

Research on Financing Difficulties and Legal Countermeasures of Financing Carried by Smes in Xinjiang

【作者】 高峰

【导师】 傅冰;

【作者基本信息】 新疆财经大学 , 经济法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆中小企业在保证新疆经济适度增长、缓解就业压力、方便各族群众生活、推动技术创新、促进新疆经济社会又好又快发展方面发挥着越来越重要的作用;但同时新疆中小企业在发展的过程中却面临着严重的融资困境,在中国经济面临下行趋势的背景之下,这已经成为社会各界关注的热点问题。新疆中小企业面临的融资困境在宏观层面上有法律、法规、政策适用的不公平问题;在微观层面上也有新疆中小企业自身在发展中所积累的一系列问题,例如公司治理结构不合理、财务管理不健全、企业间拖欠贷款较严重、资产结构不良、信用度偏低等等。近年来,随着中央政府和新疆地方政府以及中央银行和有关部委的共同努力,新疆中小企业的融资困境有一定缓解,但整体状况依然不容乐观,例如新疆少数高成长性的中小企业与金融机构建立了比较稳定的合作关系,短期资金融通难度有所下降,但长期权益性资本仍然严重缺乏;新疆的一线城市的中小企业资金相对充裕,但新疆县级以下地方的中小企业资金严重不足;新疆信用但保机构也存在一系列问题,对新疆中小企业的支持力度明显不足。新疆中小企业的融资困境既是经济问题,也是法律问题,本文以新疆中小企业融资法律制度为研究对象,深入分析导致新疆中小企业融资难的法律原因、制度原因和经济原因,运用法学理论并借鉴一定的经济学理论,从直接融资和间接融资两个方面提出解决这一问题的法律对策和建议。本文共分三部分。第一部分为新疆中小企业发展现状和面临的融资困境,首先对我国中小企业的概念进行法律界定,然后介绍了新疆中小企业的历史沿革和对新疆经济发展的巨大作用,最后深入分析了导致新疆中小企业融资难的法律原因、制度原因和经济原因。第二部分、第三部分是本文的重点,以新疆中小企业融资法律障碍和法律对策作为主线,研究了新疆中小企业直接融资、间接融资的法律方式。在间接融资方面分别提出了完善新疆中小企业贷款融资制度的法律对策、完善新疆中小企业信用担保体系的法律对策和新疆设立小额贷款公司解决中小企业融资困境的法律对策。在直接融资方面分别提出了新疆中小企业利用风险投资融资的法律对策和新疆中小企业进行债券融资的法律对策。

【Abstract】 The Xinjiang small and medium-sized enterprises (here in after“SMEs”) were guaranteeing that the Xinjiang economy moderate increase, the alleviation employment pressure, facilitates various tribal grouping tribal groups all living things to live, the impetus technological innovation, to promote the Xinjiang economic society to be also good quickly develops the aspect to play more and more vital role; But simultaneously the Xinjiang SMEs is actually facing the serious financing difficult position in the development process, in the Chinese economy faced with under the downward tendency’s background, this already became the community attention the hot topic. The Xinjiang SMEs face the financing difficult position has the law, the laws and regulations, the policy suitable unfair question in the macroscopic stratification plane; Also has Xinjiang SMEs oneself in the microscopic stratification plane a series of questions which accumulates in the development, for example the company management structure is unreasonable, the financial control not perfect, the enterprise falls behind the loan to be serious, the assets structure bad, the credit somewhat low and so on.In recent years, along with the Central authorities and the Xinjiang Local authority as well as the Central Bank and the related ministries’ and commissions’ joint effort, the Xinjiang SMEs’ financing difficult position had certain alleviation, but the overall condition was still unoptimistic, for example the Xinjiang minority high expanding small and medium-sized enterprise and the financial organ established the quite stable cooperation, the short-term fund have allowed temporary credit the difficulty to drop, but the long-term rights and interests capital still seriously lacked; A Xinjiang’s city’s SMEs fund is relatively abundant, but Xinjiang county level below place SME fund serious insufficient; The Xinjiang credit but guarantees the organization also to have a series of problems, to Xinjiang SMEs support dynamics obvious insufficient. The Xinjiang SMEs’ financing difficult position is not only the economic problem, is also the legal matter, this article take the Xinjiang SME financing legal regime as the object of study, the thorough analysis causes the Xinjiang SMEs to finance the difficult legal cause, the system reason and the economic reason, and profits from certain economic theory using the legal science theory, and finances from the direct finance two aspects to propose that indirectly solves this question legal countermeasure and the suggestion.This article is divided three parts. The first part the financing difficult position which and faces for the Xinjiang SMEs development present situation, first carries on the legal limits to Our country SMEs’ concept, then introduced the Xinjiang SMEs’ historical evolution and to the Xinjiang economic development’s tremendous role, analyzed thoroughly finally has caused the Xinjiang SMEs to finance the difficult legal cause, the system reason and the economic reason. Second part, the third part is this article key point, takes the master line by the Xinjiang SMEs financing legal impediment and the legal countermeasure, has studied the Xinjiang SMEs direct finance, the indirect financing legal way. Proposed separately in the indirect financing aspect consummates the Xinjiang SMEs loan financing system’s legal countermeasure, to consummate the Xinjiang SMEs credit guarantee system’s legal countermeasure and Xinjiang sets up the petty loan company to solve the SMEs financing difficult position legal countermeasure. Proposed separately in the direct finance aspect the Xinjiang SMEs carry on bond financing using the venture capital financing legal countermeasure and the Xinjiang SMEs the legal countermeasure.

【关键词】 新疆中小企业融资困境法律对策
【Key words】 XinjiangSMEsfinancing difficultieslegal countermeasure
  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【下载频次】438

