济方面的发展、政治的发展、社会人文的发展,以及生态自然的发展等。实施主体功能区建设,就是根据不同区域的资源禀赋和区位条件等发展要素,合理确定不同的功能区,“宜工则工、宜农则农、宜商则商”。各个主体功能区要良性发展,就需要培育出优越的主体功能区发展环境,如何才是优越的主体功能区发展环境呢?本文认为这几条标准是必不可少的:①各个主体功能区间的市场公平、开放、自由;②各个主体功能区的经济发展具有可持续性,协调性,人与自然相处和谐;③各个主体功能区间的分工合作明确,资源配置良好。增城因地制宜将全市1616平方公里划分为南、中、北三个功能圈形成三大主体功能区,南部是重点开发的新型工业化区,大力发展高新技术产业。中部是优化开发的适宜创业安居的文化产业城。北部是限制开发的都市农业和生态旅游保护区,树立保护也是发展的理念,以白水寨省级风景名胜区为龙头,整合三个镇800多平方公里山区,打造南国乡村生态公园。本文对增城市建设三大主体功能区的思路、在增城建设都市农业和生态旅游区、文化与会议休闲产业区和新型工业园区的可行性与应该注意的问题进行研究,证明了三大主体功能区建设主体功能区的规划建设可以促进城镇的合理布局,促进人口的有序转移和集聚,使经济布局、人口分布与环境承载力相适应,增强产业、人口集聚能力,推动城市化、现代化的进程,促进增城经济社会实现又好又快的发展。在增城市建设三大主体功能区的过程中增城市政府起到了一个推波助澜的作用。政府职能发挥得好,则建设三大主体功能区的过程就会顺利一些,少走一些弯路、难路;政府职能发挥得不好,则建设三大主体功能区的过程就会多很多的困难。本文着重探讨了政府在增城市建设三大主体功能区的过程中应该扮演一个什么样的角色,应该起到一个什么样的桥梁、杠杆作用。

【Abstract】 The development of main functional zone included economic development, political development, social development as well as ecological development. It was essential for the constructon of main functional zone to identify different functional zones according to the advantage of resources and local conditions.“If one zone was good for manufacture, it was identified for manufacture; If one zone was good for agriculture, it was identified for agriculture; If one zone was good for business, it was identified for business.”In order to advance the positive development of every main functional zone, the excellent environment needed to be cultivated. What was the excellent environment for main functional zone? The following standards was brought out in this paper: 1) there was an equal, open and free market among main functional zones; 2) Every main functional zone had the sustainability, coordination, harmony between man and nature; 3) The allocation and cooperation among main zones was clear, the allocation of the resources was good.According to local conditions, The 1616-square-kilometer area of Zencheng city was divided into south, center, north, three main functional zones. The south zone was newly industral district and vigorously developed new high-tech industry. The center was cultural industry zone suitable for work and residence. The north was limited developing and it was mainly developed urban agriculture and ecological tourism. The protection of environment is also an idea of development. To build southern country ecological park by using scenic spot Baishuizai as the leading place to integrate over 800-square-kilometer moutain area in 3 towns.To construct three main functional zones in Zengcheng city, urban agriculture and ecological tourism zone, culture and conference leisure zone and industry zone; there are many aspects needed to be taken into account. The feasibility and problems needed to be paid attention to were studied in this paper. It was proved that the construction of three main functional zones can accelerate the reasonable layout of towns; promote the orderly transfer and gathering of the population so that economy and population layout was suitable for environment bearing capacity,enhance the gathering ability of industry and population, expedite the process of urbanization and modernization, speed the realization of rapid and healthy development of the economy and society of Zengcheng.During the construction of three main functional zones in Zengcheng city, the municipal government added fuel to the flames. If the government function played a good role, the construction of three main zones would shape up by avoiding detours and turns along the road. Otherwise, there would be more difficulties. The paper mainly dicussed what role the municipal government should play and what is the function of the government by serving as bridge and leverage during the construction of three main functional zones.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【下载频次】167

