

Study on the Conservation and Renewal of Historic and Commercial Street in Qi County

【作者】 李小妮

【导师】 刘原平;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的今天,世界各国在大力发展本国经济,增强自身综合国力的同时,也越来越重视城市文化的发展。追求城市生活生态化、传承历史文脉、保护城市肌理已经成为城市发展的一个重要趋势。对于城市历史的保护,人们在纵、横两个方面不断深入。从以前的单个文物、古迹的保护到历史地段乃至整个城市空间肌理的保护和延续;从有形的物质文化载体的保护到对于非物质形态文化遗产等城市软环境的关注,这是一个从局部到宏观,由表及里逐步深入的过程。这种发展趋势对于各国城市历史的保护都有着非常积极的促进作用。历史地段传统商业街作为传统文化的载体,城市整体机能的有机组成部分,拥有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化积淀。其传统的物质景观、商业文化以及与此密切相关的社会生活,营造出了特有的场所感和认同感,它们都是历史遗留下来的文化瑰宝。此外,传统商业街浓缩和体现了特定历史时期各民族、各地区的文化、经济和社会的发展史;展示着一定历史时期城市的典型风貌特征,具有很大的历史、文化、精神意义,也有很高的商业、旅游发展潜力。然而,由于我们早期的保护意识淡薄;保护工作中困难重重,迟迟得不到深入;加之传统商业街历史比较久远,尽管对其开展了一定的保护与更新工作,但它们的破坏还是很严重,其现状情况不容乐观。因此,在今天城市更新日益加快,商业化进程不断加速的大背景下,随着传统商业街的改造、改建项目不断增多,我们展开对传统商业街的保护与研究就更具有实际而重要的意义。本文首先从基础理论研究入手,对相关概念及研究对象进行了分析和调研。然后依据相关学科的理论,主要针对祁县旧城传统商业街保护与更新的现状及存在的问题,结合国内外一些传统商业街改造的实例,经过研究总结,对祁县旧城商业街的保护与更新提出一些可供参考的建议,旨在为走出当前保护与更新工作的困境,探寻一条更为可行的出路,并希望对其它地区传统商业街的保护与更新工作有所助益。

【Abstract】 Since the twenty-first century, countries all over the world have begun to make arduous efforts for economic progress and overall national strength growth. Meanwhile, they have given more and more attention to the development of urban culture. It becomes a leading trend of urban development that pursuit of eco-town life and inheriting and spreading historical context as well as the protection of urban tissue are held in high regard today. The scope and depth of urban conservation is continuously extended in the vertical and horizontal aspects from the protection of previous single monuments to the protection and continuation of historical sit and urban space tissue, as well as from the protection of Tangible material and cultural carrier to attention of the nonmaterial Cultural Heritage Sites and things concerned about the urban soft environment. This is a gradual process from the local to the macro and form the exterior to the interior.The trend is very useful for promoting urban conservation in countries all over the world.Historic and commercial streets as the carrier of traditional culture and an integral part of the city function have a long history and rich cultural connotation. Traditional material landscape, commercial culture, as well as social life closely related to traditional commerce, which are included in the historic and commercial streets, are historical legacy of culture because of creating a unique sense of place and identity. Historic and commercial streets possess great historical, cultural, spiritual significance, and also hold a high development potential in business and tourism, because these streets reflect national and region cultural, economic and social developmental history of specific historical periods, and reveal feature characteristics of typical cities in certain historical period. However, at present, the traditional commercial streets still suffer from very serious damage, and the situation is not optimistic, though we have already begun the protection work for them.This result is imputed to our early short awareness of the protection, delayed protection in work depth as a resuilt of difficulties in the protection work, and the more distant history of historic and commercial streets.Therefore, the protection and research on historic and commercial streets are even more practical significance along with reconstructive projects’increasing of the traditional commercial streets in the background of urban renewal and commercialization process accelerating.In terms of the basic theoretical research, this paper clarifies some analysis and research on related concepts and the object.And then based on the concerned theories, primarily combining examples of some commercial streets at home and abroad with status and problems on the conservation and renewal of historic and commercial streets in the Old City of Qixian, after some research summing-up,the paper puts forward some practical recommendations on the conservation and renewal of historic and commercial street in the Old City of Qixian, the intention of which is to help overcome the plight in current protection and renewal work and find a more feasible way out. And I sincerely hope that this paper is beneficial for the conservation and renewal of traditional commercial streets in other regions.


