

【作者】 阮陈宝珠

【导师】 黄新亚;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公元1406年(永乐四年),明成祖出兵攻占安南,将之划入中国的版图,进行直接管理,越南历史由此进入了长达二十余年的“明属时期”。因不接受明朝的统治,安南人民纷纷进行反抗,武装起义此起彼伏。到公元1427年,以黎利为首领的蓝山起义经过十余年的艰苦斗争,终于把明军打出了国门,安南重新获得了独立。1428年,黎利正式登基为皇帝(谥号黎太祖),建立后黎朝,光复大越国。此后,黎朝封建统治者在外交方面上一贯采取柔和的政策,常年派遣使者前往明廷朝贡求封。因此,安南在形式上成为了中原王朝的番邦,以宗藩方式与明朝发展和睦的邻邦关系。越中两国的政治文化交流在新的历史背景下得到空前发展。所谓黎初王朝,即后黎朝最为发达又强盛的前一百年,而其最全盛时期则是第四代国君黎圣宗在位期间(1460—1497),当时安南国势强大、经济繁荣、社会安定,封建中央集权制度也发展到了完备的程度。综观黎初王朝政治制度的发展过程,尤其是黎圣宗洪德年间(1470—1479)经过改革之后完善的官僚制度,可以看到诸多与明朝洪武时期政治制度相同之处,而《明史》也称其“彬彬有华风”:废除宰相制度、加强皇权,中央官僚体系以“三公”、“三孤”为首,其下为六部、六科、六寺、御史台、十三道监察御史、五军都督府等等。全国地方行政机构分为东、西两京及十三省,省设承宣、都察、宪察等“三司”。在中央、地方两级皆实行双重的监察制度,即中央机构的御史台与六科,地方机构的监察御史与宪察司。这样,黎圣宗洪德二年(1471)的体改与明洪武九年的改革是异常相似的。这两番改革的相同,就表现在精神、目的、性质、方法之相同,并充分体现了黎初所受明朝政治的全盘影响。明朝政治制度对越南黎朝的影响则是与历史文化背景分不开的,是越中两国长期以来政治文化交流的必然结果。越中两民族的接触和交流,至今已有两千余年的悠久历史,其开端可以确定在公元前二世纪的秦汉时期。中华文明的各种文化,尤其是儒家思想及封建礼教由此传入越南,之后经过漫长的渗透、相适应过程,渐渐与其本地文化合为一体,成为了拥有几千年历史的越南传统文化的重要组成部分。黎初王朝政治制度是汉越文化相融合的集中反映,同时也是越南民族在文化认同与独立意识的精神基础上所创造的巨大成就。

【Abstract】 It was in 1406, year 4th of Yong-le period, Ming-Cheng-zu dispatched his army waging an invasion war against Annam in the hope to turn this country into just another province subject to the suppressive rule of Chinese royal dynasty. Vietnam history since then entered the Ming-colony period that lasted for more than twenty years. Unwilling to resign themselves to the oppressive Chinese dominion Annam people relentlessly put up resistance and violent uprisings. Coup d’etat and martial overthrows were persistently organized and broke out all over. Year 1427 witnessed the successful ending of the arduous military revolt led by Le Loi. More than ten years were the time needed to realize a complete retreat of Chinese troops out of Annam territory and to finally retrieve independence. Subsequently in 1428, Le Loi officially acceded to the throne, inaugurated the later known-as Post-Le Dynasty and thus restored the sovereignty of Dai Viet. Followed his accession Le Loi consistently pursued and exercised supple diplomatic policy in handling Ming-government matters such as periodic ambassador detachment to China for tribute-paying and investiture-beseeching purposes. Therefore, Annam was formally recognised as an autonomous neighbouring state and enjoyed the suzerain-vassal relation with China. Such historical background was the nursery that incubated the subsequent dynamic development in both cultural and social exchanges between the two states.The historically known as Early-Le is often used to specify the first one hundred years of Post-Le Dynasty. This was also its most flourishing period especially during the reign of Le Thanh Tong (1460 - 1497) when the centralized feudal regime reached an elaborate state of development. An overview of the development course of the political regime of this period, in particular the bureaucratic structure which had undergone some thorough enhancements after the reform conducted during (Vietnam’s) Hong Duc period (1470 -1479), has revealed numerous similarities to (Chinese) Hong-wu period’s political structure, which are clearly reflected in many examples such as: The obliteration of Prime Minister position and the consequent power-reinforcement in favour of the King. The bureaucratic order was headed by assigned posts such as "san-gong", "san-gu" and then continued to branch down to six departments, "liu-ke", "liu-si", "yu-shi-tai", "jian-cha-yu -shi" of thirteen provinces, "wu-jun-du-du-fu" etc. Geo-administration-wise the state was regarded as to be comprised of the East and West capital together with other thirteen provinces. Each and every province in turn had three separate and independently - operated government agencies individually administrating military, civilian and supervisory affairs. Double - layered (simultaneous) supervision were employed and implemented at both central and local level.Thus, those facts have shown that the administrative reform carried out in year 2nd of (Vietnam’s) Hong Duc reign (1471) bears many resemblance to that of Ming carried out in year 9th of Hong-wu reign. Such noticeable resemblances in essence, intention, characteristic and methodology shared by the two reforms clearly exhibit the comprehensive influences of Ming Dynasty’s political and administrative configurations exerted on those of Vietnam. These influences themselves are indeed an inalienable part of the intertwining history as well as an inevitable outcome of the prolonged poli-cultural interaction between the two states, which has lasted for more than two thousand years dating back as early as Qin-Han time - 2nd century BC. Via this channel were fundamental cultural constituents of Chinese civilisation, especially Confucius ideology as well as the feudal codes of conduct, introduced to Vietnam. Gradual differentiation and subsequent course of diffusion have ultimately rendered the complete localization and internalization of such foreign factors to become a substantial building - block of thousands - year - old Vietnamese history. In brief, the build of Early-Le political regime is the concentrated reflection of the Vietnamese - Chinese cultural fusion and, at the same time, is a prominent achievement of Vietnamese people stemming from their inborn independence -consciousness and the acknowledgement of cultural rapport between the two peoples in the extended course of history.

  • 【分类号】K333
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】178

