

Deviation Analysis on Using Resultant Complement of Chinese of Korean Students

【作者】 李银京

【导师】 张宝林;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 补语是汉语语法特点的集中体现。述补结构既反映了汉语灵活性的特点,又反映了汉语节约性的特点,其述补组合的灵活性和语义表达的多样性实在使学汉语的外国留学生感到困惑。学汉语学了好多年已经达到了可以交流的目的,但在补语使用上往往出错,中国人听着别扭,也有碍于运用地道的汉语,尤其妨碍了希望达到更高水平的汉语学习者的汉语水平的提高。此外,述补结构是汉语特有的,韩语里没有这种句法结构,因此韩国学生对补语的形式和意义较为生疏,学习汉语补语困难较多,偏误也较多。本文的语料来自于北京语言大学研制的“HSK动态作文语料库1.0版”。以补语中偏误最多的结果补语315个句子作为本文的研究对象。本文对这315个句子进行精细的调查、分析,试图找到韩国学生在结果补语使用上的偏误类型,了解并掌握韩国学生汉语结果补语句式习得过程中存在偏误的具体情况。同时,挖掘了韩国学生结果补语偏误产生的主要原因,其中着眼于母语负迁移对韩国学生学习结果补语的影响,进行汉语结果补语所表示的语法意义在韩语里的表现形式的研究,找出韩国学生母语的负迁移影响的类型。最后针对韩国学生学习结果补语的难点提出了一些教学建议。从而有助于提高对韩国学生结果补语教学的水平与效率。并研究韩语里表现汉语结果补语的对应方式,以提高教学的针对性,预测、纠正韩国学生使用补语时产生的偏误。

【Abstract】 Complement is the essential element of Chinese grammar, and complement phrase reflects the flexibility and simplification of Chinese. The flexibility and diversity of semantic change, in the complement usage, not only cause foreign students, even those who have learned Chinese for many years, to easily make mistakes, but also hinder them from using authentic Chinese. Moreover, Korean does not have complicated usage on a complement like Chinese, so Korean students feel difficult in studying Chinese and make a lot of mistakes in using Chinese.This article quotes the language database from HSK dynamic Composition Corpus 1.0 edition of BLCU, and discusses 315 sentences of the most frequent errors on resultant complement. It goes through study on error sentences and analyzes habitual mistakes by Korean students. Also it makes an analysis on the interaction between Korean and Chinese resultant complement, suggesting the way to efficiently teach Korean students to use Chinese resultant complement.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】779

