

The Philosophical Implications of Zeng Guofan’s Pracfical Thought

【作者】 崔树刚

【导师】 刘京菊;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 曾国藩所处的时代,内忧不断,外患纷至,清廷国势,日益衰微。以今文经学派、桐城学派等为代表的经世致用学风又重回思想界。面对内忧外患的社会现实,深受儒家内圣外王思想影响和湖湘文化熏陶的曾国藩,其思想注定是经世的。在其当翰林居京为官期间,研究“义理”,注重“经济”,崇尚汉宋兼采;在其兴办团练,绞杀义军的军旅生涯中,他既扶持名教,严肃军心,讲求“守道救时”又因时变革,学习西方,探求自强之路;在其出任两江、直隶总督从政阶段,整顿吏治,革除积弊,力图国家振兴。在其经世实践过程中逐渐形成了宋学与汉学相会通、经济与义理相统一、“中学为本”与“师夷智”相结合的经世思想的特质。曾国藩一生恪守儒家“正心、诚意、格物、致知、修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的信条,自始至终坚持个人道德修养与经世致用相结合的“内圣外王”路线,在其经邦治国,成就丰功伟业的经世思想中无处不透显着丰富的哲学意蕴。其中既有儒家的孔孟之道,理学家的天人性命之学,又有法家的严刑峻法,墨家的勤俭治国、任人唯贤,同时还兼采了老庄道家的隐忍之术。

【Abstract】 In the times of Zeng Guofan, the domestic trouble is unceasing.the foreign aggression keeps coming one by one,the Qing government national strength declines day by day. The practical use style of study as school of thought of Jinwenjing and Tongcheng come to the society of philosophy. Facing the internal disorder and foreign invasion social reality, deeply influenced by Confucianism of moral character and Hunan culture, the thought of Zeng Guofan is doomed is practical.When he works in the Hanlin academy in Beijing,he made research to "righteousness principle",paid attention to "the economy" and advocated Chinese Han Song Jiancai. In his troops profession, he establishes the militia, strangles troops, supports the Confucian code, implement strict military principle, emphasizes "holds fast to moral principles saves the times" transforms, studies the West road of the striving to improve. In his taking the post of governor of two jiang, zhili he took part in the reorganization administrative style, abolished the long-standing abuse, tries hard to the national revival.In his practice, he form the studies of unified Song and Han, economy and righteousness and the China traditional culture and the Western science and technology.Zeng Guofan life scrupulously follows the creed of Confucianism "the heart, the sincerity, the standard, knowing, practicing moral culture, governing, evening the world". From beginning to end, he persisted individual moral tutelage with the route of practice. In his practice of governing the country, he achieved experienced thought which embodied the rich philosophy among which there are the way of Confucius and Mencius, the scientist’s studying of beauty life, the legalist school’s draconian laws, the Mohist school diligent and thrifty governing and the Lao-Zhuang Taoism.

【关键词】 曾国藩经世致用
【Key words】 Zeng GuofanPut knowledge to practical use to societyJenLiPrinciple
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】K252;B25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】171

