

The Continuous Study of EEG’s Alpha Wave by Wavelet Transform

【作者】 王浩

【导师】 陈志华;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的发展和人类社会的进步,人类从对自然的研究发展到对社会的研究,又发展到对人脑思维的研究,而脑电的信息处理研究正是这方面的典型领域。小波分析作为一种新的多分辨率分析方法,以其优良的特性和成熟的分析方法在国外的医学、心理学和认知神经科学研究中已被广泛使用。意义:α波是确定脑电信号快慢的基准波,具有很多重要的生理意义,与年龄的关系很早前就被发现了。许多研究结果证明α波还与记忆力,认知能力,信息处理等多种脑机能有关,并可以作为情绪表现的指标。小波分析的一个重要特点就是具有良好的时频局部化性质,对于处理这种时变信号具有独特的优越性。因此运用小波分析来观察EEG信号中的α波在不同刺激事件下的持续性变化是非常有意义的。方法:本研究主要是利用Morlet小波变换来获取EEG信号中α波随时间变化的能量分布,并在此基础上获取α波的持续时间。本研究设计了两个实验:心算、音乐,目的是观察α波在大脑进行信息计算和音乐信息处理时的变化趋势。最后根据两个实验所采集的脑电数据进行分析和计算,进而对α波的持续性和脑机能的关系做更深层的分析。结论:通过对实验数据的计算和分析,可以得出以下结论:在心算时男性左半球α波受到抑制,听音乐时则右半球的α波受到抑制,而女性则没有这种明显左右差异。说明男性半球优势较女性更为显著。无论男性和女性在听音乐时,顶枕部的α波都更加活跃,说明音乐非常有助于提升α波,安静放松时听音乐对人类大脑是十分有益处的。另外在听不喜欢音乐和喜欢音乐的时候α波的持续时间是不一样的,由此可以看出个人喜好对于α波持续性的影响也不容忽视,个人喜好的音乐更加有益于提升α波。

【Abstract】 With the development of scientific technological and progress of human society, the study of mankind is from the nature development to the society, but also developed into the study of human brain thinking, and the information processing of EEG is the typical areas. Wavelet analysis is a new multi-resolution analysis methods, it has been widely used in research of medicine, psychology and cognitive neuroscience with its excellent features and sophisticated analytical method.Significance: Alpha wave is the base wave which determined the speed of EEG, it has many important physiological significance. The relationship with age was discovered much earlier, many studies have proved that a wave has related to memory, cognitive ability, information processing and other functions of brain, and can be used as indicators of emotional performance. An important feature of wavelet analysis is to have a good time-frequency localization properties, dealing with such time-varying signal has a unique advantage. Therefore, it has observed that alpha wave’s continuity of change under different stimulus events is very meaningful.Methods: This article explains how to use the Morlet wavelet transform to obtain EEG’s alpha wave energy distribution over time, and according to the EEG data of mental arithmetic and hearing music experiment to obtain the changes of the alpha wave duration. This study was designed two experiments: mental arithmetic, music, the purpose is to observe the trend of the brain’s alpha wave in information computing and information processing of music, Then do a more deep analysis of the relationship between alpha wave’s continuous and the brain’s function.Conclusion: Through calculation and analysis of experimental data, we can draw the following conclusions: During the experiment of mental arithmetic, male’s alpha wave of left hemisphere is suppressed; when listening to music the alpha wave of the right hemisphere is suppressed, while women are no obvious bias, indicated that men’s hemispheric dominance more pronounced than women. In listening to music, both male and female’s alpha waves are more active, indicated that listen to music is very helpful to alpha wave and listening to music is very beneficial for the brain. In addition listening to unlike and like music of the alpha wave’s duration is differently, so we can see that personal preference has large impact for sustainability of alpha wave and listening to liked music is more beneficial to alpha wave.

【关键词】 小波分析脑电图α波心算音乐
【Key words】 wavelet analysisEEGalpha wavemental arithmeticmusic

