

Optimization Design and Dynamic Analysis of the Output Pin Wheel Cycolid Reduce

【作者】 贾兵

【导师】 何卫东; 朱剑林;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文所涉及的科研项目主要通过对针摆行星传动减速器传动特点和工作原理进行分析,对针轮输出针摆行星传动这种新型传动方式进行分析,以获得其设计理论和方法。主要从针摆行星传动的共同点出发,综合分析传统针摆行星传动、环板式针摆行星传动等现有传动形式的特点,提出针轮输出针摆行星传动形式的设计计算方法,并对该型传动进行具体的样机设计计算和动力学研究。本文主要从以下几个方面对针轮输出针摆行星传动进行了研究:首先参照传统针摆行星传动基本参数设计计算方法对针轮输出针摆行星传动主要零部件的基本参数进行设计计算,并对传动系统进行受力分析并计算包括转臂轴承和各支撑轴承的载荷大小,完成包括摆线轮、柱销等主要零件强度校核计算和轴承的寿命计算,并编制包括参数优化程序在内的对各型针摆行星减速器均适用的设计计算软件系统;在得到样机主要技术参数的基础上,对样机零部件进行设计计算以确定具体的结构和几何尺寸并结合Pro/E软件特点对各零部件进行三维实体建模,然后根据零件间的相对位置关系对模型进行虚拟装配并形成虚拟装配模型;为分析具体零件的动力学特性,并对整机动态特性进行对比分析,采用ANSYS软件对减速器输入轴和摆线轮进行了模态有限元分析计算并提取零件主要模态参数进行分析;最后,将经Pro/E虚拟装配后的整机实体模型经格式转换,导入到ADAMS软件系统中对整机在额定转速下分别对应于空载和满载条件下的动力学模型进行仿真计算,以认证其传动比关系,并对主要零件在虚拟样机运转过程中表现出了动力学特性进行分析比较,提出提高整机动力学性能的方法和建议。通过全面系统的分析计算,提出了对针轮输出针摆行星减速器基本参数的设计计算和强度计算的基本方法,并形成了系统的设计计算方法和计算软件。

【Abstract】 By analyzing characteristics and working principle of cycloid drive, and the output pin wheel cycloid drive’s working principle, we obtain the design theory and method of this new kind of reduce. This paper mainly complete works include that provide the design method and complete the prototype design and dynamics analysis of virtual prototype.This paper researches the following aspects of the output pin wheel cycloid drive. First, the basic parameters and dimensions of main parts of the output pin wheel cycloid drive are designed referring to design and calculation methods of the traditional Cycloid Drive, and mechanical analysis of the transmission system and the load condition and life of rotary arm bearings and steady bearings of each shafts are calculated, and at the same time the calculations including the strength of cycloid wheel, pins and other major parts are completed, and also design the optimization and calculation software system for all kinds of cycloid drive. Second, the three-dimensional solid model of the reducer is built in Pro/E software and the virtual assembly models are also built about the new kind of drive by analyzing the relative position of every parts. Third, for the purpose of analyzing the dynamics performance of specific parts, the finite element modal analysis of input shaft and cycloid wheel are done and the major modals of two parts are extracted after calculation. Finish, by importing the virtual modal built in Pro/E software ADAMS software system and defining the working condition the virtual prototype is built, and the analysis of all kinds of working conditions in unload or full-load are done, so obtain the dynamic performance of drive and its parts and propose the method and suggestion on importing the dynamic performance of machine.By comprehensive and systematic analysis and calculation, we master the basic method of design and strength calculation of basic parameters of the output pin wheel cycloid reducer and form the system design and calculation method and calculation software.


