

【作者】 杨林

【导师】 石定果;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对外汉语教学现在是,将来也一直会继续是中华民族的一项伟大事业。如何全面地、有效地开展这项事业,是值得从事对外汉语教学和教学研究的教师以及学者们努力探讨的一个重要问题。在对外汉语教学的各方面研究中,对外汉语教学大纲的制定是一项非常重要的工作,这将直接影响到教材的编写、辞书的编撰和教学测试。目前,对外汉语教学界最重要的一个大纲是《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》,它是中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室(以下简称“汉办”)1992年发布的,在对外汉语教学领域发挥了巨大的指导作用。但是随着对外汉语教学要求的不断提高,《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》的不足也逐渐体现出来,近年来,汉语字词的定量分析取得了诸多成果,如:《绿皮书》(《中国语言生活状况报告》)的公布,这些研究成果使得《汉语水平词汇与汉字大纲》的进一步完善成为可能。本文在总结对外汉语教学界有关《汉语水平词汇与汉字大纲》研究的基础上,介绍了研制《初级汉字表》的科学依据及其字目选取的标准,并且详尽描述了研制过程中的每一个具体步骤。《初级汉字表》适用于对外汉语教学“初级阶段”,即四年制对外汉语专业一年级或与此相当的非学历汉语教学阶段。《初级汉字表》是笔者在分析对比现有各类字表的基础上,结合对外汉语教学的实践经验,并进行适当的联想添加而成的。《初级汉字表》共选用了950个常用汉字。笔者认为如果初级阶段的学习者能认识这950个汉字,就能满足基本的阅读和日常生活需要,并为进一步学习汉语字词奠定良好的基础。本文还从语义的角度分析了《初级汉字表》的收字情况,结果表明《初级汉字表》的字目构成可以基本满足初级阶段教学用字的需要。另外,为了检验《初级汉字表》字量的合理性,笔者还针对初级阶段的汉语学习者进行了识字量调查,调查结果显示《初级汉字表》的字量是基本合理的。文章的最后附有在选字过程的不同阶段所得出的字表,以及实验部分的调查问卷,以供读者对本文的结论进行检验,同时也可以为汉字教学和教材的编写提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Teaching Chinese to foreigners is, and will continue to be, a great undertaking for the Chinese government and the Chinese nation. In this regards, the discovery of methods to effectively promote and develop this undertaking using our inherent strengths has become an important task which must be addressed. A vital development in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language (TCFL) has been the research conducted on the construction of an outline which can be used to teach Chinese to foreigners. The development of such an outline has a direct influence on matters, such as the writing of teaching materials, the compilation of dictionaries and reference books and the way of examination.At present, the most important syllabus in the field of TCFL is HSK Vocabulary and Chinese Character Grading Syllabus. It was published by the office of Chinese Language Council International (hereafter referred to as Hanban) in 1992, and has played a leading role in the practice of TCFL. With the increasing demanding on the teaching of TCFL, the incompletion and inadequacy of HSK Vocabulary and Chinese Character Grading Syllabus has become increasingly obvious. In recent years, a lot of fruits about the quantitative analysis of Chinese characters and vocabulary have been achieved, for example, the publication of the Green Book (The Language Situation in China) gives us a clear picture of the present usages of the Chinese language and characters in the mass media, it has been made possible for us to improve the HSK Vocabulary and Chinese Character Grading Syllabus further.Apart from the summarization of the comments on HSK Vocabulary and Chinese Character Grading Syllabus, the standards and every step of Chinese character selecting of the list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL has been described in detail in this paper."The primary" in The list of primary Chinese characters means the primary phase of TCFL, namely the grade one in Chinese as a foriegn language major and the other equivalent level. The writer has carefully analyzed different kinds of fruits about the quantitative analysis of Chinese characters and vocabulary, and made some appropriate supplement by drawing lessons from TCFL practices. The list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL is composed of 950 characters which are frequently used. In the writer’s opinion, when the primary learners master the usage of these characters, the elementary need of reading and of the daily life can be met, and a good groundwork for the further study can be set. In the paper, the author also analyzed the content of the list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL from the perspective of semantics; it turned out that the characters of the list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL can satisfy the needs of teaching and learning mostly. In addition, the rationality of the list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL has been verified through a sampled questionnaire survey, the purpose of which is to learn about the quantity of the Chinese characters which are mastered by primary students, it showed that the quantity of the list of primary Chinese characters for TCFL is reasonable.The data obtained in the different phases of the research were enclosed at the end of the paper, it can be taken as references for the reader and the others concerned who draw up Chinese characters teaching Program and compile text books for foreign students.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】844

